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Bad Boys & Big Dicks

Being from the wrong side of the tracks doesn’t always get you in trouble. But in Trenton Ducati’s directorial debut, “Greasers”, it goes get these boys a whole lot of cock.

Trenton Ducati is no stranger to NakedSword Originals, but unlike his appearances in “Grindhouse” and “Addict”, this time Trenton is also both on the set and in the director’s chair in the first gay porn blockbuster of 2017, “Greasers”.

gay porn star trenton ducatiTrue, “Grease” was the word for Danny and Kenickie but “Greasers” takes it inspiration from “The Outsiders,” the timeless coming-of-age novel by S. E. Hinton about culture clashes in changing times. This is no gay porn parody. This is an original tale of lust, regret, desire, and victory reimagined by Trenton and NakedSword Originals.

gay porn star trenton ducati“The guys from the wrong side of the tracks, low-lifes, hustlers, that’s what society called them. But these hotrod driving, skintight leather wearing, punks with slicked back hair and piston pumpin’ cocks call themselves Greasers. When they aren’t working on cars, they’re working on each other’s big dicks and greased up holes. Get ready for a wild ride.”

gay porn star trenton ducatiFalcon Studios Group exclusive JJ Knight is on hand for the festivities. But supported by a phalanx of hotties making their first appearance in a NakedSword Original: Marco Montgomery, Trent Ferris, Christian Taylor, Kyler Ash, and Korey Houston

[Watch “Greasers” at NakedSword]

The first scene premieres tomorrow with Trenton Ducati, Kyler Ash, and Korey Houston. What happens when the big boss meets up with the young punks? See you manana and we’ll break it down drop by drop.

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