Celebrate Lady Gaga’s R. Kelly Duet By Watching a Sexy Young Thief Get Pissed On!

It’s official! Lady Gaga has announced “Do What U Want,” a duet with R. Kelly, as the next single from her forthcoming ArtPop album. The mere mention of the beleaguered R&B crooner’s name calls to mind only one thing. No, not his string of chart-topping hits from yesteryear or even that never-ending “Trapped in the Closet” saga he released.

Of course, it conjures images of piss play!

Were R. Kelly to indulge in gay porn, he’d clearly want to see a barely-legal twink defiled and, ultimately, pissed on. (Court records show that’s what his private life is like, right?)
And without a doubt, nobody fills that bill better than the Kink.com Bound in Public series! Prime example is this new video Hot Sex Shop Thief Fucked and Pissed on in the Back Arcade.

Hey, with an ever-so-descriptive title like that, who even needs a review of the film — but here goes. Sexy Silas O’Hara gets caught stealing and winds up paying big-time! He’s flogged, has his nuts and chest zapped with an electronic prod, and that’s just the start! Super hung Jay Cloud forces Silas to suck his cock — and every other cock in sight, for that matter. Once a crew of men takes turns fucking him, they spray the thief with cum, then finish the humiliation by hosing him down with piss.

Not only is the finale right up R. Kelly’s alley, “Do What U Want” sounds like a perfect theme song! This could really amount to something.

Watch a preview of the video below or watch it all here:

Hot Sex Shop Thief Fucked and Pissed on in the Back Arcade.

5 thoughts on “Celebrate Lady Gaga’s R. Kelly Duet By Watching a Sexy Young Thief Get Pissed On!”

  1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Lady Gaga has no morals. She says she is all pro-gay but still does a movie with one of the biggest racist and homophobes (Mel Gibson). On Ellen’s show (who is a vegan) she said sje would never wear fur and then about a year later she wore fur and was even proud of it. And now she does a duet with R Kelly. Like I said: No morals whatsoever.

    1. Most people in the industry sold out somewhere along the line. I don’t care whether she has morals or not. As long as she is making good music, I’m satisfied. This song kicks ass!

      1. But she’s not making good music. She makes watered down overtly sampled and mixed studio bull$hit for the masses. The music she puts out is beneath her. Just like Nicki Minaj. They both know that if they put out the music they really wanted to they would flop. So they dumb it down for people like you who eat up the bull$hit lol

        1. How is her music even dumb down for the public? Have u even listened to her albums? Her lyrics and statements on her songs are so above anything any of the current pop stars put out. Applause is prove of that, the verses are so Gaga menaing lyrics which the public can not associate very easily and yet she made it work with that flawless chorus. Her latest song is directed to the media and how she is constantly used for headlines in a bad way and u obviously fall for what u supposedly assume u know. Pathetic.

    2. Gaga didn’t even make a movie, she was only on screen for like 3 minutes in the entire movie, how is it her fault that the director of the movie chose to cast Mel Gibson? Was she supposed to turn down the opportunity to show off her acting skills? R. Kelly has made mistakes, a lot, but his music is fantastic, she obviously grew up listening to him as many of us did. Was he supposed to turn down the opportunity to work with him? Your opinion of her is so flawed, I’m almost positive you know nothing about her music or the production of her latest song Do What U Want. Just sad.

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