The theme was a mainstay of Tiara Sensation (which usually happens on Mondays at The Stud): The Pretty Pretty Princess Party, and featured performances by (pictured, in the following order) Elijah Minnelli, Vivvyanne ForeverMORE, Downey, Hoku Mama Swamp, Dirty Hairy, Raya Light, Faux King Awesome, Dean Disaster, Opalteen and Hoku & Company.
We were out of town, but the pics were so good we just had to share:
Photos by SeanCoadySF on Flickr.
The Queens of Queens: Pics from Pride in Queens (and Buffalo), NY
The Sword Interviews San Francisco Drag Diva Juanita MORE!
Trannies Want to Marry Too: Roundup of Prop 8 Protesting Tranny Pics
Trannyshack Reno ’09: A Timeline in Pictures
Drunken SF Dispatch: Tiara Sensation at The Stud
Looks like a fun party :)