In 2001, only a year into his gay porn career, Chad Hunt sat down for a quickie interview with New York fag rag HX. Asked about long-term goals, Hunt replied, “I’d like to milk this porn thing while I am still considered good eye candy. I wouldn’t want to be a schmuck and keep doing this when no one wants to see me.” By that point Hunt had already appeared in 14 now-classic titles for industry titans like Chi Chi LaRue (Oral Exams, The Missing Link, The Back Row) Michael Lucas (Fire Island Cruising), and John Rutherford (The Other Side of Aspen 5). By the time he hung up his box of extra-large condoms, seven years later, few in the industry could call Hunt anything but what he was: a legendary gay porn superstar with scores of awards, heaps of money, and all the accolades he could hope for.
Hunt’s star rose in the pre-internet, pre-tube-site era of gay porn, a time when major studios still made big-budget films with storylines, condom use was mandatory, and huge group orgies were de rigeur. Despite his admittedly average looks, Hunt’s 11 x 7 inch cock made viewers clamor for both his DVDs and escorting services. He crossed over — appearing on the cover of The Big Penis Book, and in Timothy Greenfield-Sander’s Thinking XXX book and HBO documentary. It’s been another seven years since Hunt’s on-screen alter-ego died at the end of Jett Blakk’s Endgame, and in that period he’s been very much off-the-radar. But after several months of searching, I finally made contact with Hunt and before heading out to Disneyland with his partner of 10 years – he agreed to talk to me about his legendary career, overcoming his meth addiction, why he thinks there’s no such thing as a porn star anymore and the strange rumors about what he’s been doing these past few years.
Adam: So you’re heading to Disneyland with your partner, who I am assuming must have been with you throughout your porn career. How did you meet?
Chad Hunt: We met on about ten years ago. We talked a little bit and on my profile at that time I didn’t list who I was. I just talked to him as a regular joe and initially I had been dating a few people at that time. I just kind of let it go. We didn’t meet. Several months later we started talking again. I decided to go on a date with him and we went to an Indian restaurant in New York City. It was a nice date and so I decided to date him.
Was it hard to maintain the relationship throughout your porn career?
Actually, no. When I started to date someone I would be very up front with them. I would say this is what I do. You’re going to have to endure guys throwing their panties on stage, and that kind of thing.
Was there any pressure from him ever to give up porn?
Absolutely not. He’s been, I would say, probably one of the most remarkable people I have met in that aspect. Most people in the porn industry, I’m sure you’re aware, cannot handle their boyfriends. You’ve got the porn, the club performances, the escorting. Most people aren’t capable of handling all of that and everything that comes with it.
I’m assuming you have an open relationship?
Absolutely not. We have a monogamous relationship, but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t do something together. But where porn is concerned, my work is work. He’s been to sets. He knows how un-sexual a porn set is. He knows what goes on. He understands that it’s a job. It’s not me having sex with a whole bunch of hot guys. You know? It’s absolutely 100 percent a job. He’s been very great about it.
It was sort of hard to find you and someone described you as kind of reclusive. Are you the Norma Desmond of gay porn?
[laughs] I would agree with that. I am. Outside of the world, I try to stay away from it. There has to be some place where you can be just you. I don’t have to be Chad Hunt, you know? I can just sort of be who I am, outside of that. I think that’s what gets a lot of the guys – I don’t want to say in trouble — but gets them in the wrong type of headspace because you have to have that normalcy in your life also. If you don’t have that, you kind of lose sense of who you are and you just sort of become the porn character.
Let’s talk about your beginnings. You’ve said that you when you were a kid you developed late, and you didn’t know you had a big dick. Right?
I was 17 before I really started growing.
What about your siblings or father? Did they have 11 x 7 inches too?
No. I can remember when I was younger traveling with my father and he wasn’t a big man, nor were — I have five older brothers and I’ve only seen two of them naked but I would say no. My understanding from family conversations and conversations with my sister-in-law, is that I do have one brother who is close to my size but he doesn’t quite get there. Of course all of them have looked me up on the Internet and everything. They all know. Apparently I’ve heard I get it from my mother’s side of the family. I’m also the one in the family who looks like my mother’s side of the family. My other siblings look like my father and his side of the family.
So some relative of yours on your mother’s side definitely had the big dicks.
Yes. I won the family lotto in that regard.
So you’re 17, you start to develop. You’re living in Ohio and you get married, right out of high school. Who was the girl?
She was my high school sweetheart. Her name was Elizabeth. We met in our teaching classes. We had both taken classes at the career center in school. It was for people interested in becoming a teacher. We met in that. Fell in love out of high school. We got married right out of high school and two years later we had a kid.
When your son is born are you happy or by that point do you already think “Maybe I made a mistake? I might not be able to continue this.”
To this day I am absolutely 100 percent bisexual. When we got married I had told her that I had sex with men. But my ex-wife is a very religious individual and she sort had the concept that we could pray the gay away. (laughs)
You went in the opposite direction.
At least for me I find the more you try to fight who you are, the more who you are comes out.
So you had hooked up with guys before you even got married?
Oh yes. Absolutely. She was well aware of that. The problem started because boy did I really want to sleep with one of her brothers.
Oh shit!
Her one brother who was younger than her was the male version of her, and she was the female version of him. So if I could have had both of them I would have been in heaven. [laughs] If we could have shared the house and I spent one day with her and then one day with him, I would have been happy.

Like on Big Love.
There you go.
Who were the first guys you hooked up with? Was it people your own age? Or older guys?
I think I probably did what most young people do, you go to the mall and see all the writing on the wall in the bathroom and you show up at the time it says to show up at.
So there was a cruisey bathroom and it said, “I suck dick here at 430” and you went?
