Spencer Reed Has Epic Twitter Meltdown, Lashes Out At Retired Porn Star Chad Hunt, Twinks, And The Sword!

Gay porn star Spencer Reed is pissed.

Yesterday, the award-winning performer took to Twitter to tell people what his definition of a porn star is, and if you’re an average looking hairy twink, you’re not it.

From there, things got worse (i.e., better), as other porn stars responded to him, most notably Chad Hunt–who Spencer threatened to “box.” If Chad needs any tips on how to defend himself, might I suggest a doggy bowl?


Has The Sword forgotten about Spencer Reed?
Who should The Sword get a crush on and then forget about next?
Are you a mess?
Is The Sword a mess?
Are you #teamSpencer, #teamChad, or #teamTheSword?
Which other “average” looking models should Spencer Reed fight?
Have you ever used a social networking tool to have a meltdown before?
What should Spencer Reed do to get more attention from blogs?

[Spencer Reed; Chad Hunt]


73 thoughts on “Spencer Reed Has Epic Twitter Meltdown, Lashes Out At Retired Porn Star Chad Hunt, Twinks, And The Sword!”

  1. The funny thing is, Spencer Reed is hot to look at. But watch him sometime – he’s TERRIBLE. “Yeah? You like that big dick?” and “I’m gonna cum” said with all the enthusiasm of an in-depth report on root canals. Further, porn should run the gamut of guys as everyone’s fantasy is different. Contrary to what this over-grown narcissist may believe, the truth is that he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Box that, Bitch.

  2. NOT a Porn "star"

    What a fucking CUNT. He’s not even all that lol..Listen up fuckface spencer, not everyone fantasises over pornstars. I’ve always seen them as whores with major psychological issues…nothing more..Certainly not something to be worshipped lol..Deluded cunt

    1. sexworkdeservesrespect

      And you are part of the problem. Sex workers deserve respect. Sex workers deserve love. Sex work is work and while we are here for your pleasure we do not deserve hate or abuse. I am proud to be a porn star and we certainly do not want you watching us if you do not see us as equal as you. If you can not respect our career then dont fap over us

      Sincerely someone you have most likely wanked over

  3. And who does Spencer Reed think he is? He is not a Gay Porn Superstar (there is only one … Casey Donovan, and without him there would be no gay porn genre). Spencer is also no Porn Star, Icon or Legend … he has not been in the industry long enough to reach such a status. He is just an average and only a performer … who happens to have appeared in many porn films. He has average looks and a big dick … and I guess, at the moment, this just about sums him up with his ranting and raving. Get a grip, Spencer, otherwise you, too will be yesterday’s history, with people asking: “Who was Spencer Reed?”

    Do not go from Hero to Zero. Be true to yourself, and respect yourself, but also respect others that made their own contribution to the gay porn industry over many years. They deserve to be treated in the same way as you would wish others to respect you … although, at the moment you do not deserve respect but pity for being such pain.

    You are not indispensable, Spencer and you are not unique. You are good old plain Mr Average … so what’s wrong with this … many of the sexiest men in this world are what you refer to as “Average” and do not have put their Big Dick into someone else’s mouth to prove it. Get real and get to be a real Buddy, please!

  4. Reads to me like Spencer is just having another roid induced rage on Twitter, much like he did when he called all his female fans “cunts” a while back. I think, for his own PR, someone ought to ban him from tweeting while he’s having a manic period.

  5. the bottom line that you seem to be missing is spencer reed is an adult actor . adult acting is a job , the tweets he posted reflect all the places he has worked for . i find spencer to be completely out of line and unprofessional.

    I happened to be in SF 2 weeks ago….the week he shot for COLT for their FUR MOUNTAIN MOVIE.
    WELL MR REED…YOU’RE FAT AS A HOUSE! FANTASY? REALLY? To me you looked like your typical Bear sitting on a Bar Stool at 440 on Castro Street!
    To be honest….you are almost unrecognizable! Saw you in your MENATPLAY scene as well…YIKES. Guess you were on a WEIGHT GAINING Cycle there too. THEN at the Purple Party…where the 100 hooker/gogo boy twinks not only out DANCED YOU but were ripped and stunning.
    Look everyone has bad days…but yours are becoming more often then not and ONLY TO BE ADDED TO THE FACT THAT YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE. Sorta the New ARPAD of the porn World. I can name 10 porn starts right now that you’ve worked with that won’t again because your Bad Tude or Bad Shape.
    So…it’s time to knock this one off his one trick pony. You must suck someones dick well cause your movies DO NOT SELL! Just check the stats for COLT MENATPLAY Etc….none of your scenes in the past year have broken any sales records. SO LASH OUT AT THIS!
    Average looking not personality bear that you are.
    Go waiter somewhere!

