[UPDATED] Tegan Zayne Accuses Topher Dimaggio Of Rape

From bad to verse: Topher Dimaggio has broken his silence and issued a statement on the matter. But he used someone else’s words as part of it.

You can review the story below then scroll down for the update.

“I think it’s time I tell a #metoo story, I have so many but this one really takes the cake, because of how recent it was and especially because the guy responsible is still thriving in the porn industry while I suffered.” ~Tegan Zayne

Once it’s posted on Twitter, it becomes news whether I like it or not. This is one of those times.

Tegan now feels the same. “Tbh these porn blogs making posts about this after I specifically said not to, has me really stressed out. I didn’t want this to be such a thing. I was just getting something off my chest to help me heal, and to add to the conversation in a gray area.”

But there’s no getting the Genie back in the bottle on social media – especially with allegations this explosive. “I do not authorize any gay porn blogs to use this as a story on their web pages,” Tegan has since posted in a pinned tweet though Str8UpGayPorn and QueerMeNow already had their stories online.

How and who told the story isn’t the issue. What he’s alleging is, though, very much is …



[UPDATE: January 26]

Initially, Topher did respond to QueerMeNow stating, “He’s crazy and twists stories. He was so happy to film with me even the next day. It’s sad. I’m going to give it any attention.”

Last night on Twitter, Topher posted this now deleted tweet:

The yellow highlights I added. Let’s put a pin in that for now. The blue highlights are from Topher as they appeared in the original. As Str8UpGayPorn called out last night, the “willing to sleep with him” was indeed tweeted by Tegan, but he was talking about a different man altogether, not Topher. They are, therefore, both out of context and not applicable.

Str8UpGayPorn commenter C3XXX pointed out that portions of Topher’s statement were plagiarized from “Russell Simmons’s Statement on Rape Allegations” as it appeared in the NYT.
That’s where the yellow highlights come in.

Using things said about someone else to defend yourself along with taking another’s words in an attempt to further fortify his position completely undermine the veracity of his statement and whatever credibility Topher may have had left.

[UPDATE #2: January 26]

Hornet App (the former Unicorn Booty) has just published allegations of a second #MeToo story in “A Second Individual Has Come Forward Accusing Porn Star Topher Dimaggio of Rape”. This is from a guy calling himself “Dan” who is not in the adult industry.

But no matter who says it, porn stars included, “No means no.”

Watch this blog.


23 thoughts on “[UPDATED] Tegan Zayne Accuses Topher Dimaggio Of Rape”

  1. So if you have consensual sex with someone who thinks you’re “fit and attractive,” they can still claim rape if the sex wasn’t as enjoyable as they expected. Got it. Tegan’s appeal just went down a few notches. He sounds like a fool whose own internal demons are surfacing.

  2. Gay men are NOT WOMEN and Regan needs to start acting like a man. He did not say no he consented it is not rape. This queen is a publicity hound he loves drama.

  3. The author of this is an asshole.
    Topher doesn’t have a publicist and probably wasn’t able to think up the best response on his own.
    Copying the words of someone who said it better does NOT minimize Topher’s thoughts on the issue.
    Second, if Tegan was referring to “some other guy” I missed it after reading it twice. No. He was referring to Topher and Topher’s response IS in context.
    If Tegan meant someone else, it’s safe to say it was unclear to Topher because it was unclear to me after re-reading it with that interpretation in mind.

    There is nothing right about Tegan’s actions and Topher, not Tegan, is the one that needs protection from attack.
    Lesson: if you have consensual sex and feel the need to complain, keep it to your damn self.
    Tegan should be shunned out of the industry.

    1. Lesson – before you spout off, better do you homework … here’s the tweet about the other guy the article was talking about and he’s not talking about Topher. And considering that Topher’s statement cut and pasted some of Tegan’s tweets, Topher didn’t do his homework either

      1. All your post proves is that Tegan is a total mess. And that he’s dragged other men into his messiness besides Topher. If Topher is going to behave like a frail little bird in the presence of “hot muscle” guys, then act bold behind the keyboard on social media, he should see a therapist so that he can learn how to accept responsibility for his own actions.

    1. Tegan said he asked Topher not to come inside him.

      If someone was raping him, he’d have said ‘stop raping me,’ not ‘don’t come in me.’

      Both of these dudes are a coupe of tools desperate for attention.

      1. Not saying no doesn’t mean yes. That’s the law.

        When he said don’t cum in me and he still came in him then that’s rape. Look up the rape law about internal cumshots you moron.

  4. It’s so hard to hear people tell tegan that he wanted it and that it doesn’t matter because topher is negative. Blaming the victim is not helpful. I’m glad he spoke out.

  5. He agreed to have sex. That’s not rape. I’m not saying any of this happened either. I’m just saying that by reading his account, Topher requested sex and Tegan said “Yes.”
    If you agreed to condomless sex then you agreed to getting bred.
    That’s reality!
    Tegan made a decision he regrets and he’s making it Topher’s fault. Tegan should be booted out of the industry.
    I’m sure every other professional heard this and thought the same thing. Tegan is now a liability and a legal danger to his coworkers. He’s gotta go.

    1. Actually If you read the comments from Porn stars, they’re all saying the exact opposite of what you just said. I’ve yet to see a Porn industry person who hasn’t come out in support of tegan

      1. Then they’re wrong. Full stop. They drew exactly the wrong conclusion. They are responding to emotion and not facts.
        We need to STOP false accusations or stories of unharmful actions and labeling them with legal terminology because we’re personally offended.
        “Rape” isn’t a word to be taken lightly.
        There’s no confirmation of off-screen sex and therefore no confirmation of “He came in me when I said No.”
        These are the standards and the facts. Disagreeing with the conclusion that Tegan is 100% in the wrong means you have a flaw in your ability to use basic logic and sense.
        Apparently that’s a thing these days.

  6. Stop attacking free speech. bunch of libtards on here blaming the victim just because he doesn’t stand for your PC snowflake agenda.

    1. If he didn’t want the media talking about it – why did he post to his 55,000+ followers? That’s like Rose McGowan or any of Weinstein’s accusers making an announcement and expecting no else to talk about it.

  7. Wow Tegan, talk about bad PR management. You should have released that story without naming names and then let the press speculate for a while before leaking the ending via a third party. Hell now days you don’t even have to be that far removed from the source; after all, if over this past year the Donald has taught us all one thing it’s that deniability doesn’t have to be anywhere near plausible anymore!

  8. Complicated much? I wouldn’t envy a judge or jury in this case. Basically, respect is essential and “no means no” whether you’re a choir boy, sub bottom, sex worker or all three.

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