Absolutely. At the mall, and there was a park and a rest area I had heard about. I didn’t too it too often but when I had the opportunity, I would visit those places and see if anything was going on. Sometimes it was, sometimes it wasn’t. I grew up in very rural Ohio so there weren’t a lot of people for me to choose from, but every once in a while I would show up at the right time. I was 14 and so I hadn’t developed yet. I would get guys to suck me off.
How did the marriage break up?
Well, uh, I actually went to her and told her that something was going to happen with a guy and I didn’t want to be the guy who goes behind her back and does things I said I want to let you know that I have this need and unfortunately you can’t fill that. Of course being very Christian she wanted to have nothing to do with it. She decided she would rather have a divorce.
So what do you do after that? How soon does your friend come and take pictures of you for Inches?
It’s actually about a year after because what happened is, when I got the divorce I was living in Wooster, Ohio, and from Wooster I actually go to my first gay bar in Acron, and meet a couple guys there. I start dating a nice boy who ends up sort of breaking my heart and from there I meet a friend who lives in Columbus and I move down to Columbus and my friend that I meet is part of a gay dance troupe. I go down there, live with him, join the troupe, and from joining the troupe and stripping and living in Columbus, that’s when I meet the photographer.
Was the entrée into the adult world — was it more motivated by money and opportunity and making something of yourself or was like, I want to have sex with all these guys and this is a great way to do it?
Oh no, it was definitely money. When I was married to my wife I had a great job. I worked at Smucker’s Jelly Factory and they were paying like $15 an hour, which was really good back in 1993. But going through my divorce made me depressed about not seeing my son as often as I wanted. I sort of missed a lot of work and they laid me off. But I needed as much money as I could get so I could keep up with my child support so I could see my son. Any type of money I could get at that point was great to me because it meant being assured that I would still be able to see money.
But were you worried that doing gay porn could ultimately be used by your wife as a reason to not allow you to see your son. In the 1990s people were much less accepting than now.
It actually never even crossed my mind because it’s not illegal. Porn is not illegal. So she really had no legal basis to keep me away from him. It’s not like I was going to run and go tell her. I’ve never even told her to this day. She knows because once I started gaining popularity people from school who knew her and me would come up to her and tell her. To her credit she never actually tried to use that against me. Or she may have and the lawyer may have told her it wasn’t going to go anywhere. During the divorce she did try to bring up the “He wants to sleep with men thing” but the judge at that time said “That is not a concern for whether or not he is a good father.”
When you were doing the nude pictures for the first time, did you look at other people’s pictures? Were there other porn stars you looked up to — and what porn films were you consuming?
I actually never saw a gay porn or anything until I started dating a guy in Columbus. I was dating a bisexual girl in Columbus and started dating a guy at the same time. He’s the one who showed me my first gay porn film. I had seen magazines but I had never really seen a film. One of my favorites was Aiden Shaw, who’s actually now a close personal friend of mine. I like Matt Spencer and Logan Reed was one of my favorites. Logan became a very good friend of mine too.
When you were watching that stuff did you ever think — “I could do that?”
No. It never even crossed my mind, until I sort of went through my whore phase. I was sleeping with people left and right and every single guy or girl that I slept with would always say, “You should be in porn movies.” I would always laugh it off because first of all I never in a million years thought that I would have any type of body that the porn industry would be interested in. I also never considered myself a very good-looking person. I’m not stupid. I know I’m average. I don’t consider myself gorgeous. People can send me as many emails as they want telling me how gorgeous I am, and I love it and appreciate it, but there’s no shame in my game. I know how I look and I look average. I’m an attractive, average-looking man. Falcon had a model type of what men should look like. Most porn companies at that time did and it certainly was not a thin-tattooed guy. Tattoos used to be a huge no-no and now it’s sort of a requirement. I actually like to think that I am one of the people who broke that. Somebody can actually become very popular in the industry and have an arm full of tattoos now.
So you get your pictures taken and someone introduces you to Michael Lucas and he hires you on the spot?
I get my pictures taken in Ohio and the photographer there knew that I was moving to New York with another person that I started dating. He sent me to another photographer in New York who took pictures of me and when I was taking pictures for him he said “I know this great director who lives in the city if you would ever be interested in doing a porn movie.” He gave me Michael Lucas’ phone number. I wasn’t going to do it. It was the guy who I was dating at the time who sort of pushed it. “You should do it! How fun would that be?” Everybody’s concept of porn when you don’t do is, “you get there and you fuck and have great sex with all these hot people.” That’s certainly not how it goes. But I did it and met Michael Lucas. I pulled down my pants and he said, “I want you in my first movie.” At that time I was very white and pasty. I think I was actually at one of my thinnest weights. He put me in his next movie, and on that set I met Enrico Vega who became a very good friend of mine, and he said, “You shouldn’t waste your time and that thing between your legs working for Michael Lucas, you need to get in touch with Chi Chi LaRue.” He gave me her email and I bombarded her with emails until she agreed to hire me.
You said people had this concept of how much fun gay porn would be – but I can’t imagine that’s how it went on your first day.
My first movie was Fire Island Cruising. It’s my very first movie and I’m giving a guy a beer enema. It was something I was soooo not into. The set was like all porn sets: very boring. Lots of starting and stopping. A lot of waiting for people to get hard. It was a group scene. A lot of attitude from people who had done a few movies against the boys who were just starting like me. I sort of got to see the whole spectrum of porn that very first day.
So you do the beer enema and at any point do you think “I shouldn’t have done this. This was a mistake”?
I’m an Aquarius. Aquarian people are very into trying new things at least once. I was all about doing it. In any job that I’ve ever hard I always try to do what I’m doing to the best of my ability. Which serves me very well in any job I have. I usually get promoted very quickly. Porn was a new challenge for me to do that in.
Did you hit it off with Chi Chi LaRue instantly?
