Tony Duque’s X-Rated Condom Ad: Sex Ed or Gay Porn?

Even if the idea of safe sex ordinarily causes your dick to shrivel, this explicit Spanish condom ad starring porn star Tony Duque might really get a rise out of you!

While our favorite ex-patriot living in Spain, the smoldering Damien Crosse, just released his first bareback video last week over at Stag Homme, there is a new safe-sex campaign debuting in Spain and they definitely figured out how to get our attention: have a hairy, handsome hunk strip down, bone up and beat off. And there’s no blurred pixels or obnoxious bubbles getting in the way of the good stuff…

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Additionally, it might not just be wishful thinking that Tony Duque looks familiar.
tony duque x rated condom ad
In fact, this swarthy 35 year old versatile top can be found at the hardcore site of the co-sponsor of this campaign,, acting like a puerco sucio – a ‘dirty pig.’

You can also see Tony oinking it up in “Hard Working Bastards” and a hand full of other fappable titles at NakedSword.

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[See Tony Duque at]
[Watch all the Tony Duque films at NakedSword]

Damien Crosse, and Stag Homme, Go Bareback For The First Time

8 thoughts on “Tony Duque’s X-Rated Condom Ad: Sex Ed or Gay Porn?”

  1. Is Tony Duque still doing porn???

    And it’s quite hypocritical that Jalif and Tony are doing a condom ad when Tony himself has done bareback porn for Jalif, and Jalif has original content and 3rd party content that they put on their site that is all barebacking, and not for the safest looking models either.

    1. Truvada won’t stop all those other STD’s you can get from barebacking. And it isn’t 100% effective either. Don’t be stupid..if your not in a long term MONOGAMOUS relationship..ALWAYS use a condom.

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