Corbin Fisher has just announced that Sean, one of their most popular models, has passed away.
The news was posted to the official Corbin Fisher Facebook this afternoon, and the studio has set up a tribute page here. A Corbin Fisher rep tells The Sword that Sean died yesterday, Monday, but no one knows the cause of death at this time. Corbin Fisher is in contact with Sean’s family, who had been supportive of him and his career.
Sean was one of the most stunning, likeable, and gorgeous models to have joined Corbin Fisher in the past year (click here to watch some behind-the-scenes/b-roll footage). His first movie premiered exactly one year ago, and since then he appeared in over a dozen more.
I remember being almost kind of taken aback the first time I saw his pictures (and I look at a lot of pictures all day long, every day), and I thought, this guy is too perfect to even be real. I remember thinking how naturally handsome he was, and how different that was from all the muscles and tattoos and harder-edged guys we see coming in and out of porn.
Sean was the epitome of clean cut, with the classic “all American” look that Corbin Fisher is known for, but somehow he effused it even more than all their other models. There was always just something more and something special about him that will be greatly missed. Sean was flawless, really.
Rest in peace, Sean.
[UPDATE: Toxicology report ordered in death of Corbin Fisher model; cause of death yet to be determined.]
Matthew (a.k.a. “Sean”)
The beautiful die fast
WOW! Talk about sanctimonious! It’s sad when a young life is extinguished for whatever reason. No one can know his life for you didn’t live it. I’m sure if we all looked deeply into your life, we’d find things to comment on…if one is so inclined to do so. I think to take this time to trash him and place one’s self above him b’cuz of his choices is extremely self-righteous and as sad as his untimely death. Hope it makes you feel better to do to him what society does to all of us. Judging him, trashing his name with assumptions and character assassinations won’t make you feel any better, it’ll actually stick in a place in your consciousness where it will draw to you, exactly what you intend for him and his memory. Good luck with that.
If a porn actor (let’s face it, only a few of them are anything approaching “stars”) is more important to you than something to jack off to, see a therapist immediately. A lot of these posts sound more like 12-year-old girls who think they were having a relationship with the guy. You guys give porn a bad name. Is it any wonder that the actors get so fucked up?
They’re disposable. That’s why bareback porn is becoming so common: nobody really cares, the ones who become infected are seen as “stupid” and thrown away, and the beat goes on…
“He was a drug-using criminal who had unsafe sex on camera. While his death may be sad, it certainly isn’t surprising. Meanwhile, none of you gave a shit about his life when he was endangering it for your jack-off pleasure…seems pretty sanctimonious to now act like you care.” Scott
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m terribly conflicted by the intense sadness I’m feeling about Matthew’s death OR the shock and disappointment I’m feeling after reading such an insensitive and arrogant and outright fascist ‘opinion’. Life as we know it, with its myriad of complexities and ongoing challenges is ultimately trivialized by statements such as this [quoted above] or “CHILDREN…the Innocent victims of AIDS” or “Don’t do the crime and you won’t do the time”.
C’mon men…the very essence of being human is best reflected in how we console or support others in saying, “That’s OK…don’t worry about it….we all mistakes…you’re only human after all.”
Personally, I would like to suggest that greater efforts are made to moderate comments such as this during the acute grieving period? Perhaps those comments could be left ‘pending’ for an agreed up period, then posted accordingly. I’m a strong supporter of free speech and find tremendous value in a full-on, intense war-of-word, uncensored bitch-fight. And whether we’re big enough to admit it or not, this is neither the time or place to air our politics and moral assaults on one another…a young man died. A young man who was admired and desired by people from all walks of life – just have a quick glance at the number or comments posted about his death. He touched people…deeply…does it really matter ‘why’?
No one is more surprised than me by how utterly gutted I’m feeling at this very moment…to be completely honest, I have never seen ANY of the porn he’s done (and I’ve seen more porn than any human being should ever, ever see.) Similar to those comments posted above, I recognized the b/w photo but didn’t know anything more about him, yet here I sit, grieving.
I know Matthew is in a better place. It doesn’t matter how he died. The fact is that he is gone and he and his family deserve respect in their time of sorrow. I can’t even imagine what they are going through. Matthew, I truly hope you find the peace you deserve. There will never be anyone that can ever take you place. You were truly one of a kind!!!
@will – What the hell kind of comment is that? Is it that hard to believe that ones family could be proud of their child for doing what they want to in life?!?! Keep your comments to yourself! How crude of a person are you to make the death of another human being into to such a petty comment! Grow up and shut up!
Really, Shunpo765?! What parent would be proud their son or daughter performing in porn? Get serious and stop being so open minded that your brains are gonna fall out.