I’ve said this a million times in every interview and I will say it until the day I die because she’s actually one of my best friends. A person coming into the industry would never have a better friend than Chi Chi LaRue. She makes her models very comfortable. She greets all of you when you first come to set. She is very sweet. Throughout the day she checks on you and asks how you are doing, and if you’re okay. If I had not met her I might have not continued in porn because a Chi Chi LaRue set is very different from a Michael Lucas set.
Describe the difference.
Oh no. You’re not going to get me there. I love Michael in my own way and I will forever be grateful to him for putting me in my first video, which is why I stayed very loyal to him in the beginning of my career. Because again, I have a sense of loyalty to whoever has done something for me. I want to try to do something for them, whatever I can. I wanted to work to the best of my ability for him. But their sets are like night and day. To this day, I could say lots of things but I won’t say lots of things, because I’m nothing but appreciative to Michael for putting me in as many videos as he did.
There was tension towards the end with the whole Ben Andrews thing, right? It was rumored that you were steaming mad because Michael was saying Ben had the biggest cock in gay porn.
No. That was a concoction that Michael tried to make a brouhaha. There was never any tension between me and Ben. It was just Michael Lucas trying to do what Michael Lucas does best: create some kind of drama. There was never any tension between me and Ben. I couldn’t care less if people thought he had a bigger dick than I did, which by the way, is not true. I really didn’t care. Quite frankly, Ben is thicker than I am. 100 percent absolutely, he is, but I’m probably one or two centimeters longer than him. I guess if you go as far as total area, he might be bigger than me. Who knows? I never cared because I’ve seen some movies — especially some of these African-American boys and I’m looking at them going, “God they’ve gotta be bigger than me.”
And there are people who’ve come since and who came before who were bigger than you.
Absolutely. I was never the one who sort of set up the whole “Chad Hunt’s the biggest in the industry” thing. Those were things set up by magazines and companies. You would have never heard me say, “I’m the biggest in the industry, ha ha ha.”
There’s a great clip of you on YouTube throwing shade at one of Michael Lucas’ porn stars on Ricki Lake.
Billy Brandt. If there was ever somebody I did not like, it was Billy Brandt. I hate and cannot stand boys who think so highly of themselves. It wasn’t everyone in the porn industry calls diva syndrome. Brandt had it big time. The thing that pissed me off the most was when he was on that show, he said that he was the biggest gay porn star in the world. I was like, “Oh god, no.” Had he not said that, I probably would have not said a word. But when he said that, it just sort of clicked in my head. Somebody needs to be brought down a peg or two, and I’ll be the one to do it.
Was there a lot of shade between you and other porn stars and directors?
Absolutely not. I think you would find that most other porn stars and directors would say I was probably one of the best people that they ever worked with. I always tried to get along with everybody. I tried to become everybody’s friend and for the new boys in the industry I would always try to be big brother-esque and I did do that for a few people. Matt Summers was one of my sort-of protégés. I’d help him and others get set up in the industry.
You really did your best work for Chi Chi. Everybody I know remembers Detention where you’re the janitor who fucks all the big dicked students in detention. Those scenes were amazing.
Thank you. I appreciate that. Again, this is why I say, in the industry you couldn’t ask for a better friend. She has a way — don’t ask me how she does it but she does it — of sort of reaching into a model’s head and pulling out the best qualities and the best scenes from them. I think it comes from a model wanting to do the best that they can for her because of how great she is to the models. That’s how it always was for me. I loved working on her sets. They were always the most fun sets. The people who I would end up calling friends in the industry I always met on her sets. The relaxed, fun atmosphere allowed me to give my best performances instead of being stressed out because I had to make sure I do this right, and do that right, and they want me to do this and remember this… Chi Chi absolutely directs you in the scene but she seems to direct you into someplace that feels natural for you. At least for me. I can’t say that’s what happens with every model, but that’s what seemed to happen for me. Because she would do that with me, I was able to open my mouth and say, “Why don’t we do this? Or that?” She was always very accepting of my ideas and my thoughts and would actually allow me to do things that I thought of. On a lot of sets you aren’t allowed to do that. My sets with her were always different. I tried to do things that I thought would make the scene really hot. Or put myself in a weird position. Like in The Missing Link when I’m hanging from a pole while I’m fucking someone. That’s something I wanted to give back to her for all she had given back to me.
So as the years are going by and you’re a big gay porn star. What’s the life like? Copious drugs? Debauched parties? Are you a pig in shit? Or do you keep yourself level?
Here’s one of the main misconceptions about porn. Any set that I’ve ever been on, no director has ever offered me drugs. At least in my experience, it has never happened. When someone was found to have drugs, they were sent home. But as far as being out in the arena of porn, during club performances and things like that. Sure you get offered drugs by everybody. By the club owners, by the bartenders, by people in the clubs. Did I ever do them? Absolutely. I’ve never been shy with the fact that I have used drugs before. But I’m sort of a control freak in my head. I’ve never allowed drugs to take me to a place that I didn’t want them to take me. You have to maintain that. You can’t allow them to gain the upper hand. You also got to remember, in my era it was coke and ecstacy. It wasn’t crystal meth, which seems to be the big thing now. I think ecstacy and coke were probably, at least in my opinion, a lot more controllable and manageable than crystal meth is.
You’ve never done meth? I’ve heard rumors.
Have I? Absolutely. Did I for a very brief point sort of have a small problem with it? Absolutely. Won’t deny it. Would never deny it. Got over it. Done with it. Again I will explain my problem with it was, I wanted to control it. It was the first and only drug that I’ve ever taken that made me lose that control that I’ve always had. So I wanted to try to do it more so I could learn how to control it. I realized I couldn’t. That was the end.
When was that period? During porn or post?
