First, while The Sword has no interest in getting married and believes that being a whore is just as noble as being a boring husband, yesterday’s ruling from a federal court calling Prop 8 unconstitutional was absolutely just, not to mention a delightful slap in the face to the bigots and fucktards who thought they had a “moral” say in deciding someone else’s civil rights.
Now, here’s what the porn stars think!
Scott Tanner: “I think what took place on August 4th was nothing short of amazing! It is definitely a victory and should be celebrated, but it’s just another step in a long process and battle. I don’t see the other side backing down…just as we won’t be backing down either. The best part, for me, is that not just a judge…but a FEDERAL judge, heard both sides and made the right decision. I, personally, can’t wait for the appeal and for this to go all the way to the Supreme Court!!
Samuel Colt: “So are we still boycotting Target then? I’m running out of toilet paper.”
Rob Romoni: “California finally had a wake up call yesterday with the ruling on Prop 8, but even during our celebration we can’t forget the fight still isn’t over, and the whole world is watching. So, let’s continue to let our voices be heard. It’s all about human rights, and we all deserve everything life can offer.”
Kennedy Carter: “For someone who has had the right to marry in my country for some years, I sometimes take this right for granted. Spending so much time in the US in the last year, with so many great friends who don’t have the same rights I do, has reignited the passion in me for further change. There will be many appeals funded with extraordinary amounts of money from people who believe that gay marriage is an affront to civil society, and in addition to the legal battles we must wage, we must also present a human face to those that mistrust us, fear us and hate us, to show them we are hard-working civilians, and imperfect humans like everyone else, so that one perfect day far from today, there will be no one left who still wants to appeal against our right to live as equals in this great nation.”
Conner Habib: “I’m glad a lot of people are experiencing happiness with this ruling – but this is the beginning, not the end, of restructuring our attitudes towards relationships, government power, and sexuality. The ultimate goal needs to be getting government out of relationships all together and providing everyone – married, not married, monogamous, polygamous, polyamorous, or single – the same benefits. Along the way, we need to be sure not to demonize those who chose not to get married or to have traditional relationships, because with the legalization of gay marriage, there will be a conservative pressure to do just that. The abolition of government-sanctioned relationships and attitudes of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ types of union are what real equality would look like.”
Austin Wilde: “I just have one question—Zachary Sire, will you marry me?”
(Ed: YES. A thousand times yes. Fuck what I said above.)
Marriage, at its core, is a celebration of love and life that EVERYONE has a RIGHT to experience and enjoy. The implications for all of us across the country is clear… we will have equal rights and protections under the law. I am very proud and excited to hear the news coming out of California. Anyone who truly knows me, knows that I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m a Pisces after all. It fills my heart to see couples, especially gay couples happy together and ready to commit their lives together in what ever way that works for them. I’m very hopeful that I one day too will find my “one” or “couple” that I will share the rest of my life with.
Honestly, I try not to take porn performers seriously—as a result of the choice of profession, their views on the world are a bit skewed from reality; but when they make statements like the one above it hits a nerve.
Then again, if you visit the blog of Samuel O’Toole you get to read certain statements that gives you insight into who he is; And with gems like, [how he] ‘loves to suck his own cum out of a pussy,”— it tells you the kind, very giving, and a sensitive person he is, and that his opinions are creditable to gay rights.
Selfish fuckers like the one above should stick to what they know, for instance, sucking their own cum out of a pussy. Stop giving unsolicited opinions to make a mark with visitors of this site… especially when its about your ego and promoting your lame career in porn.
I agree with the comment above. Perhaps it would have hit closer to home for Mr. O’TOOL if it had to do with a ruling on midgets oops I mean little people’s rights that would be an issue close to his heart. If porn doesn’t work out Samuel perhaps you could be the next Chuy on Chelsea Lately.
“I think everyone should have the opportunity to get married and be miserable until they divorce and then be happy again being single and whoring themselves out.”
Is this supposed to be witty?
“The abolition of government-sanctioned relationships and attitudes of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ types of union are what real equality would look like.”
So if hospitals deny spousal rights to gay partners, then the rest of America should have the same right as well?
Ok then. Let everyone know that Samuel O’toole or Conner Habib isn’t the marrying type and don’t engage in a loving relationship with them. They are only good for bed hopping.
I was late in responding but, I think it’s fucking awesome! I think everyone should have the opportunity to get married and be miserable until they divorce and then be happy again being single and whoring themselves out. The bible wasn’t written by god, it was written by man. How can we trust that?