Parents that are supportive in general? Parents that don’t think porn is a bad thing? In Matthew’s case, it does seem it was an odd family dynamic but only in how they learned to be accepting and loving because the alternative was worse. Can I also point out how hypocritical I find it that so many people who enjoy porn also denigrate those who produce it?
Why wouldn’t they be supportive?
At first I thought this was a ruse since his real name was exposed a few months ago. A way for him to ease out of the spotlight. I do have to ask what normal family would be proud(supportive) of a son who made gay porn.
It’s a major tragedy when any young life ends, no matter how that happens. It’s a minor tragedy when posters online use that event to spew their pet outrages with no regard that a life has been lost…
RIP Matthew…we will miss you.
What a major loss. My heart goes out to his regular and extended family!
Reading these comments again makes me feel guilty. Somehow, I started asking myself some questions and sadly ponder.. Maybe it’s true – that for every moan you make, there are lives that you destroy. That behind the entertainment, there are always tears being shed.
He was like a very beautiful moth ensnared by the pityless fire. I’m really sorry, Matt. Such tragic fate.. Such. Tragic. Fate..
I agree
I enjoyed Matthew’s photos and videos. I feel very guilty,
He fell victim to the joy of those like me
Jesus Christ forgive me
I just read about Sean on WGB a moment ago. My first thought was “Oh, NO-O-O!” A really beautiful young man lost in his prime. My condolences to his family (birth family & Corbin Fisher) and friends. I’m very sorry for your loss. For our loss. I loved his movies I’ve seen from the get-go. What happened? God, I can’t believe this… If I’m this shocked I can’t imagine what his family and friends are going through. My heart goes with you all. I hope they leave his videos on the site because I haven’t seen them all yet.
I have to add that I’ve been avoiding reading about Sean, the one story so far, because everytime I do I end up crying. The screen is getting fuzzy as I type this. Geez, a gorgeous young man like Sean had so much to live for, so much more of his magic to share with us for years to come. Maybe another lifetime, Sean, you’ll get the full-life you missed this time.
On the other hand, who am I to say he didn’t live a full and wonderful life this time around. You’re sorely missed, Sean. Come back soon. You’ll always have the love & support you need. Love you, Sean.
Am I supposed to feel shame…these are my opinions and views therefore I am proud of them as well as you are proud of yours…this idea that because someone is GAY = they are OPEN to everything is the biggest lie that exists within this “community”
I really don’t think it had anything to do with drugs. For one thing he still looked stunning, drugs would have fucked that up quick and the STD test’s he had to do for all he bareback stuff would have shown drugs in his system.
I honestly don’t think Corbin Fisher should have released this news. Its bad for their business (videos are just awkward now) and its a private matter. I seriously doubt his grieving family wants condolences from people who masturbated to their son/brother/friend. Everyone would have just thought he left porn no one would have given it a second thought.
RIP Matthew you were to pretty to die :(
I know what you mean, what family wants these comments…”you were so beautiful…I came twice watching you”…Corbin Fisher continues to wrack up bad taste points…further more what is the deal about NOT talking about his arrest record; if we are going to “talk” about him then let it be the FULL MEAL DEAL and not the kid sized meal that offers nothing but a toy to look and wind up while it does a few tricks
No one is telling you to not talk about anything. You came in here and were disruptive for no reason other than the fact that you are a rude asshole. People are allowed to mourn however they want, for whomever they want. You’re like the Westboro Baptist Church of blog commenters, and my readers would be well advised to just ignore you.
Bad for business!! Are you kidding me. This is awesome for business. There is nothing so good for business as a train wreck for everyone to watch. (see any reality TV show) This is precisely what Corbin Fisher released this news. They would never release the numbers but I guarantee you that views of Sean videos went through the roof in the past 24 hours.
Also how naive are you to think that you could tell that he wasn’t using drugs because he looked good. First, he has makeup on. Second, he is shot in beautiful gauzy film that would make Freddie Kruger look hot. Third, drugs don’t have an overnight effect.
>>the STD test’s he had to do for all he bareback stuff would have shown drugs in his system.
No, the STD test would test for the presence of stds, not drugs in his system. They are different tests.
Sorry, I can’t blame a porn site or the performers because some fucktards can’t figure out that the videos aren’t real life and that the models are probably tested weekly. Frankly, I consider it a bit of Darwinism at work if they’re too stupid to figure that out.
Yes, TWEWY, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do. Don’t act like you care about the value of human life and then support the very sites that promote unsafe risky behavior. You either care about human beings’ lives, or you don’t. Stand up for your own people and support them before they die, not after. Jesus.