  7. Michael Australia

    Whilst I understand if you put out a rant on the net you are going to get crap back, but regardless of Mr Reed’s past etc, the bitterness of many on here is astounding. The other thing is, Spencer may be being like that, but he escorts and I’m sure his overweight, obese, old, twinky and other clients (ie the one’s who really pay for escorts) who pay for his service won’t be impressed. You have to protect your brand and porn life is usually for most short to very short. I won’t judge Spencer totally on what you all say, if I met him I’d decide. But at the same time, yes you put out stuff and it can come back. People are not learning their lessons re social media.

  8. yo herbert, youre not supposed to inject the steroids in your brain mkayyyy…I’ve used steroids and I wouldn’t have the need to do douchy comments like Mr Reed ‘nough said

  9. on this site speak negatively of spencer reed, I get morons who say steroids, and with that you have a great body, because first and depues informesen speak, that you put steroids does not mean that magically going to have the body molded and developed, how many athletes do, few have been discovered and how many still do not now if specer uses his body, what happens is that humans are so envious and frustrated as we have porn bodies we wanted, we tried of minimiar what others do and then criticize, because we are envious of others if they can achieve, I agree with spencer reed, in the middle, but that is well investigated, not only because the case of spencar eed , I pull shit, envious people and this site, if you can not see spencer reed because it always critical, but well you use it so you can see.

  10. I, personally, don’t like the pumped up, steroid look. It just doesn’t do anything for me. That’s not to say someone that is built isn’t good looking, but it all a matter of taste. I think it is really disrepectful to say things like that in a public forum. Just makes him look petty and bitchy. I haven’t watched anything he’s done in a long time. Truthfully, I would rather watch someone average looking that can fuck like a god.

  11. I have to say I agree with Spencer. Marc Dylan, and Leo Forte are one of the hottest gays in porn now and I never here about them. Sorry but Im one of the gay men that aren’t into twinks nor do I buy much porn because thats really all I see in the movies now a days. Sorry but the stright porn movies and the men in them are alot hottier and that could be because the men are alot healthier looking.

    1. what exactly do you want to “hear” about Marc Dylan? If you want to know more about him, follow his own personal blog as well as his facebook page and twitter page. I don’t know where the hell you have been, but Marc Dylan has a post about him AT LEAST once a week and sometimes one for each day of the week on here lol. He gets plenty of work and recognition. If you don’t hear about him any more than you already do, it’s because he’s not making a total ass out of himself by making racist remarks or in a twitter war with someone else. It’s just like celebrity gossip if you’re out there involved in some ridiculous shit then EVERYONE will be talking about you. That has nothing to do with your performance as an actor/actress/singer and in the case of porn, what happens in front of the cameras.

        1. the only porn i’ve ever bought are Deviants by BulldogXXX and Dirty Debutantes with Aurora Snow….i would not waste my money now.

  12. a few things i have learned from reading all these comments. 1. it is nice to bond together over an asshole’s idiotic comments. 2. we are all cunts.

  13. All I can say is above average body (thanks to roids), below average face and bottom dwelling performances; I mean how many times this guy have to say in his videos “Yeah take that fucking dick” or “It feels so fucking good”…

  14. My issue with the industry is the fact that a number of companies constantly hire the same kind of performers who impose the same kind of limitations when working (ie: I’m happy to be sucked/jerked off, but I won’t suck/fuck/be fucked/rim etc). My attitude is, if you’re willing to be naked, get sexual and do it in front of a camera crew and be paid for your “efforts” then suddenly becoming coy about what you will or won’t do amounts to nothing more than time wasting. It’s gay porn. Either get over whatever issues or aversions you have in your personal life about being with guys and “do the deed” or find something else to do with your damn time.

    Because it’s well established that male performers on this side of the business get paid more than their straight counterparts, we have seen an influx of guys come over to our side of the industry in recent years looking for an easy pay day without having to put in the “hard yards” so to speak.

    I can tolerate “average” looking performers if they bring passion and interest to their scenes and are willing to do what’s required of them. In fact, I’d rather have someone like that than some gym buff guy with a six pack who does very little by way of sex.

