New York is reportedly using the prostitution charges brought against 50 men in the past 4 years as the primary justification for shutting down various adult shops. But gay sluts everywhere are saying that the prostitution arrests were malicious, unwarranted and anti-gay.
The pattern here is for a young, hot cop to flirt with an older patron inside a sex shop. In the course of an aggressive, charming flirtation, the cop will casually insert some sentence like, “Oh, I want to pay you $50 to suck your dick.” (That’s one proposition we’d gladly say yes on!) If he accepts, the victim is then arrested and branded as a prositute — even if he never talked about money himself, even if he never at any point in his life intended to get paid for sex.
In this economy, we’ll take the cash where we can get it, and if a hot muscle bearin reflective aviators is attached, even better. Besides, if they close down the bookstores where are we going to buy our poppers?
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Shuttering Porn Shops, City Fakes Arrests (GayCityNews)