I’ve never been affected this much by the death of someone i just watch in porn. I am truly devastated by this news. We’re not close. I just know him as Sean from Corbin Fisher but this news shakes me to the core. Condolences to his family and loved ones. I doubt that his family would ever get to read this but I hope that his friends in the industry who do, could relate to them our prayers and sympathies. RIP Matthew.
Aurevoir petit Ange…
He was a drug-using criminal who had unsafe sex on camera. While his death may be sad, it certainly isn’t surprising. Meanwhile, none of you gave a shit about his life when he was endangering it for your jack-off pleasure…seems pretty sanctimonious to now act like you care.
I completely agree with you; the lack of truth in these messages is actually more sickening than his death. The truth is his death is for his family and their pain is TRULY theirs and not to be shared by anyone.
These comments are more disturbing: “shakes me to the core”; “please take my heart with you”; “I felt like I’ve failed him by loving him as some else’s shadow instead of himself.” are just some examples…
For me some of these comments are much like an episode of Cops or some other crime show…you know when you hear the neighbor beating the HELL out of the wife each night and NO ONE calls the police but once there is a dead body everyone is jockeying in front of the camera to say…”oh my I heard them yelling, fighting and screaming EACH night; but I did not think he would kill her!”
Oh! Is that so? Well, yeah, because mourning and feelings of sympathies can only be expressed by family members. How insightful.
YES they can be expressed but these guys are going on like the bard with their lavish language of lamentations…color me not impressed but insulted and tired of reading and seeing it in ALL types of media format
Could not agree with you more.
what “true words” were said here?
It sounds more like a dick comment from someone who im sure does not know him where are your facts about him being a “drug using criminal”?
A lot of people have unsafe sex off camera and possibly use drugs I dont see how you you can correlate the two without knowing what happened to him unless you found out somehow and would want to share with us.
He was in porn we’re supposed to just boycott any studio that dores bareback? thats pretty stupid.
You may not like it dont watch it, but dont talk shit about someone who just died because you dont agree with what they did nor can you tell people how to feel both you and Scott just seem like douches here.
Never wrote ANYTHING about his “drug use” or any illegal activity on his part (please supply me with a quote)…you are on a rant and sadly saying NOTHING of substance!
You’re right that was Scott I couldn’t tell the differnce between the hate mongering.
Yeah, you’re right I’m saying nothing of subbstance…to you anyway.
Scott it’s called free will.
I’m not standing up for the site.
I am however stating that people do what they want because it is their choice.
There’s no need to chastize a person for having unsafe sex when you dont know what he died of for all we know it could have been a car crash, a murder, or if you’re a fan of Dead Like Me a toilet seat coming down like a comet onto him.
Find out what happened before anything.
Honestly comments should have been closed like on manhuntdaily because of the pig heads on here.
Yes, it is free will. And I’m exercising mine to point out the insane sanctimony of people who masturbate to a site that willingly puts peoples’ lives at risk and then full-on mourn when those people actually die. The hypocrisy is astounding. I’d like to travel forward in time just a few years when all these idiot porn ‘stars’ have AIDS and see just how many of you exercise your free will and give them your money to pay for medication.
I’ve never had unsafe sex. Nor have I ever used drugs. I’m pretty sure that’s more common than a drug using prostitute who practices unsafe sex.
I think that is not the time to judge a young man who just died … If you are not bareback for not watching this site, everyone is responsible for his life and his sexuality! It is well enough informed to know what we did today … And above all this is very stupid to try those who have empathy for Matthew.
Unless he has died because of an STI as the result of his scenes at Corbin Fisher then your post is completely irrational.
Instead of being so cynical about this situation, why don’t you recognize it for what it is: A sad situation in which a young, handsome, sociable, and driven young man did not get to experience so many things that the world has to offer, an opportunity that everyone should have the chance to fulfill. Think of his family who just lost a son. He has obviously made a positive impression on so many people, and even you cannot take that away from him.
Your post was cynical, mean-spirited, self-serving, irrational, and spiteful. While I agree that some of these posts are over-the-top, it was wrong for you to use his death as an instrument to gain attention, whether it be for your cause or your ego.
While completely out of character, I will not reply to any comment you leave in response because I refuse to turn a place that was created in order to honor the short life of someone into a place for mud slinging, because there is only one sentiment that is appropriate here: Support.
What a bunch of moralising, judgmental, holier-than-thou, teabaggers you guys are. You sound just like all the fundamentalist Christians, Muslims, and just plain bigots I have ever encountered. You know nothing about this other than he died. I don’t consider him to be a prostitute, rentboy, or whore just because he was paid to perform sexually on video, but be that as it may. If he did provide personal sexual services to an individual, so wha?. He was not harming you nor anyone else.
