So last night, “a witness” blabbed to Page Six that Guy showed up (with two hot chicks, natch) at West Village showtune queen bar Marie’s Crisis, where he sang a couple of ditties in order that someone at Page 6 would write about it and suggest that he wasn’t a homo-hater.
Meanwhile uptown, Madge was just waking up from a day’s rest in her meat locker to have a softly lit threeway with A-Rod and Jesus Luz.
I Want Half: A Timeline of Notable Celeb Divorces
Madonna’s Wildly Hairy Vagina ca. 1979 (NSFW)
Vadge Roundup: Grass Dress, Guy Wants Zilch, Gwyneth Babysits
Vadge Roundup: Madonna Barred from 2nd Malawian Adoption, Lures A-Rod, Lures Gwyneth
Guy Ritchie Goes to Marie’s Crisis (Page 6)