The last year that I was in porn was the first time I started using it. But never on a set or anything like that. I should explain. The reason I stopped doing porn was that it had been ten years. I’d done it enough. And as much as you try to maintain who you are, outside of it, people don’t allow you to. Anytime I would go out to the clubs, nobody wanted to meet me or hang out with me. They all wanted to meet and hang out with Chad Hunt. When I would try to date anyone – because me and the boy that I’ve been with for ten years broke up once or twice – and nobody I dated wanted to have sex with me – they wanted to have sex with Chad Hunt. People coming to me on the street weren’t coming up to me, they were coming up to talk to the guy on HBO, and you lose who you are a little. Because people don’t let you be who you are. They want that other person. I’m sure it’s the same as what famous actors and actresses go through. People cannot seem to differentiate that she’s not that character, and for me, people could not differentiate that I am not Chad Hunt. Chad Hunt was a persona I created for the industry. He wasn’t who I was, and he’s certainly not who I am. In Endgame, my very last movie I made sure Chad Hunt was killed at the end.
You die at the end of the porn, but you’re still trying to get control over your meth problem. How long does that period of addiction last? When do you sober up?
About a year and a half to two years. One of the things about an addiction is there are always points when you sort of fall off the horse with anything. For the next couple of years, once or twice I would fall off the horse. It’s just something that comes with that, and it also came with the fact that I sort of had everything. Fame, money, a great place in LA, and when I quit all that, I sort of lost all of that.
Were you able to make money? Were you escorting? You escorted throughout your career, right?
Were you still able to do that? Or were you cast adrift?
That was actually one of the things that would contribute to my use of that drug. That was the drug everyone wanted to use. They would call me for an appointment. I would go over and the first thing they would say would be “Do you party?” Many times I’d say yes and go ahead and do that stuff. Finally, one day I went to my partner and said, “I cannot do this job anymore because doing this job will end up killing me. I’ve lost all sense of who I am. I can’t be this person anymore. I don’t want to be Chad Hunt anymore. I want to be me.” To his credit, he’s never touched a drug a day in his life. Always a straight-laced, very good individual. He was supportive, of course. Once I quit escorting along with quitting porn, it became a lot easier for me.
Did people in the industry try to help you with your addiction? Chi Chi and other people? Or did people just abandon you?
I never told anybody. I’ve always been a very self-reliant, self-dependent type of person. I don’t like to involve other people in my problems. I feel like people have enough of their own problems, so why do I need to involve them in mine. The only person that I relied on was my partner, and he was great through all of it. We got through it.
Do you still keep up with the friends you made in the industry?
When I can find them. [laughs] I mean, a lot of the guys there were sort of like me. They quit the industry and sort of disappeared. I just recently got back in contact with Jackson Price. I didn’t always agree with his career choices. I had that discussion with Josh Weston and Carlos Morales. I had that discussion with lots of boys who went to what I consider the dark side.
You’re talking about barebacking.
Yes. Absolutely. I had that conversation with many boys in the industry and to this day I get phone calls from those companies and I always tell them where they can shove their job. I have to say, I have no qualms against people who bareback. My problem is with people who do it on film because it’s social media. It’s socially responsible. What you do in your own life is your choice, but quite frankly any porn star will tell you that you get letters all the time from young boys who look up to you. Plenty of them. I get emails from people saying, “I watched you since I was 12 years old.” Do I want to be the person who influenced a 12 year old to go out and have 20 loads dumped in his ass in a bareback video?” No, I want to be the person they saw in every one of their movies always wearing a condom. That’s my problem with barebacking. It’s not that people do it. Have 100 loads in your ass if you want. I don’t care. But if you portray that on video, you put it out there as something that everybody should do and is dying to do.
What did you think when Michael Lucas announced they were going bareback? Did you have a talk with him?
Again, I’m just gonna hold my tongue. I’m just gonna repeat what I said earlier. I love Michael and will always be loyal to him for putting me in my videos. There’s lots of things I could say, lots of things I won’t.
You said that bareback companies reach out to do porn, do you still get offers from condom porn companies?
I don’t and that’s probably because they can’t find me! I deleted all my old email addresses. It was well-known and I put out there that I was done. Really retired, for good. People were respectful of that. Every once in a while Chi Chi will joke I should do a comeback because daddy porn is big now.
Do you pay attention to porn now? What do you watch? I’m curious. Are there stars that you’re fans of? Directors? Studios?
I do. Now and then. Mainly it’s whatever my boyfriend has downloaded. That’s what I watch. Quite frankly, in my opinion, and this is probably the quote that’s gonna fry me in all the blogs, to me there’s no such thing as a porn star anymore. There really isn’t. I think they were a dying breed and I think I was probably one of the last of the dying breed. It seems like today, boys do one or two movies, call themselves a porn star and by the time they get to five they quit. Me, Lance Gear and Jackson Price sort of sat down one day, early in our career and said “When do you actually become a porn star?” We decided that the factor that makes you a porn star is when you do something as your character that’s away from anything else. For me it was when I did the HBO documentary — Thinking XXX — and when I did the artwork. Then its taking it out of the porn arena and placing it into another arena. When you reach the level where you’re doing something that puts you into the mainstream, that’s where I think you reach stardom. It’s not because you’ve done five movies. It’s because you’ve been taken to a different level. I find that it just doesn’t happen too much these days, where someone is actually taken to that level. Porn has become such a normal thing now that I don’t know if people can actually reach that.

But is there anything you watch that impressed you? A performance or a film? Or is it all interchangeable?
Here’s the thing. All the tube sites, the free sites have killed the industry completely. They have made it so companies don’t want to do big budget productions any more.
Right. That’s a thing of the past — now everyone just does scenes.
Right. So for me, porn is kind of bland these days. One, two or three people on a bed. Doing this or that. It’s sort of lost for me, the luster of what porn was. There have been, certainly, boys in scenes that I have said, “They may be three guys on a bed, but those are three hot motherfuckers on that bed.” Absolutely. There are a couple of people I like. I don’t know if he’s still in the industry. I do like Girth Brooks. He’s sexy. I watch a lot of his scenes. There have been different boys who I sort of like but then again it seems like I look for them a week later and they’re gone. The industry is not the industry I was in. I don’t want to say it’s worse. It’s not better in my opinion, it’s just different. Quite frankly, I prefer my day of porn than today’s day of porn.
