Sir Peter xxx

See Sir Peter Fuck in Person July 4

As excited as we are to have a Thursday off for the Fourth of July (bonus points if your work also gave you Friday off), we do have one major disappointment: Why won’t we be in Madrid for Sir Peter’s live European sex show debut?

This July 4, Sir Peter and his fat cock will be at Zenith in Madrid for the M3N C3NSORED hosted event, where he and it will fuck John Thomas raw for the delectation of everyone in attendance, thanks to sponsor Falcon | NakedSword.

The night will also include a second live show with porn stars PJ Knox (2024 Grabby Award winner for best bottom) and Louis Ricaute. And although the FOMO is very real, don’t worry: Falcon | NakedSword will be on site to capture every thrust and moan in front of the roar of the crowd. Look for it to be released later this year on 

“There’s nothing quite like the energy of a live crowd, and I can’t wait to fuck raw for my fans in my first European sex show,” said Falcon | NakedSword Exclusive Sir Peter. “Madrid Pride is the perfect event to mark the occasion, and I’m grateful to my Falcon | NakedSword family and M3N C3NSORED for helping make it all possible.” 

And if you absolutely must see Sir Peter put that cock to good use ASAP, may we recommend a quick browse through We’ve got plenty of options to choose from!

That being said… there are still a few days left. How much are flights to Madrid right now?

5 thoughts on “See Sir Peter Fuck in Person July 4”

  1. Sorry — didn’t mean to post the same message twice.

    And not only that, I didn’t mean to post the same message twice.

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