Machine Gun Kelly

Machine Gun Kelly Puts His Cock In A Sock For New Photoshoot

Machine Gun Kelly is finding unique ways to cover himself up for this new Spin Magazine photoshoot! For one picture, the rapper can be seen wearing only transparent clothing and a sock – with zero underwear in sight.

While his actual junk is fully covered by the white sock, we’re still able to get a slight view of his pubes and the base of his cock and balls. Take a look below:

Spin Magazine
Spin Magazine

Okay, so let’s ignore the cock sock and focus on Kelly for a second. With his excessive body tattoos and messy blond hair, he is giving us some serious Bo Sinn vibes. I’d say they’re similar enough that if there was ever a biopic of Bo’s life, Machine Gun Kelly should be the one to take on the main role.

Kelly has already acted in projects like Bird Box and Nerve, so we’re sure he can pull off playing the grungy Bo. Now we just need to figure out if Kelly has a 10-inch long cock like Bo does! Someone please inspect that sock and figure out how long Kelly’s meat is.

Spin Magazine / Bromo

Do you think they look alike? Do you think Kelly is packing heat inside that sock? Sound off in the comments below, check out more of Machine Gun Kelly over at Spin Magazine, and see more of Bo and his long schlong over at Bromo!


8 thoughts on “Machine Gun Kelly Puts His Cock In A Sock For New Photoshoot”

  1. Universal Potentate

    I love the exactly 4 people on here who think they’re going to change Bo Sinn’s super stardom by demeaning him. Sorry. He doesn’t need your money. He’s hot. You’re not.

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