Roman Todd

Roman Todd’s Very Scary Near-Death Experience (and Tiff with Ricky Larkin)

First things first: Roman Todd is alive, thank God. And a warning about what you’re about to read—it’s very, very messy (but what else would you expect from something that plays out over social media?).

The first indication of all this awfulness came from a post by Cliff Jensen:

Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd

That was soon followed by Cliff claiming that the friend was Roman, who allegedly bought some pills from disgraced porn star Ricky Larkin—pills that ended up nearly killing the 2023 GayVN Performer of the Year:

Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd

Roman and Cliff then shared this livesream to talk about the experience. The two were about to board a plane at LAX when Todd had an adverse reaction to pills he snorted, apparently thinking they were pain pills. Todd claims he was pronounced dead for about five minutes, but was brought back to life when airport medical crews administered Narcan. Todd also said that later at the hospital, he was told the only drug in his system was (yikes) fentanyl:

Cliff then shared more of his thoughts in another livestream:

Roman and Cliff shared more tweets, including screen shots of text messages with Larkin:

Roan Todd

Roman Todd

Roman Todd

Roman Todd

Roman Todd

Roman Todd

Cliff continued with more words about Larkin and about Roman’s recovery:

Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd

Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd

Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd

During this, Larkin was also posting, and didn’t seem too bothered by the accusations: “I’m celebrating the holiday with a guilt free conscience bc even tho he spent his day trying to get get [sic] attention saying Roman is dead-he was alive…I’m rinsing my hand of this clown show.” He also ended up blocking both performers on Twitter…

Roman Todd

Cliff Jensen

But now, Ricky’s entire Twitter profile is gone (not the first time that has happened!). Cliff continued with more:

Cliff Jensen

Cliff Jensen

Cliff Jensen

The good news is that Roman seems to be doing better, and what I love to see is how solid the friendship is between Cliff and Roman (click the second clip to see the quick short video on Twitter):

Roman Todd

Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd

Phew…that’s a lot. What’s your take on this mess?

Repeat after me: Drugs are bad, mmmkay? We wish Roman a full and speedy recovery. For happier Roman and Cliff adventures, check out their new hot threeway with Masyn Thorne:

Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd. Masyn Thorne


45 thoughts on “Roman Todd’s Very Scary Near-Death Experience (and Tiff with Ricky Larkin)”

  1. Roman Todd was foolish enough to believe Ricky Larkin. Cliff Jensen has made several serious mistakes in his life, but if Roman is alive, it’s because of him. In my opinion, Ricky Larkin’s conduct should be investigated as attempted murder. He didn’t show any concern for the consequences of his actions. Roman Todd could be dead.

  2. If he was texting about picking pills up then he knew they weren’t for pain! Who has a guy that supplies pan pills. They were drugs! I don’t care if people abuse me on here but if you take drugs you’re a fucking idiot. Don’t tell me the industry makes you that way , if so get out. Don’t tweet sick to cover up you a drug addict. Go head start your abuse at me but I have my opinion and I’m stick to it! By the way I totally agree with Andy! Oh more hate coming my way!

  3. Any porn star with a brain keeps their REAL job for the medical and dental benefits, and retirement income. They do their porn gigs on the side for extra cash. It’s NOT a CAREER, it only lasts a few years _DUH. Also anyone with half a brain does not swallow pills if they don’t know what they are and where they came from. Stupid is as stupid does. All parties involved are IDIOTS.

  4. This is terrible to hear. I’m glad Roman is still alive and thank you Cliff for getting him to the hospital for help. There is so much wrong in this entire story.
    I will share this as a healthcare professional, only things that you buy over the counter or pick up from your local pharmacy that say “For Intranasal Use” should be snorted or inhaled nasally. With everything else there is ALWAYS A RISK of something going up your nose that can cause very serious and deleterious effects.
    Continue to get better Roman, you’re one of my favorites. And Cliff, thank you again.

  5. He not only blocked people on Twitter, his account was terminated, and he deleted all of his social media. He made threats involving a gun, and knowing him they were not idle ones. I’m sure the authorities are investigating but his legal name will be used, as will the others involved.

    1. If they get hurt or become ill on set then workman’s comp covers them. Otherwise, they’re contract workers and are responsible for their own health care. Sadly many don’t have insurance which is really needed, especially concerning mental health and substance abuse issues. Even if they have insurance, co-pays for ongoing therapy or prescriptions can be crippling.

