Mickey Taylor Can Sing! Covers Lana Del Rey’s ‘Video Games’

New NakedSword exclusive Mickey Taylor mentioned when I spoke to him last week that he was a musician and performer, and now we have proof. Mickey has an album coming out titled Polaroid Prince featuring a bunch of original tracks, but as a preview, he brings us this, a cover of Lana Del Rey’s brooding “Video Games.”

Mickey says this is just a demo, and that the iTunes version is “way better!” But the album won’t be released for a minute.

Follow him on Facebook and Twitter for updates.

And here’s the album cover:


2 thoughts on “Mickey Taylor Can Sing! Covers Lana Del Rey’s ‘Video Games’”

  1. He has a sweet, unaffected American-accented voice. A better singer than he is a pornstar … but then pornstars are a dime a dozen nowadays. Mickey’s ‘Video Games’ cover is equal to or maybe better than Boy George’s.

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