So who are you or anyone else to judge? Many people look down on others who clean bathrooms, but someone has to do it. Does that mean that those people are less worthy than you? Do you shit gold bricks? Have you been born to such an exalted position that you have the right to sneer and snipe at someone else? Has anyone on here harmed you by using expansive language to express their feelings?
I am not a big fan of darkheaded young guys. This guy caught my attention from the first video. I can’t remember a single thing about his “scenes.” I remember so much about the pre and after shows from each upload. He was such a personable young guy. Very interactive.. light hearted. Fun loving. I have no idea what was in his heart and mind. As an outcast, I am comforted that he and his family had a relationship. I appreciate that he admired his fans. At 41, I couldn’t imagine a life that he lived at 21. I have a heavy heart tonight….I watched, envied, lusted, lived out my fantasies with this young man, but it wasn’t enough. I grieve for his mom and dad. I feel sad for his co-workers who must be living a heavy heart. I know no specifics. No circumstances. I do think CF should suspend his sales til after his buria, or even longer. For a month after, there should be a download-per-video expense for his burial, feels, expences….if none, then for a hometown scholarship in his name. He made an impression on our lives. His family deserves just an much.
oh my
He is so pretty to be in this industry to begin with. what happened???
Oh, man…
the one adult model that looked like he could successfully crossover to mainstream modeling (looks like that will never happen now) and was actually bisexual instrad of gay4pay had to go and die… I guess now CF dies with him, he was the main draw for me to the site.
RIP, Matthew/Sean. You were too young and too pretty to have this kind of fate. I wonder if I’ll even be able to watch your videos now and properly “function”.
Matt, whereever you have gone now, please take my heart with you. In all humbleness, it is all but I can offer. You are, and always will be,one of the most beautiful things that had ever happened in my life.
I love you, and i’m sorry.
Rest in peace.
R.I.P Sean
I still remember the reason I dig Matthew, aka Sean, in the first place, for he’s a lot like my image Cory Grant. Now he’s gone. I felt like I’ve failed him by loving him as some else’s shadow instead of himself. I have to say I’m sorry. You deserve much more than this! RIP
It’s just so sad. What an absolutely beautiful guy, I mean, flawless, in my opinion. That black/white photo just takes my breath away. It’s nice his family was supportive; I hope they can be comforted somehow. I did not know him personally, but he seemed so nice in his videos. Just hate to read about this.
This is so sad…. He was just so young and bright guy.
I want to know what caused this..death..
Rest in peace Matthew.
R.I.P. Nothing else to say that hasn’t been said. So very sad, and so young.
We develop a type of relationship w models through their careers. Lust – yes. But, attraction is also, in large part, personality . Sean had a cool, unaffected attitude. He was authentic; with runway all American model good looks – my heart goes out to the family: so hard to lose a son – brother who is so young & brimming with potential: promise unfulfilled
RIP buddy. Your family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sean was an instant star there. Recently there was a mug shot of him posted on another blog about getting arrested for drugs. At the time I was like oh no not him, and then then nothing more was said. Now when I heard this news today that is the first thing I thought about was wow the drugs might have won. Don’t know that to be fact but my stomach twisted in knotts when I saw it. For a guy to be just 21 years young according to the site, had so much to live for and seemed to really enjoy what he did there. Corbin and the crew there have to be in total shock over this. For his family and Sean my prayers are with you. Sean will be missed big time. RIP
His family is in my prayers.
This is so sad, he was one of my favorites, if not my very favorite. And he was so young, practically my age. RIP
Omg no. He was so hot. I can’t believe this.
So Sad! dont know what else to say.
NOOOOOOO….he was the hottest on the site by a wide margin. With looks like that he could have the world at his feet.
I am so sorry to hear about the passing of Matthew. R.I.P. Matthew, you will be deeply missed. What a huge loss this is and my condolences go out to his family. WOW I am just devastated over this loss.
I remember first seeing his pictures and went “Whoa!” out loud. May you R.I.P “Sean”.
R.I.P. Matthew
Yes the black and white picture is beautiful. It’s very sad for someone to die so young, condolences to his family.
This is really unfortunate to hear, and my condolences go out to the family and the parents. No parent should ever have to hear this kind of heartbreaking news, about losing one of their kids. “Sean” was very young, and I would never wish or hope for any young person to lose their life at such a young age. The kid had so much more to live for, but now he’ll never get to experience the rest of his life, because of an unfortunate tragedy. May he rest in peace, for God will surely take good care of him. May he return again in another life. God bless.
I’m glad you were blunt about it saying “he died” I don’t like sugar coating death.
Poor guy.
Wonder what happened to him.
I like the black and white picture a lot.
Had he still been active in the studio?
Ya his last movie was with roman. It was uploaded mid march.
He was killed by religion.