Owner of the World’s Biggest Dick Is Bored These Days

Jonah is pissed that people only see him as a dick, but he doesn’t seem to provide any alternative skill sets other than the wine bottle in his pants. Seriously; it’s the same size as a wine bottle. Here’s a description from an old Rolling Stone article:

Jonah Falcon’s penis is 9.5 inches flaccid, 13.5 inches erect. Tense your forearm. Now wrap your hand around the middle of the muscle. That is the girth of Falcon’s erection…Falcon, who stands five foot nine, thinks his penis is perfectly formed, with a fifteen-degree downward curvature at the six-inch mark and absent the blotching, lumpiness and sudden bends that mark some oversize sex organs. A penis this size functions, physiologically, like any other, according to urologists, a claim substantiated by Falcon. His balls are proportionately huge, each the size of a grade-A jumbo egg. When erect, Falcon’s penis generates enough heat to warm hands — campfire style — from a distance of six inches.

In the clip below, watch Jonah’s ineffective appeal for respect.

The internets are unacceptably devoid of Jonah’s cock shots. Here’s what I have:


A Saline-Inflated Scrotum Will Cure Your Hangover
[NSFW] ‘Perfect Phallus’ Blogger Jumps the Shark
‘Nirvana Baby’ Has a Bigger Penis Now

Times Are Hard All Over (Joe My God)

12 thoughts on “Owner of the World’s Biggest Dick Is Bored These Days”

  1. Love that big fat cock ;)

    Why would you hate, gay guys what to feel it…. in ;) guys want a cock that big and women would love to try it too guaranteed! as for his looks, if you are only knowing him for his huge ock then clearly looks aren’t an issue ;)

  2. The Real Lover Man

    Jonah Falcon is bullshit, and so is his lame, average sized dick.
    He’s just a no talent, out of work actor from New York – go figure, who came up with a stupid gag to garner attention for himself. Payed some quack doctor to “medically” substantiate his bullshit. And then claims it’s the wrong kind of attention, because he really just wants to be a serious actor and find love, ha! Why do you think he never shows it? Because if he did, he couldn’t keep up the ruse. 13.5 inches long with balls the size of chicken eggs, lol, what a bunch of crap. He probably spends all day squeezing on a dick pump, and surfing the internet for more spandex shorts, get a life dude! People will believe anything these days.

  3. He looks just fine when he was younger basing it on the pic above. But currently, I don’t think I would be so excited to see him him naked nor his dick. He should have made use of that when he was younger to make money. Lol. Just saying.

  4. But the question begs to be asked, what is the girth of said penis?
    Also I would imagine it would be awkward since a girl is only so deep.

  5. Just uggh. Overly large cocks aren’t that attractive (at least to me) to begin with. I can only imagine the horror of seeing one when it’s attached to a not very attractive fat guy like this one who is wearing 80’s space pants and has three chins.

    Thank GOD that video has been removed by the user. Better that way for all of us that we only have to see these two images posted.


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