  15. hahahaha…..all these stupid muscle guys…don’t they realise how ugly they are.

    take a look at Steve Vex,Jesse Colter,Christopher Daniels etc etc,these guys are HOT!….*Toned* guys are sexy,looking like an overstuffed varnished leather couch is NOT!

  16. His ex punching bag wasn’t too far off from average in the looks department and he himself was a skinny twink before he got roided up. What makes him so amazing? Any number of these average porn stars can roid up and become above average like Spencer Reed! That’s the formula he used. ho, have a seat

  17. Wow, I feel like everyone is being really hard on everyone in this post. I like all kinds of guys in porn. From Shay Michaels, to Derek Reynolds to twinky dudes on xtube. If one type of porn star satisfied every type of porn viewer, there wouldn’t be so many options available and so many niches and sub-niches. Just like sometimes I like to make love and sometimes I just like to fuck, it’s what the mood calls for. I think Spencer Reed should be able to express himself without all of the attacks. That’s simply how he sees it. Maybe he’s upset for bulking up when the non-bulks are kind of taking over. Who knows. All I know is variety is the spice of life and I’m glad there are different looking porn performers!

  18. …this kind of reminds me of Eric Rhodes. Stop whining, take the money and the travel and enjoy the fact that you get to have lots of hot sex with lots of HOT guys while the rest of us only get to read about it.

  19. Give me average over a wannabe bodybuilder with an ego as inflated as his muscles any day.

    Sorry Zach but this wasn’t really a meltdown, it barely had a chance to get warm before the heat was turned off.

  20. This bitch has NO REASON to cry and whine about not getting enough exposure and the focus on “average” porn stars! He continues to get a steady amount of scenes (a decision by studios that boggles my mind!) and has worked with studios such as Raging Stallion, Titan, Hot House, and many smaller online studios.

    Also, compared to twinks, he of course is above average, but compared to muscle and hairy guys, he’s pretty below average! He wouldn’t be where he is now physically without all those shitty roid injections, that IMO makes him look like an overexposed pile of shit. He has the most disgusting back in porn, hardly an ass, skinny bird legs, an awkward shaped head and a terrible receding hairline. I was shocked to find out he was recently 30, he looks about 20 years older.

    Although Chad Hunt isn’t that physically impressive either, he has that huge dick and great topping skills that makes him a porn star that we will continue to remember. Spencer Reed will be forgettable in a few years and will be replaced by even hotter hairy muscle guys who got their muscles the right way, or with the least amount of roids.

    1. What I did like about Chad Hunt, was that although not the most attractive porn actor, he not neither the ugliest, but he was a charmer with immense character, and with his big dickm he brought them together as a gay porn actor and had cum to offer pleasure to his gay porn fans. Whe he did not have to shout about being a star … he was a professional and he was a star … and neither did he have to drop a pile of dog poo on others to prove a point!

      Maybe Spencer went to the wrong Charm School?

  21. He’s a pathetic man. IF he thinks that HE is the perfection of models, then he is seriously mistaken.

    The reason that pay rates are dropping is because user generated content is proving more and more popular. People don’t want to see big muscle Mary’s like him… they want to see average, real looking guys – thats why xtube is more and more popular.

    Thus, he’s totally pissing up the wrong tree.

    Still, it did make for an interesting exchange on twitter…

  22. Any one with his face and with that small of a brain would also be pissed! Guess roids are not limited to shrinking the testes..! Get a grip on your self you balding tired ass bitch!

      1. holy crap…he was NOT average back then…he was BELOW average. it just put a big smile on my face to see a picture of this narcissistic ego maniac before he had muscles. muscles dont make the man. cuz guess what….ur not gonna have that body forever and all that will be washed ashore is that NASTY big nosed faced and balding head. this doesnt even fit under the sayin of ‘pot calling kettle black’. like i said before….the roids and whatever drugs this brainless whore are doing have definitely created another reality where he is actually something to be worshipped

  23. I find Spencer Reed less and less attractive since he’s so huge, if this means becoming a true porn star I prefer false porn stars.

  24. What the fuck is he bitching about? Why does he care what his costars look like? They are just going to be strapped down with a ball gag in their mouths, while he whips them with a belt, before he fucks them?