      1. There are actually 2 unions. The International Entertainment Adult Union (IEAU) and the Adult Performance Artists Guild (APAG). The First IEAU President was pushing for 21 to be the minimum age. APAG would not support the idea and the 2 went separate ways. APAG has younger members and is rising to the task.

        Here’s a link to their site


      1. Part of the Adult Performance Artists Guild (APAG) is to shop for healthcare. It’s currently working with a bank to help process payments and looking at a Credit Union to give its members a place to save. They are even doing collective shopping for Health Insurance, with private underwriters and state programs making it happen.

        Bit of info on APAG

  6. Dumb dumb Roman taking pills from a so called friend who clearly is a dealer. Wtf word wtf

  7. Ricky Larkin is bad news. People need to cut ties with that creature already. He’s always been problematic for his racist behavior towards black people, calling black men in porn “undesirable” and now this mess…

    im glad roman is alive and well. he needs to cut ties with ricky already.

  8. Speaking of “dumb decisions” — in the first video Roman says he was in Vegas with…..HIS WIFE?!?!? Being married to a woman and doing gay porn — now that’s what I call A DUMB DECISION!!!!!

      1. Bisexuality exists! It’s the goddamned B in LGBTQ+. All this pearl-clutching G4P bullshit is hilarious.
        Roman, Jayden, Scott, Cliff, Blake, and many other performers have openly discussed being Bisexual.
        It’s estimated that 70% of Gay porn performers identify as Bisexual or Pansexual off-screen.
        Who cares if they have touched a vagina? If you were hooking up on Grindr, sure, but what are the odds of that?

        1. I am probably the most un-bisexual person you could ever meet. On a scale of 1% gay to 100% gay, I am about 300% gay. The idea of having a cock or a tongue in my mouth that has also been in a pussy makes me cringe.

          The other problem I have with the idea of being bisexual is that I have known so many people who came out as bi as a way of “testing the water” and measuring their acceptance from others before they came out as gay. These include my gay brother, my three gay cousins, a few people I knew in school, and several gay celebrities — including Elton John, Boy George, and Ricky Martin. Hence my skepticism.

          1. Be skeptical all you want some people like both. Yeah, a lot of people used the Bisexual label as a stepping stone, especially in the last 30 years of the 19th century when it was “hip”. I’m happy you are proud of your gold-star gay pin, but denying Bisexuality’s existence is no better than straight people saying we choose to be Gay.

          2. Not sure how the subject suddenly switched to one’s own anecdotal experiences with bi people?

    1. I agree with you Andy ! Oh well now I can expect shit thrown at me for agreeing and for having an opinion! So be bring on bring it on!

      1. Oh, look at me I’m a rebel. Hate on me. Just stop Blanche, nobody’s buying your generic no-name pies

  9. First off WTF is wrong w/ people taking meds from other people even if they’re your so called friends? Only your doctor should be doing that. Second, why isn’t the police questioning Ricky Larkin and doing a search of his home or bank safe box? He could be a major distributor in the porn industry. If he Larkin, was credible, he would not have blocked someone on Twitter unless the guilt conscience caught up with him. I am glad Roman is doing better. Let this be a lesson to EVERYONE in and out of the industry.

    1. He not only blocked people on Twitter, his account was terminated, and he deleted all of his social media. He made threats involving a gun, and knowing him they were not idle ones. I’m sure the authorities are investigating but his legal name will be used, as will the others involved.

  10. Those two are like brothers and I’m glad Cliff was there for Roman. We all know drugs are bad and can fuck up your life, but remember that shit gets tough for all of us, and some need to escape so bad they make dumb decisions. Let’s be glad he’s alive and not start throwing rocks.

    By the way, Ricky is a walking nightmare and needs to be avoided at all costs. I speak from experience, he’s toxic as fuck. If the fentanyl testing story has any merit he should be prosecuted for attempted murder.

      1. He’s mentally unstable making threats of or using physical violence against other performers or club patrons. Punching holes in several walls. Trashing hotels the studios put him up in. An episode in Las Vegas was a major disaster. Made racist statements including saying black performers are “undesirables”. Blackmailed a director he claimed gave him syphilis, took the money, then put her on blast. Well-known to sell drugs, shitty ones at that. Most reputable studios have blacklisted him.

  11. Roman dodged becoming another statistic and let’s hope he’s recovers quickly and makes better life decisions. But drug use and especially fentanyl misuse has become a big problem not only in the gay porn community but in a lot of places. People need to use common sense and never take any pills from “friends” especially since you don’t know what you’re really getting and how your body could react to it. How do we expect people to care about the community if we don’t care ourselves.

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