Getting fucked with a toilet plunger almost prepared Dylan Knight for the ass trouncing he gets from Jason Styles in “Tahoe Snowbound.” Almost.
The velocity of both of their cumshots almost required an air traffic controller as well. Falcon wouldn’t trust their venerable “Tahoe” franchise unless they knew Dylan Knight and Jason Styles would deliver an A-List worthy scene.
Their confidence was well placed: this qualifies as a special delivery.
Dylan Knight got a major improvement today over Peter Fields and that plunger handle. He’s been doing more than letting his body hair grow, he been building his body too. As for Jason Styles, that body is like a work of art you’ve seen before but can’t remember the name. Does Zack at Sean Cody help you out?
The action jumps off when Jason’s ski pants come down. One glance at the bulge in his thermals hanging low on those cum-gutter abs and Dylan’s mouth was closing in.
Since Dylan is more often found bending over, that big, beautiful dick of his doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. Jason made sure that didn’t happen today.
Once his mouth was all warmed up, he moved a little lower and used Dylan’s hole for a happy meal.
Jason was pounding Dylan so fast and with such force that the echo of their flesh colliding sounded like a team of horses was tap dancing on a tin roof. No camera trickery here. He’s ramming that fast.
Dylan’s sack was so tight it practically disappeared. But he had a good reason for holding his nut. It was his turn to fuck in a flip I never saw coming. But as for their cumming, that you definitely will see. Keep your eyes focused over both of Jason’s shoulders and pay careful attention to the iPad screen … while you can.

What is over Jason’s shoulders and on the iPad screen?