    Of course, most of the models he works with are going to be “average” looking or “hairy” (older). Most of the models who bottom for the fetish sites are not going to be the young hunky boy next door types that can get work at Randy Blue and Next Door, without losing any blood or gaining in bruises. He likes the rough stuff and most performers don’t want to be on the recieving end.

    Yes, I know he has shot for those sites, but even at Next Door and Men.com they were rougher scenes. He seems to be more focused on fetish scenes these days.

  25. I’m going to venture a guess and say that Spencer Reed does not share your taste in “porn stars”.

  26. Has anyone mentioned his back acne yet?

    How does that fit into his “fantasy” of porn star(lol) perfection? Unless, of course, it involves some gross game of join the dots/scars/boils/festering sores on his back.

  27. Balding and steroidy queen is having a bitch fit. Boo Hoo! Now I’m thinking Phillip should’ve aimed a little higher…

  28. Spencer Reed is sadly mistaken, and in fact, I always use him as an example of what not to do to your body. He has never been as hot as when he was a skinny, big-dicked beginner! Post-gym, steroid-y Spencer reminds me of 1) a butcher shop window and 2) the fact he must have really hated himself at a time when I thought he looked smoking hot. I NEVER jerk off to the videos he’s made in recent years. This bully’s attitude just makes him even less attractive. Blame the steroids.

  29. Even though Spencer has a point, let’s not miss the real story here. Spencer is dillusional about his own appearance. Muscles are undoubtedly popular to many in the gay community. But take away the muscles and what is Spencer left with? Look at pictures from his pre-roid days. Receding hairline, stained teeth from chain smoking, a personality that rivals that of Mitt Romney, and a history of anger management issues. On top of all this, Spencer is not the brightest dildo on the sex toy shelf. I suggest taking a look at the interview he did with Michael Lucas. Lucas was making fun of his intellect to his face and Spencer had no idea.

    1. haha really??? any way you can link up that interview? I’d love to see it! If you can’t let us know what scene it is

  30. I seem to remember a skinny, hairy, big nosed, not to mention awkward looking twink that came out several years ago by the name of Spencer Reed. Wonder what happened to him?

    1. Word.

      I miss that Spencer. He was one of my favourites because he really stood out in that he always seemed really into the guy he was doing and was a kisser….a really good kisser… Yumm

      Now i still find him kinda sexy but him being scary and doing all those kink vids turns me right off

  31. We are talking porn here where 15 min is more like 15 seconds…and everyone has a taste for something different…this dude will probably be dead next month of some kinda drug cocktail…dude stick to sticking your arse in the air and sucking cock and let the average guys spend their honest earned money on average joe if they want…the only fantasy men around are the ones in your head…maybe in your next film you should have a ball gag stuck in your mouth to shut you the fuck up! How old are you anyways like 30 ummm I think you need to call it quits cause the young bloods are coming for your spot…lol

  32. He’s a roid-crazed boyfriend-beating psycho. I don’t really care what he considers hot or not. And if “everyone” is going crazy over these new guys like he claims, then maybe “everyone” is right and he’s wrong.

  33. I would say he is right to some degree. Now almost anyone can be a ‘porn star’ that has the ability to type xxx and contact an agent. To me a star has one quality on the above the neck (face, eyes, lips, etc…) and one quality below the neck (body, ass, dick) or both. 90% of those with XXX on their name don’t have either.

  34. Lets not forget that Spencer Reed is a huge roid queen. I don’t think he of all people should be insulting anyones body considering he only got his cause he puts a needle in his ass everyday. Did we all forget when he went roid rage on his last bf?? The guy is a total douche bag!!

    1. Oh you know him personally? No, you don’t, so keep your dumbs mouth shut. None of you faggots know a damn thing about steroids either. First off, you don’t just inject yourself with steroids and instantly get big. You still have to work out hard as fuck to achieve the results. They just speed along the healing process of the muscle. Also you usually inject once a week not every day. Finally, who gives a fuck if people do steroids?? Why do you have such a negative idea of them? People are allowed to do what they want with their bodies. You just mad you can’t afford em? Faggots always got something to complain about.

