Next Door Studios Puts Some Porn Stars in a Bouncy Castle to Fight For Who Gets to Bottom

In the last two weeks, Next Door Studios has unleashed some new content with Andrew Christian aesthetics, poppy soundtracks, and bright colors that make us feel for a second like we’re watching Nickelodeon, that is until the cocks come out.

Director Brad Hammer was responsible for this “Perfect Birthday” thing, the hardcore, full length version of which is available now (fast-forward through horrible, laundry-detergent-commercial opening music). And now he’s back with “Naked Challenge,” in which Brandon Bronco, Slate Steele, Christian Cayden, and Dante Martin all “compete” in a race through this inflatable bouncy castle thing to see who gets to bottom who has to bottom. Whatever. The only reason to watch this is, once again, Christian Cayden, or if you have ever had a porn fantasy involving a bouncy castle at a birthday party. Don’t answer that.

Below, the soft-core edit that’s meant to go viral. See the whole thing here.

Update: And yes, eagle-eyed Sword readers will recall this is the same Brad Hammer who was allegedly fired from Andrew Christian along with that other former employee who posted a grammatically challenged tirade about it on Facebook back in July.

[Next Door Buddies: Naked Challenge]

18 thoughts on “Next Door Studios Puts Some Porn Stars in a Bouncy Castle to Fight For Who Gets to Bottom”

  1. Why did Christian shave his body???? what a shame.

    to be honest next door studios is kind of boring. Even with their perky music intros now.

  2. I think I’m becoming a fan of Next Door these days. It’s refreshing to see a studio at least trying new things. The YouTube video is a lot of fun but the real goods are in the actual sex scene. Very cool camera shots and some really hot sex

    1. I agree Next Door Studios is starting to come out with some original ideas at least. I especially liked their video “Bottoming 101” with Willam Belli which you can watch on YouTube. I found it hilarious that William Belli tried to teach the guys at Next Door Studios about bottoming… but that is just my opinion.

  3. That was really fun and I am sure the video will get a lot of views. Brandon Bronco is SO HOT and Christian Cayden has an amazing ass. Dante has a great dick and Slate is pretty damn hot too. So, I say BRAVO!
    Side note: they do need to pick more masculine music

  4. andrex x-ian estethics? Just what we need, done in the same flashy fast style so u can hardly focuss on anything: NAUSEATIC, the guys aren’t my types either except for that latino-tattoo guy whose ass and face are hot

    1. well, people have to be broke before they’d take a paycheck to suck dick-You kinda get that tattoo parlor/jarhead crowd.

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