It’s The Golden Probe Awards!

The what?

The Golden Probe Awards.

In previous years they were known as the “Fag Hag Awards,” but hostess/creator/ director Laura D. changed the name this time because you can’t say “fag” without pissing some silly faggot off. It’s the only awards show that doesn’t take itself seriously, and it’s the only awards show where you don’t have to spend any money to win an award.

They were held last night (as they are every year on the eve of the Cybersockets at Rage in West Hollywood), and I’m proud to announce that The Sword won a golden dildo for “Best Gossip Girl.” Thank you, Golden Probes and Laura! And thank you, T Ball, for the photos below!

In attendance: Trenton Ducati, Tate Ryder, Austin Wilde, Anthony Romero, Tommy Defendi, Kirk Cummings, Ryan Raz, John Magnum, Mike DeMarko, mr. Pam, Leo Forte, John Magnum, Andrew Stark, Bobby Clark, Kirk Cummings, Brandon Wilde, Sister Roma, and more. Full photo gallery here.

[Behind The TBall]


21 thoughts on “It’s The Golden Probe Awards!”

    1. QUICK! Sniff Her Chair While It's Warm

      I have to agree. The point is producing a quality product that entices people to consistently purchase that product. I don’t see that in the Golden Peen or Cybersocket. These people are straight up shit. This industry is crumbling & devolving. The awards are cheap & lifeless. Ditto on the product & the participants.

      And YES, I’d be a fucking hater too if I paid $25, $30 or $40 monthly for ugly guys…having boring sex…shot with awful $2 production values without any keen editing or common sense oversight before releasing it upon a paying public.

  1. Trenton and Austin, now there’s a duo I would love to see!

    And I really love Trenton Ducati, but please enough with the wearing shades inside a building look! It’s so douchebaggy.

  2. The first thing I noticed was that Johnny Rapid wasn’t present. Unless they were filming a gangbang in the backroom. You would think Laura D would give him something special since there is no denying that he brought them the most traffic and memberships this year.

    The second thing I noticed was Rocco Reed wasn’t present either and he garnered almost as much attention(even if it wasn’t always positive) as Johnny Rapid.

  3. Wow, why so many haters ? ! It’s just to have fun ! Some people really take porn too seriously ! Anyway, Tommy Defendi and Andrew Stark look gorgeous !

  4. Have to agree with the T Shirt Andrew Smith is wearing.

    If he was as hairy as Heath Jordan he’d be my perfect man.

  5. I see Stark and Clark holding spray-painted golden dildos screwed onto cheap wooden plaques… shouldn’t you either be a fag or a hag to receive a “Fag Hag Award”?

    And since when did the term “fag hag” fall out of favor? Speaking as a “silly faggot,” I quite enjoyed calling those loud, fat, ugly females who make a nuisance of themselves in gay bars/gatherings hags…

  6. Oh, goody, all the people I hate in one place! >:|

    How old is she? like 50 in that pic? >:)

    You can keep sucking her dick, Zack. You wanna make sure you get one next year! :p

    But don’t fret, if the award show doesn’t have enough momentum for next year, I will be hosting my own awards called the golden douche! They are used douches collected from the set of, and they are spray painted gold! Perhaps the same people are going to be given golden douches! So do you have a plus one? Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to! :D

    Suck it, bitches!

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