Comment Of The Day: “Fuck Off And Eat Shit”

“First off, hey to all my fans. Second off if you don’t like me you don’t have to beat off to me in the dark. I’m do [sic] tired of your opinions and truthfully they don’t matter. What I do on my own, free time, it’s clearly my business. If you don’t like it fuck off and eat shit.”

Gay porn star Sebastian Young, responding to criticism of his performance at last weekend’s Hustlaball in New York City.

41 thoughts on “Comment Of The Day: “Fuck Off And Eat Shit””

  1. I believe that anyone would be sick and tired of years of negative comments concerning mistakes that in some cases happened over 10 years ago. It is unfortunate that Mr. Young is in the spot light with all of his life available for the public to see and regrettably to be able, but not entitled, to offer their opinions of. I wonder how the rest of us would fair under public scrutiny of our pasts?
    There are truly some haters and I guess that is to be expected. However, Mr. Young clearly was not dissing his fans, but his detractors. So for all of you who constantly return to the felonies and other run ins with the law, I invite you to share your mistakes and missteps. My name is Jamie and I was fired from my first job and have had a DUI. If you feel the need to insult his past failures, I ask you to share yours as well. More power to you Sebastian, Jamie

    1. I don’t understand a lot of the negativity on the internet in general. We’re all just squirrels trying to get a nut in this life, whether literal or metaphorical. Why berate people who are just trying to make the most out of a situation? That’s what we’re all trying to do. I like Sebastian Young!

    2. I have an idea. Let’s let him beat the shit out of your grandmother, then see how you feel about it 10 years later.

  2. You bash gays and gay sex, beat up old women, no one wants you so you come back to the gay world and make movies that get panned and no one wants to see. You trash cockyboys, get into a bitchfest with Trever Knight. You say your done and through and then show up on hustlaball and have a 3 way like your some born again homosexual and now your mad at us ?

    1. Please sir, prove your facts. Show us where he has bashed gays and gay sex. Show us where you can prove he beat up an old woman. You are either uninformed or not interested in the facts about the fans not interested in his work. He has completed 4 new shoots and is shooting more in the following weeks.
      I will give you the CockyBoys exchange, but if you will actually read the tweets, Trevor started the entire “bitchfest.” I assume you have contacted him with your displeasure. (didn’t think so)
      And lastly, where did he say he was “done and through.”
      I look forward to your presentation of these questions.

        1. If you can read, Dear, the comments are calling him a granny beater. I am not trying to deny he has had several arrests. If you are prepared to debate the other points that were made on the post that I commented on, proceed. Find your happy place and crawl into it.

        2. Estelle, let’s just agree to disagree. I support him and you don’t. I just don’t appreciate you insulting anyone who does. And let’s face it, that is exactly what you are and have been doing.

          1. God you really are dense. What do you call “Battery Upon a Person 65/Older.”? He assaulted an elderly person. Go crawl back up Sebastian’s asshole, you missed a few kernels.

    1. Question: Name of a cry-baby, granny-beating broke felon who can only find a job as a tweaked-out “straight” porn star and who pretends to be gay because he likes using the gay community for money just as much as he loves abusing the elderly.

      Answer: Who is Sebastian Young.

      Now onto the Daily Double, Alex.

      1. If your answer was supposed to be in the form of a question, you forgot the question mark. And I’m sorry, wrong answer. Here is your complimentary bag on Get-over-yourself.

  3. Chi Chi's Left Nut Sack

    Boo hoo!!! The granny beater’s feeeeeeelings are hurt. He shits on gay men then expects us to love him. He’s a convicted felon and lucky to even have a job! Sebastian, would you like to be unemployed? Insult your fans some more, granny beater.

      1. Her right nut sack was already eaten by “The Lollipop Twink” before he had his mental meltdown. The demons told him to do it.

  4. Sebastian looked his best with Trevor Knight’s ten inch cock planted balls deep in is big round ass. Get fucked more Sebastian!!

    1. I agree. He’s hot and needs to take A LOT more dick! If you’re going to be g4p earn my money, don’t just expect it. Would love to see him paired with Adam Killian. But I would love to see Adam Killian paired up with anybody. Oh, and Adam and Tommy Defendi too. Make it happen, someone!

      1. In fact Sebastian Young should just re-brand himself as the new power bottom and make use of one of his best, if not his best, asset! Not only would it be hot but probably reup his career.

  5. I think he’s delicious. I’ve enjoyed him since his days at that sketchy twink production company… he was so gorgeous then and then got even hotter…. and then he went to jail, got a little weird and busted looking, but now he seems to be just as sexy as ever. I would sooooo love to get my hands on that vid of him and Trent and my other all time favorite – Tate Ryder!

  6. If our opinions did not matter, he would not have posted a ripost. Our opinions do matter, no one is hating. Just expressing displeasure. This little man is not the center of our universe. And no one had even mention his name in the previous thread. Delusions of grandeur. Misplaced, if you see his dick size.

    1. “no one is hating”
      a few words later…
      “Delusions of grandeur. Misplaced, if you see his dick size.”

      yeah. youre like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day bro.

      1. Note I said “just expressing displeasure”. Hate is powerful, very intense, all-consuming and destructive state of mind. It does not apply to my criticism. Quit the slang and get your language skills polished. Bro.

        1. Speaking of language skills, there are a few mistakes you have made. The word ripost should be re-post. You should have used a semi-colon, not a comma in the second sentence. “Just expressing displeasure” is not a complete sentence. The word “And” needs to have a comma after it. You should have written mentioned not mention. “Delusions of grandeur.” is a phrase, not a sentence as well as you last statement.
          Regardless of those elementary school mistakes, you are wrong. He is the center of the universe, bro.

          1. While we’re picking up on mistakes, the word is riposte – a swift sharp reply in speech or action.

          2. Wow Jamie. Impressive and ineffective use of your time. Remember this is a comment section of a blog, not a journalistic report. As such, and in order to be succinct, full grammatical constructions can be omitted. Yet, writing a phrase instead of a complete sentence, as you mention, is acceptable as long as it makes sense within the context. Please go back to Estelle and play with her, she seems to have described your nature with intense accuracy.

  7. I’m not trying to be a hater but his solo performance was pretty boring. He stood up, stroked his dick and took photos of the audience with his IPhone. Was this his version of sexy artistic expression?

  8. Get thicker skin and grow up.

    Or if you don’t like what people write don’t read it.

    Either way grow up.

    I just read most of the comments I agree with it being tacky and why was lesbian stuff shown at the end?

    How are they able to skirt the law with this “ball”? I don’t mean it rudely I’m just confused because its a private event?

  9. I am not a huge Sebastian fan but he looked like the hottest guy at Hustlaball. He really grew up and into that body and tattoos. He looks better than ever and thus the haters. Now if he could stay hard and cum ropes, he would be the #1 porn star in the world!

      1. You really should stop eating the corn out of Sebastian’s shit dear. Sebastian is a convicted felon and yes one of the crimes was for beating up an elderly person. Only an idiot would defend this worn out piece of trash.

        1. Call me an idiot then. Which I would much rather be than an over opinionated, bitter person who only can see the past. Get back to your Brady Bunch episodes and creamed-corn.

          1. The “past” was May 5, 2012 a battery and false imprisonment charge. Get back to using your Precious Moments figurines as dildos while thinking about the limpdicked, drug addled, greasy, loser you fantasize about.

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