Jake Angeli

Well, There’s Now A Porn Parody Of The ‘Q Shaman’ From The Capitol Attack

Okay, so let’s do a quick wrap-up of everything that’s happened in the past week in relation to Jake Angeli.

This man, labeled by some as the Q Shaman, went viral during last week’s terrorist attack on the United State’s Capitol because of his elaborate fur headpiece, horns, face paint, and alleged Nazi tattoos. He has since been charged with violent entry and disorderly conduct and is now apparently starving in jail because he refuses to eat food that isn’t organic.

Since the attack, he also become a huge topic on gay Twitter. After appearing shirtless with his headpiece in many viral photos, some gay men decided to thirst over him and tweet about wanting to fuck him, while others decided to shame those who were thirsting over a literal terrorist. It was a very strange day to be on the internet.

Gays thirsting over Jake Angeli
An anti-thirst tweet with over 180,000 likes

Well, flash forward a couple of days and now there’s a gay porn parody of Jake Angeli.

OnlyFans model @illuxx has tweeted out mutliple videos of him dressed up as Jake. Two videos feature him wearing similar face paint and a furry headpiece while jacking off or riding a dildo. At the time of publication, both Twitter videos had received a combined 300,000 views on the platform. In the captions for both videos, the creator clarified that the content is supposed to be viewed as “satire and mockery.”

The reaction to the Jake Angeli parodies have been somewhat mixed. While some have said they loved the costume or called it “a great creative idea,” others have expressed disgust with the fetishization of a terrorist and one person even said that the content resulted in an “immediate unfollow.”

Even though the parody videos have been receiving a hefty amount of criticism, the OnlyFans model has continued tweeting out more content that features the costume. He responded to one critic by saying that the videos were acceptable because he was “insulting a domestic terrorist by creating a visage of him getting fucked seems like a good middle finger to his cause.”

We have replied to his tweets asking for further comment on the criticism and will update this post if he replies back or DMs us. In the meantime, you can look at more of his Twitter exchange below:

Jake Angeli


18 thoughts on “Well, There’s Now A Porn Parody Of The ‘Q Shaman’ From The Capitol Attack”

  1. If he wants to be fucked thorougly, I hope many guys will stand in a row. A fourtnight of gang banging should bring this sexy asshole to what he really wanted


  3. SwordCutsBothWays

    It’s his right to post it and it’s our right to either enjoy it OR judge him for it. Freedom of speech and choice goes two ways. If he’s okay with courting controversy and losing fans in the hopes of gaining others, fine, I guess. I find it predicable and tacky, but whatever, I don’t need to watch it. Gays will fetishize literally anything, it seems… sexy Santa, sexy Easter Bunny, sexy Krampus, sexy Stormtroopers. I’m surprised it took a whole week for someone to do this, honestly.

    1. RE: “Gays will fetishize literally anything, it seems” ROFLMFAO!! ROFLMFAO!! Straights have tried anything and everything you can imagine x1000… pregnant wives f’king black dudes while the husb watches, bukkake, .beastilaity, husb watching wife with other women, etc. etc. …Women taking cck up the a– is MILD. To suggest that gays are any more kinky is one of the most outrageous things I’ve ever heard.

  4. I love what I’m seeing but I’m not sure about what I’m reading. I’m definitely interested man I want to see more.

  5. By what I’m reading, Trump’s imitation of Serge Frank Kovaleski would be considered by some as parody. I don’t. To me it was classless mockery by a man who is totally without class himself. (For those of you who don’t recognize the name, Google it. You do know how to Google, right?) Logical thinkers realize there is a very thin line between parody and malice, but only the creator of it is sure of the intent.

  6. This is sickening. This is not about political correctness but common decency. A cop died because of this and for some asshole to make a porn clip of it as sick as the seditionists/terrorists.

    1. You really need to get a fucking life. This is what’s wrong with the world today. Quit trying to runs people’s business as you certainly wouldn’t want want someone running yours..

  7. One media rule: Even bad publicity is still publicity.
    So with that ‘satire’ this terrorist has gotten free publicity.

  8. Lighten up folks! The “PC” crowd condemns most satire these days, even when clearly stated that it is satire… no “harm” is meant … only to get folks to think a bit for themselves and NOT criticize the person doing the satire. I noticed those critics put their own personal bias and “spin” on their comment so they can pontificate to the rest of us. To each his or her own. What happened to tolerance?

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