What do you for money? Do you have a day job?
I do have a job. I have a teaching degree. I won’t say whether or not I am using that because there are morality clauses to teaching contracts. So I really can’t be open like that. I’ll say this, I couldn’t be Chad Hunt and be a teacher. Not being Chad Hunt I can be a teacher. I just recently moved back to LA from Ohio. In Ohio I had a job that paid the bills.
Well I don’t want to get you in trouble or fired.
I enjoy seeing the old boys, and talking to them on Facebook and Twitter. I enjoy going to see the new boys at clubs, the rare occasion that clubs actually hire boys these days. I’m not in the industry but I feel connected in a way.
One of the things that is different now, is the internet wasn’t the huge thing it is now. And there’s so much internet controversy each week in our comments section about porn stars who are bi or gay-for-pay. You were openly bisexual but you were the most popular gay porn star for close to eight years. People don’t remember that in this past era, people didn’t know everybody’s true sexuality all the time.
Here’s what I have to say to that. I don’t know if you recall but not very long ago, I got in a Twitter battle with Spencer Reed. Spencer Reed is one of those boys who don’t remember where he came from. When he first got into the industry, he was a very skinny little twinky boy and not the muscled-out, steroided guy that he is today. For him to say, “What’s with all these twinky boys getting jobs?” It’s like, Spencer, not very long ago, that was you. Quite frankly, for a lot of these boys who say that, that was them. For instance, for me, the gay-for-pay boys, a lot of the times that is the way for a boy eventually come out. Let’s go with Brad Star. Brad Star was straight, and now he’s gay. Let’s go with Nash Lawler. Let’s go with Phenix Saint. Let’s go with Clay Maverick. The list goes on and on. Boys who I personally know were straight when they got into the industry but realized maybe they weren’t quite as straight as they thought they were. I was always one of the guys on sets that straight boys would gravitate to, I think partly because they knew that I was married and had a kid. So I could relate to them. There were plenty of so-called straight boys who off-camera would be in my room. I think these gay boys need to sit back and remember that it might have been five or ten years ago, but a lot of them were probably in that situation where they didn’t know and they found an outlet that brought them out. For a lot of people, gay porn is the outlet that brings them out. Are there boys who are — I would never call themselves straight, they can call themselves straight all they want. Quite frankly, they’re not straight, they’re bisexual, whether you want to admit that or not is completely up to you. But you are. If you can get it up and maintain it, you’re bisexual. I even hate using those terms because to me there’s no such thing as someone who’s straight, someone who’s gay, someone who’s bi. Given different circumstances, sexuality is fluid. You may be 65 percent straight but there’s 35 percent of you that’s gay. You may be 90 percent straight, but there’s that 10 percent that given the circumstances that’s gay.
People didn’t even use terms like straight or gay until the middle of the twentieth century.
Right. And I don’t think they should be terms that are used. Given a set of circumstances — jail is the perfect example. The straightest of straight men, who would never if they weren’t in jail, would suck a dick or let another guy suck their dick. But in jail they would. Are they straight? No. They’re not. Given the right circumstances, they became gay or whatever. For me sexuality is such a fluid thing that there’s no way to quantify it. My sexuality is not your sexuality. It’s not the next guy on the street’s sexuality. There’s no way to quantify that. I’m not you, you’re not me. I even hate using the gay and straight and bisexual and gay-for-pay. I put a label on it just for a general understanding. Quite frankly, I am obviously more gay than I am straight. I can have sex with both so I’m considered bi, but I’m still more on the gay side of that. 70/30.
How is your son doing? He must be almost twenty?
He has a girlfriend and he seems to want to make the same mistakes that dad made.
He wants to get married?
Yeah. He’s being a little smarter about it. They’re going to wait a couple of years. But my son is great. He is the best thing in the world to me. He is the best thing that came out of my marriage. He’s a very good boy.
Do you guys talk about your career and what you’ve done? He has to know at this point?
He knew probably since he was 12 or 13 what dad did. When he was younger he thought it was the coolest thing in the world.
Even though you were with guys?
He didn’t care. You have to remember, after I was married, my son saw that most of my relationships were with men.
He knew you were bi.
Absolutely. He’s seen me with men and women. This relationship has been for ten years and before that I had a relationship with a guy for five years. So most of his life, he’s seen me with guys. He learned very early on that it was okay. I’ve always told him no matter what he is — gay, straight, or bi — I actually know the answer to that but I won’t say. It’s my son’s business. But I taught him whatever he was it was okay. It was always important for him to know that whatever his sexuality was it was okay. As long as it wasn’t animals or something like that. It’s always been important for me to try to portray that for everybody in my family, nieces and nephews, too.
Okay, I heard a rumor about you, and you can respond however you want. I heard that for a time — this is so weird — that for a time you were in hiding because you had been in a cult?
[laughs] I don’t know where you heard that but no. [laughs]
No cults. No hiding?
I’m so interested in hearing about what you heard because that’s hysterical to me.
I also heard that it could have been just a meth delusion.
That is not true. I don’t know where they heard that, but no. Absolutely not.
I had to ask! It was so weird!
I’ve been in constant contact with Chi Chi from the moment I left porn. She knew where I was and what I was doing. We are the best of friends. It’s not that I was in hiding, it’s just that I wanted to be away from the porn world for a while. Just so I could remember who I was — aside from Chad Hunt.
Maybe porn was the cult you were in hiding from!
