Spending the summer with relatives he hardly knows wasn’t Caleb’s idea. Little did he know that Uncle Jack has some special activities planned that will keep Caleb very busy well into the fall.
Initially, Jacob Armstrong wasn’t too excited about this coming summer either.
His two oldest boys would be away for the duration – good thing he had that special going away party with them both before they headed out of town.
But unlike, Caleb Armstrong, Jacob was very excited to learn that his nephew would be spending some time with them.
Caleb wasn’t used to be away from home for so long, but in today’s “Family Dick” update, Jacob knew just what to do make him feel like a member of the family>.
“When Caleb comes to visit his uncle, he finds himself around people he doesn’t know all too well.”
“Even though they’re family, they haven’t spent a lot of time together.”
“An innocent hug leads to a stolen kiss.”
“When he gets homesick, his attentive uncle Jacob makes sure he feels right at home.”
“Before you know it, the homesick boy is happily sucking down on his mother’s brother’s pole.”
“And soon his mother’s brother’s pole is fucking Caleb’s hole hard and raw.”

[Watch Caleb & Jacob Armstrong in “Kissing Cousins Chapter 1: Homesick” at Family Dick]
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