Trinity the Tuck & James Charles get in the dumbest Twitter fight over James’ “fat ass”

Trinity the Tuck just did the absolute worst thing in the entire world. She made me side with James Charles!

The two gay-lebrities spent yesterday afternoon engaging probably the stupidest Twitter feud I’ve ever seen. I mean, I know we’re all stuck at home and not doing much, but shouldn’t we try and pick up new hobbies instead of engaging in pointless Twitter fights?

The whole situation started when James tweeted out that he “tested positive for having a fat ass.” Trinity didn’t seem to agree with James’ joke and quipped that Hellen Keller must have diagnosed him. James then amped it up a little bit and clapped back at the Drag Race queen with a vicious tweet.

“Damn, she must’ve mistook the lumpy silicone in your face as Braille instead of reading my actual test results,” tweeted the beauty influencer. “My mistake…. speaking of mistakes, how’s your crown?”



Trinity turned up the viciousness even more and accused James of cutting lines at DragCon and asking her for free product in exchange for “a like and a post.” James has been in enough online feuds to know that you should always come ready with receipts, so that’s exactly what he did. The YouTuber posted Instagram DMs that show him asking Trinity for an expedited order and offering to “PayPayl or Venmo” for the products.

Trinity then claimed that James asked about the free merch in person at DragCon, but James replied saying he hasn’t been to DragCon in “over a year.”

“If you’re gonna read me, at least come correct,” tweeted James. “Not sure why you’re taking this so seriously, I actually really enjoy your work and thought the initial tweet was playful! Wishing you the best.”


Let’s break everything down. This dumb feud started when James mentioned that he had a “fat ass” and Trinity disagreed with him. So who is right? Does James actually have a chunky dumper? The influencer is known for his cheeky Coachella outfits, so let’s look at those to find the truth:

The lab results came back and the answer is a resounding NO! Not a single fat ass was found in those photos. He doesn’t have a tiny, nonexistent twink booty, but he’s no Michael Boston. That still doesn’t mean that Trinity needed to attack him over his dumb “fat ass” joke though. She could have left it alone.

The next claim Trinity makes is that James tried to skip lines at DragCon. That one is famously true! A video of James cutting the line at Latrice Royale’s booth went viral a couple of years ago. The clip shows him going up to meet the fan-favorite queen only for her to tell him there’s a long line that he just skipped. The video’s audio is muffled, but it sounds like he name drops his own name to justify why he skipped the line.

The next accusation involves James asking Trinity for free product. With the receipts he brought to the table, it looks like James may be in the right on this. Trinity claims that he asked for free tucking panties in person, and that may still be true, but the screenshots show James wanting to pay for the goods.

I hate to say it, but for once it seems that James isn’t the bad guy. Yes, James is generally a trash person. He has awful allegations made against him and he’s been previously ‘canceled’ for problematic tweets. I’m not saying he’s a good guy, but in this specific situation, he doesn’t look like the villain.

James hasn’t said anything about this feud outside of the original thread. Trinity, on the other hand, won’t shut the fuck up about it. She’s retweeting other people’s commentary and tweeting out more posts that attack James. She’s fully milking this experience and trying to make this feud become a thing. Trinity more than likely started this fight to get publicity and it’s working. I mean, I’m writing about her immature internet antics right now! So congrats, Trinity. You got me, gal!

Whose side are you on in this dumb Twitter feud? Do you think James has a fat ass? Sound off in the comments below.



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