That could have been it! [laughs]
Adam Baran is a filmmaker, blogger, former online editor of Butt Magazine and co-curator of Queer/Art/Film. His short film JACKPOT, about a porn-hunting gay teen, won Best Short Film at the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, and was recently featured on The Huffington Post, Queerty, and Towleroad, among others. He is a features programmer at Outfest Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival and NewFest in New York. In his spare time, he complains about things to his friends. “Fisting for Compliments”, his weekly musings about the intersection of sex, art, porn, and history, will appear every Monday on TheSword. You can contact him at and follow him on Twitter at @ABaran999. Check out his previous columns in the Fisting For Compliments Archive.
2001 was the pre-internet era? LOL what??? who wrote this a Zoomer?
sadly he’s using meth again :(
Do you know of anyway in which to contact him to see if he might be looking to hook up some in LA or if he is escorting these days and available for clients in LA
And you know this how?
Bisexuals, No let them date women, are there any gay men in gay porn?
Chad Hunt is the best porn star ever!
He & I were colleges and neighbors. We lived across the street from each other and we toured doing press releases together. He is rea)y down to earth and we’ll his son is probably a duplicate of him in the 3rd leg department. Imagine him taking his son to the gym with him and his little something undressing and these older guys eyes get real big and jaws drop. # lol
Anonymous #falconstudios
The mighty acorn never falls far from the well hung Mighty Oak. Glad to hear his progenity who’s Dad is skilled and adored by so many adoring fans for his many talents. A teacher and humanist. His biggest organ is his heart. Let us all support this Dad and Adult Legend.
GREAT INTERVIEW! I like Chad Hunt. He’s smart and a nice guy. I worked with him on the book I produced – XXX – THIRTY PORN STAR PORTRAITS. A total gentleman. One of the reviews of our hit book, said – that if Chad Hunt gives up porn, he should go into baseball. “After all, he brings his own bat.” But the interview was great. Both took the high road, Classy guys.
I first saw him from THINKING XXX both the book and the documentary, he was and still a hunk plus his huge monstrous cock. There were times I wanted to enhance my dick size as his. But it not anymore. Meanwhile, whenever I watch Antonio Biaggi, I thought of him. Wondering where’s he now? Finally I do.
He’s a genuine and awesome pornstar. :)
It’s good to see that some of the people in gay porn don’t let the life destroy them or turn them into S.O.B. s. II am glad that there is (at least for some of the lucky few) a normal life after porn.
Thanks for publishing this remarkable interview, I swear there is NOTHING that fascinates me more than reading a lengthy interview with a true porn star of my younger days (I am 50 now.)
Find some of the guys he mentioned for your next interviews, oh how I would love to read about Enrico Vega or Logan Reed and/or see pics of them today!
Finally, regarding Michael Lucas – have you seen some pics of him lately? Scary!
I hired Chad as an escort about 4 years ago in LA. I guess it was during his addiction battle. He was staying in a cheap
motel which was super untidy. It had a very strange smell that I couldn’t identify. He was docile & soft. He
couldn’t get hard.
Completely excellent interview.
Chad Hunt comes across as a fascinating, grounded, insightful human being. It’s virtually impossible to reach the end of that interview and not hope that he has a happy life.
Once again, thank you for doing these interviews, Mr Baran. You’re an incredibly good curator of a part of society that no-one else touches. It’s massively appreciated.
Lol at “Chris’ taking the time to rebut all posts….i suggest you invest in a life pronto! :-))
Finally a great interview. Asked all the right questions. Didn’t avoid the gay4pay issue and got a great answer. Bravo!
Wow, what a blast from the “past”!
It doesn’t surprise me that Chad’s quite “loyal” to Michael Lucas who is known to be one vindictive bitch and at least tries to cause trouble to those who talk smack about him. I doubt Chad wants Michael to mess with Chad’s job that pays the bills.
My friends (who were a couple at the time) used to hire him to fuck them then he told them he’s not topping anymore during escorting, whatever that means, and they never called him again.
I always suspected that he was a bottom IRL.
Chad is known for his big cock but he is an awesome shooter too. Some pretty big loads!
It’s like you’re on a misiosn to save me time and money!
I’m a huge Chad Hunt fan and I found it quite amusing when most of the issues or complaints his distractors bring up aren”t even what he said in the article or they obviously don’t know his career very well. Others have already answered or addressed some of these issues and I’ll address a few more:
SKG: “I remember when it was announced that he was finally bottoming on camera, no one really said a word about it at all on many blogs. And when the scene came out, it was heavily criticized for being a pretty bad scene.” (Funny how Chad was nominated for GayVN and Grabby Awards (Best Actor & Best Group Scene) if the scene was so bad and heavily criticized especially when the bottoming scene did win best group scene that year.
Jake: “it is so obvious — chad is still leaving in the past and is still angry that michael lucas created a publicity stunt for ban Andrews. If working for Michael Lucas was so bad why did he appear in nearly every film they did throughout his career?” (First, Chad’s career with Michael Lucas all came before the Ben Andrews incidents and Secondly, Chad answered the why he worked for Michael as long as he did question when he said he would always be loyal to Michael for giving him his start in the industry and refused to disparage him. I find that very classy.
Pornbit75 and MMDD: (Sounds to me to be a couple of guys denying their own bisexuality)
Pornbit75: “I’m not bi so I’m not going to pretend I understand their process but his theory that the majority of gay4pay guys are using their time in gay porn as a means of ‘coming out’ as bisexual seems ludicrous.” (I’ve watched porn for about 30 years now and it seems to me he hit the nail on the head. Countless guys who start out as GAY4Pay in the industry have later come out as bisexual or even just plain gay later in their careers or after.)
MMDD: If you’d have read the article youd have answered your own questions and issues, and I quote, “For me sexuality is such a fluid thing that there’s no way to quantify it. My sexuality is not your sexuality. It’s not the next guy on the street’s sexuality. There’s no way to quantify that. I’m not you, you’re not me. I even hate using the gay and straight and bisexual and gay-for-pay. I put a label on it just for a general understanding. Quite frankly, I am obviously more gay than I am straight. I can have sex with both so I’m considered bi, but I’m still more on the gay side of that. 70/30.” He even states that many of the Gay4Pay guys after a scene would end up in his room so if they aren’t getting paid to have gay sex then why did they end up in his room if they are straight.