      1. Why do you sound coincidentally like Mr. Rhodes? I can recall a post on his old blog – underneath it all – where he said nearly the same exact thing when someone said the same thing about him. Anyway, Spencer can take all the steroids that he wants to take, the problem is that he makes judgments about others as if he achieved the look he has today all by hard work or that he is not average looking because he has muscles. Yeah, he worked out, and the muscle is real, but the achievement is not and that is why the fantasy ends for me. That’s the reason why I cannot get down with the whole steroid thing. You may still have to work out but the results are not a true rep of your work plus it creates some freakish results for the people who take them. They rarely ever look natural. Its like a person who gets the answers to a test the day before the exam. Sure, they still have to take the test and they may even have studied before they cheated, but the grades do not show what they know and it’s still cheating. Oh, and can we stop with the whole you dont know him so dont judge him. He revealed a part of himself to all of us and unless he is a sociopath what you say tells people alot bout who you are. For me, porn is about performance not about looks cause there are whole lot of pretty people in porn who I can tell would be sad in bed.

        1. I doubt that’s Erik Rhodes he wouldn’t be a afraid to put his own name on as the screename. He did re-tweet Spencer’s post tho.

    2. I 100% agree that he is a bf beating douche bag. I don’t understand why so many people continue to be fans of this man. He continuously beat up his last bf and then made it seem as if he were the victim. Can’t wait for all to really see him for what he is, a steroid using abuser. FYI he’s not even that attractive.

  35. What is Mr. Reed’s definition of “average”? Some people might say Mr. Reed himself is an average Muscle Mary (although he likes to think of himself as something very exceptional). Next.

  36. Average-looking hairy twink? LOL! Is he talking about Mr. Bravo Delta? Well, I think I did my part to shut down the hype on him…

    (Indeed, I feel a bit bad about it. From now on, I’ll withhold my opinion on Mr. Delta till he proves himself to be another James Huntsman or Cody Cummings.)

  37. In my opinion, this was just an “average” to “so-so” meltdown. I miss the days of the epic super-meltdowns like Riley Price and Steven Daigle. No one can deliver like them! Spencer may me a great porn performer but he is just an average drama queen.

    1. No. The best meltdown ever was when Matt Rush made a 30 minute (2-part) YouTube video in which he cried and at time incoherently rambled about being lied to with regard to his scene with Zeb Atlas. He was highly upset that he wasn’t going to be Zeb’s first “on screen”. I’m so glad I downloaded that before it was removed by Falcon from YouTube.

  38. uh….has this guy seen his reflection?? just cuz u have a roided out body does NOT make u hot. muscle bodies r a dime a dozen and can be obtained by ANYONE. so who does he think he is? his face is FUCKIN NASTY. not to mention the fact that he himself is hairy. wtf? lay off the drugs and shut ur mouth. ur a porn ‘model’. ur an object. AN OBJECT. OBJECTS dont talk. no one wants to hear ur opinion on ANYTHING they just wanna see the camera away from ur face while u r penetrating some other OBJECT. yikes these porn stars REALLY think their voice is being heard by the masses….all few thousand of them…

  39. In many ways I do agree with Spencer. In the rush to embrace the new performers, the men that consistently deliver outstanding films are mostly overlooked. Marc Dylan, Donny Wright, Cavin Knight, etc get very little press while the flavor of the day performers receive incredible coverage that is, in my opinion, disproportionate to their skills or the longevity of their contributions to the industry.

    1. Well yeah, its just like Hollywood. People who consistantly perform well (meryl streep, will smith, brad pitt, cate blanchette, etc) dont usually make the tabloids unless they do something crazy, because press likes to focus on the 15mins of famers who are better for grabbing peoples attention. In the end though, the consistants will have their long successful careers, where the attention grabbing 15minuters will have… Well their 15mins :P

  40. Coke Coke Peru

    Has The Sword forgotten about Spencer Reed? No, you just blogged about him.
    Who should The Sword get a crush on and then forget about next? Not worth it, Zach. Save yourself the heartache, bb.
    Are you a mess? Yes.
    Is The Sword a mess? Yes.
    Are you #teamSpencer, #teamChad, or #teamTheSword? #TeamJacob
    Which other “average” looking models should Spencer Reed fight? Didn’t he already go to court for that…
    Have you ever used a social networking tool to have a meltdown before? Yes.
    What should Spencer Reed do to get more attention from blogs? Steroids.

    1. Pieter Strumpher

      Pornstars exist because of the public/fans, and god knows, every one has his own preference/ fetish, being it muscles, hairy, tattoos, twinkies, or what ever the industry presents. I love Spencer and similar build guys (big and hairy) and surely don’t have to watch stars I don’t like. Live and let live!! There is a place for everyone under the sun

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