Ty Mitchell

Would You Rather Have Silent Sex Or Fuck Someone That’s Loud AF?

Do you like a noisy man? Are you into guys screaming your ear off in bed? Do you like them being verbal and as loud as humanly possible? Or do you prefer more silent sex? A man who won’t say a word? Just the sounds of bodies moving and nothing else?

This horny question was recently the topic of conversation on the latest episode of the Discretion Advised podcast. During a conversation with guests Ty Mitchell (A Murdered Heart) and Kelly Bensimon (Real Housewives of New York City), host John Hill asked others if they would prefer their partner to be dead silent or as loud as possible.

Co-host Marc MacNamara responded that he wants his man to be screaming, but Ty had a different answer to the question. The NakedSword Originals performer quipped that he since he’s “traumatized from doing porn scenes where we are just like ‘yes and-ing’ trying to make so much noise”, he’s rather things just be silent as possible. “I want nary a whimper!”

With Marc revealing that he likes it loud and Ty preferring the silent type, we now need you to be the tie-breaker. What is your preference? If you had to pick, would you go with the dude screaming at the top of his lungs or the totally quiet partner that isn’t making a sound?

Let us know in our perverted poll below, give us all your reasoning down in the comment section, and be sure to catch this entire episode of Discretion Advised right now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and on DiscAdPod.com!

[See more from Ty Mitchell]


8 thoughts on “Would You Rather Have Silent Sex Or Fuck Someone That’s Loud AF?”

  1. I used to enjoy being loud. I love moaning and really enjoying the sex I am having and letting the Top know how good he feels but I have had so many partners literally either shush me or put their hands over my mouth that I kinda got the hint and now just lie there

  2. As a bottom guy I sometimes fake some noisy moaning and whimpering. It seems to make the top guy feel like a hot dom and gives me a more aggressive fuck. Which I LIKE.

  3. There should have been another choice for verbal but not overly loud. Even some dirty talk but not where the neighbors can hear.

    1. Universal Potentate

      I think they intentionally left that option out. I think that’s what we all want. The idea is “If you had to choose …”

      1. When you put it that way, I cannot help but think of the 80’s goofball movie, Porky’s.
        Where Ms. Honeywell is yelling “yes yes yes” in the locker room above the gym.

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