Daniel: (Yet another guy who didnt read the article): “I guess when he means No bareback it really applies to his on scene work..because in his escorting he does or did bareback!” Chad states in his interview that he has no problem with guys who bareback his problem is portraying it on video when innocents who idolize pornstars can view or potentially mimic that behavior. He even says in your personal life take 100 loads in your ass if you want to.
I really just wish guys who trolled the internet either read the article before they open their mouths or at least be versed in the subject matter up for discussion.
“(Sounds to me to be a couple of guys denying their own bisexuality.)”
Ha! You’re seriously way off on that one.
“If you’d have read the article youd have answered your own questions and issues…”
I have no issues, and I read the same article you did. Fact remains that he still contradicted himself. If he’s such an avid believer in “fluid sexuality,” then why call himself a “100 percent bisexual” in one sentence and then say that there’s no such thing as a bisexual? If you don’t like labels, then don’t use them. Nobody’s holding a gun to your head demanding you do so. And don’t deny other people’s sexual orientation just because you’re “fluid” yourself.
As for saying “many of the G4P guys ended up in my room,” it would be interesting to hear their versions of what actually happened.
“Countless guys who start out as GAY4Pay in the industry have later come out as bisexual or even just plain gay later in their careers or after.”
Name ten, and provide your sources.
Chad is still sexy to me and I still want the challenge of “trying”to deep throat that yummy love muscle
I guess when he means No bareback it really applies to his on scene work..because in his escorting he does or did bareback!
Chad was always one of my favorites. If you have a chance, go back and look at some of his early videos, Top to Bottom is a good one. He was skinny when he first started. Needless to say, him naked while skinny is even more impressive.
Hot hot hot hairy man! Would love to see him bottom! That hairy ass needs some lovin’!
he bottomed in his final film, Endgame
Very interesting interview, and BTW I have always found him to be very attractive, and obviously articulate.
On screen, “Chad Hunt” was always engaged ( or seemed to be ). As for people responding to him as his on-screen persona, that happens,and some people are nicer than others- probably better than being ignored in some ways.
I am fascinated by his comments (or lack of ) about Michael Lucas and that operation. Part of the mystique with Michael is to create “drama” , that’s just his thing. He shot Chad well, and gave him some interesting story lines, and attractive scene partners. I have never had a problem with Michael, or his management and production team.
Say what you will about Michael, but the guy is smart, stunning onscreen, and in-person. Sure, he is a bit grand at times, but that is HIS brand.
I will say I loved “Chad’s” work in Chi-Chi’s “Detention” – that movie holds up to this day.
I recall running into “Chad” in NYC in say 1998-2000 or so in bars around the theater district/Times Square – quite charming, with a brilliant sense of humor and a terrific smile. Pretty well versed in fashion and art. Kind of a regular fun guy.
I hope he is happy, and I sense he has more to say….. Excellent interview!
I’m not bi so I’m not going to pretend I understand their process but his theory that the majority of gay4pay guys are using their time in gay porn as a means of ‘coming out’ as bisexual seems ludicrous.
Agreed. He himself expressed that a porn set is an un-sexual environment in the first place. Porn sex is nothing like real sex. But then again, in one breath he says, “I am absolutely 100 percent bisexual,” and then in the other, “There’s no such thing as…someone who’s bi.” He also says, “If you can get it up and maintain it, you’re bisexual.” So I guess that means that any self-identified gay guy who’s fathered a child is really bi. An act does not make you anything.
So yeah…consider the source. It’s just his opinions.
Absolutely right, a supposed gay men that had or were having sex with women were bisexual even if the girl was already a trans man.
“im gay and i wont be betrayed by bisexual guys anymore, they will cheat, have sex and leave me for a woman” #MyPersonalExperience
That’s not actually what I meant. I was being sarcastic. Many gay men have had sex with women before they came out or came to terms with their sexuality. A sexual act does not necessarily indicate one’s sexual orientation. It’s the desire and/or motivation behind the act. This is why many of the guys who perform in gay porn are actually straight. Getting it up and maintaining it doesn’t necessarily indicate attraction.
I am gay just came out last year, but I never had sex with a woman although I wasnt effeminate at all. So I think if a gay men had or having sex with a girl he’s a bi like what it said here. They couldnt be gay like Blue Bailey and me. Based on my recent discovery the bisexual people is second to straight guy in terms of cheating. That’s why many gay men didnt want bisexual people.
It does if between the scenes they come to your room and ask you to fuck them.
I cant f@ck them I think I Am a bottom.
another bisexual guy in gay porn only for money, he is unrelated, old and trashed bisexual. can anyone find real gay men in gay porn please ?
It’s clearly stated in the article that Chad has a male partner of ten years and before that had a boyfriend of five years…so, what does it matter if he identifies as bisexual? Why do so many gay men assume that just because a man identifies as bisexual that it means they can’t be in a relationship with another man? Judging by this article, he’s clearly just a bisexual man who finds himself in relationships more relatable to men than he is to women and that doesn’t make him any less of a performer in the gay porn industry.
Nice detailed interview. Alot of what he says is very insightful even though I don’t agree with a fair bit of what he says. Cool to hear from an ancient relic as himself.
it is so obvious — chad is still leaving in the past and is still angry that michael lucas created a publicity stunt for ban Andrews. If working for Michael lucas was so bad why did he appear in nearly every film they did throughout his career?
This interview is a great get for The Sword. I love that The Sword is bouncing back. Chad Hunt was a great performer. Consistent, sexy and an all around great performer. Glad to hear that he’s in control of his life and in control of his legacy. While Hunt is being a gentleman about Michael Lucas, one of my favorite scenes is Chad Hunt and Rod Barry. It’s a kind of Behind the Scenes scenario between to the veterans with some of the best chemistry I have ever seen. The camera work is dark and distant, but these two guys are on fire. Chad Hunt and Rod Barry…that was good porn.
