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He’s Called XL For A Reason

XL is handsome, built, hot, hung, and versatile. And today, he’s doesn’t even need another man around to show off every one of those traits.

XL is quite a man.

Not many established stars can pull off a solo and still make it more than just watchable, but in its own right.

XL doesn’t get nearly the screen time he deserves. While I am glad to see him showcased today, I can’t help but wonder why he’s not featured more often considering what he brings to the table is much more considerable than some of the guys we see much more often.

It takes real charisma to make a FlashJack a worthwhile co-star.

gay porn star xlThen again, XL has the face.

gay porn star xlAnd the ass.

gay porn star xlAnd most definitely the cock.

So it’s not that seeing him, even in solitary confinment, isn’t head and shoulders above most solos and even some duos.

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[Watch XL at NextDoorStudios]

It’s just that I wish he was featured in action scenes more often where he could show off all of those qualities and moves with something not made of plastic.

Not something, but someone. Like Beau Reed from about a month ago.

gay porn star beau reedBeaux was first and bat.

gay porn star beau reedThen, XL brought up the rear, literally.


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[Watch Beau & XL in “Hard Morning” at NextDoorStudios]
I am going to ask publically a decidedly loaded, but long overdue, question: considering all that he has going for him, would XL be a much bigger star if he was white?


3 thoughts on “He’s Called XL For A Reason”

  1. I think he’s the full package. POWER TOP/ POWER BOTTOM, if you follow him on social media you see he’s really intelliegent also, speaks and acts well, I’d like to see him with a more serious name instead of XL, but I fond of him.

  2. XL is absolutely fantastic! Why “big names” studios don”t cast him ? Respect to fantastic and soooooooooo sexy XL.

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