I somehow overlooked this one impassioned scene between two legends. A brief but spectacular chemical fusion of hot man lust. This formula bond pairing will make you explode. THANKS>
It’s not 11″, it’s 8.75″. I know because I measured it (before I fucked him) before he became a porn star.
Yea Right. We all measure the cocks of the guys we have one night stands with. LOL
Brad Star gay? LOL… He is not gay: “BS No, not at all…it is probably better that we didn’t because we are still close friends now. That friendship probably would not have been as strong if we had played around with each other back then. As I said, I truly am bi-sexual. I prefer to be with a woman for a dating relationship and I like sex with guys based on the physical relationship only. I do not think I could be in a relationship with a guy for a long period.”
You’re going from some bullshit the guy says in an interview rather than someone who actually knew him?
Michael Lucas is a psychopath…that whore forgets the mileage on him.
Thanks so much for posting this interesting interview. While Chad was never one of my favorite performers, this article sheds new light for me. Even though many of his answers were what you’d expect them to be, his candid remarks were very revealing and informative. And who knew…porn stars go to Disneyland!!
What an awesome interview! Chad sounds like a really down-to-earth and grounded person; glad to get his perspective on the industry.
WOW. This is the best interview I have ever read from a porn star. So smart. So grounded. I was never a huge Chad Hunt fan but I am now. I agree with him on everything. Its almost like I answered the questions. He is so polite to everyone too. Yes Billy Brandt was a drama queen. Michael Lucas is another drama queen who should not be promoting bareback. And how can Spencer Reed bash twink stars when he was a skinny twink before the roids. He is right on target with all of that. And stop bashing the Str8 for pay guys because it is their way of coming out. FINALLY someone agrees with me 100%!
jesus christ he’s heinous.
Oh Mary, put down your own bio and read Chad’s instead.
I enjoyed the interview. What are the chances of you guys at The Sword tracking down Chuck DiRocco for your next interview? He was amazing and I’m curious as to what he’s up to.
As for Chad, I think he may be downplaying the incident with Michael Lucas. Because from what I remember, it got to the point where he was seeking an attorney. I’m not sure why. Maybe to get out of his contract with Lucas Entertainment? I don’t know. But when Ben Andrews came along, it seemed as though fans and even Michael were trying to make him out to be Chad’s younger replacement. Chad was definitely insecure about his age and used to shave off a few years on his MySpace profile. And when Michael publicly said Ben was bigger, thicker, and 15 years younger, that really set off Chad. Things only got worse when Michael created a website where we could vote on who had the bigger dick. I personally felt that Ben wasn’t attractive and full of himself. So I didn’t understand why Chad felt so threatened by him. Thank goodness Twitter wasn’t established when the whole thing took place.
It was certainly a blast from the past hearing from Chad. I’m now reminded of my best friend who I lost 5 years ago. We met because we were both huge fans. Good to know Chad is doing fine since his retirement.
I find it rather irritating that so many people who have worked for duckface and his studio have so much to say about their experience, but never publicly do. It’s like when that whole incident at QMN where Rafael Alencar (or someone pretending to be him) said a lot of things about working for duckface and his studio, and Zach from str8upgayporn confirmed it as being true as he was told those exact same things by someone who is well-known used to him and that person was embroiled in a bit of a scandal with that studio after leaving.
Well the (possibly) real Rafael came on str8upgayporn and said that none of it was true and that wasn’t him, and I think the person who Zach got his info from also detracted from what Zach was saying. It’s like they’re genuinely scared of him because duckface might actually have shit against him.
Which is why I admire Seth and Billy Santoro for not being afraid of voicing their opinion on their experience at that studio and weren’t afraid of breaking any rules that weren’t really binding at all.
*as someone who is well known in porn who used to work for duckface
I wish Chad Hunt the best on his recovery journey and with his sobriety. It was quite respectable for him to speak mostly well of his previous co-stars and directors. His humility with regard to his looks was refreshing in such an image conscious industry. With his experiences in porn and escorting, it would be interesting to hear more about balancing being a father and a sex worker. The perspectives of his partner and son would likely be intriguing.
Oh My Goodness he’s and his film what I was talking about Chad Hunt and the Aspen film which I considered the MOST PASSÍONATE GROUP SEX (with many handsome guys in one mansion) I’ve ever watch. That was the CD that I bought on the street seller 3 years ago and my first experience gay porn. Im teary eyed.. I dont wanna comment on his religious beliefs maybe it would help him on his troubled pasts if he hold on to GOD.. It makes me happy to know he’s into teaching now and living with a GAY MAN even if he’s the so called bi yeah like my Gabriel Clark. I only dont like about the many sex experience he had and d cheating part, CHEATING hurts the one you love.. Thank you Mr. Chad Hunt. I hate to admit but another ace interview from this writer. This surprise me gosh.
he never said he cheated on his partner. he said he and his partner were broken up and he dated other people during that time.
He cheated on his wife and later he confessed about it to her that’s why they broke up.. It’s hard for me to speak but I understand ENGLISH.
You didn’t understand actually. He told his wife he felt like he was going to cheat but he didn’t chest on her because she decided to get a divorce.
He’s one of the few pornstars who had a big dick and knew how to use it. he was always a great top who delivered every scene.
But I kind of felt that he did become one of those schmucks that left porn at the time when no one kind of cared. I remember when it was announced that he was finally bottoming on camera, no one really said a word about it at all on many blogs. And when the scene came out, it was heavily criticized for being a pretty bad scene.
Oh well. Glad he’s doing so well and that he’s got himself in order. I think I remember hearing about that meth issue somewhere on the blogs as well. Glad to know it’s not true.