[NSFW] Breaching Leather Protocol With Aden Jaric

UPDATE: I’m too harsh here, and since I don’t like altering posts I’ve already published, I’ve written a follow-up here. But I still prefer these T-shirts instead.

If I wore any of the clothes that Aden is modeling below, I would hate crime myself. But who needs clothes that aren’t disgusting when you have sex muscles like Aden Jaric’s to draw the viewer’s attention away from the “Define ‘Boyfriend'” slogan? I’m glad that the designers behind Seattle-based T-shirt company Ajaxx63 had the good sense to hire one of the few men with enough beauty to overpower such satorial vomit, but the inclusion of leather gear is criminal.

A leather Sir cap with a cotton cut-off? That makes about as much sense as pig sex deoderant. So here are a few notes for whomever designed this campaign: your clothes are awful; your appropriation of a decades-long BDSM leather gear tradition to distract the viewer from your awful clothes is awful; and your Aden Jaric images are fucking hot despite your awful clothes being so incredibly awful.

And here are a few notes for Aden Jaric: you’re hot; you’re probably one of the only men on Earth who can successfully pull of the “Oops my hand is covering my penis and my scrotum!” pose; and you should wear leather more often.

And finally a note for any gay guy who continues to wear T-shirts emblazoned with random, meaningless “sporty” number combinations: you suck, and I’d rather stick my dick in the fog machine behind you than have sex with you. Unless you look like Aden Jaric.


It’s A Filthy Gay T-Shirt Roundup
In DNA’s Latest Photo Spread, The Porn Stars Are As Hot As They Are White
The Jarics Throw Themselves An Injection Party
My Dick Slept Through Mr. Leather 2010

Aiden Jaric Pour Ajaxx63 (Parisian Boys)

11 thoughts on “[NSFW] Breaching Leather Protocol With Aden Jaric”

  1. Well, from the “For What It’s Worth” department, I agree with the original post: Aden is a stunner and the photos are nice. The combo of the clothing and the leather cap, not so much. I’m afraid I can’t quite buy into Gabriel’s insistence that just because they are a gay-owned and -operated company that they should be automatically exempt from any criticism from other gays.

  2. The Sword’s bitter and nasty post is a perfect example of why gay men will never achieve a sense of equality and decency in mainstream society. Why the hell should anyone respect us when we put all our energy into 1) cutting down other gay men and 2) pining away for unattainable straight men? Truly pathetic.

    1. as a straight female who reads the sword, because it’s funny, witty, and sometimes abbrasive (like me) let me give you my perspective. i can sense a very gay-centric theme undearneath all of the posts. Sometimes I think gay men point to the fact that they are gay to disctract from the point that maybe they failed somehow. In the end EVERYONE involved here should be HAPPY……….. the people who made the shirts should be happy someone was honest … ESPECIALLY a gay man who researches what gay men do and dont like ALL DAY LONG for a living….. the guy who took the photo should be happy that his photos got posted somewhere and they inspired emotion …. the guy who is in the picture should be happy he was blessed with such beauty and can make a living off of it… and the guy writing this story should be happy that what he says affects people in a way where they (just like him) speak their mind.

  3. wow!!!

    gay wardrobe police.

    and we wonder whats up with christians and their..you must act this way. you just displayed the same sin..a bit differnt and less offensive..you must dress this way. why cant we let our gay brothers and sisters dress as they see fit whithout getting our panites all bunched up?

  4. That BOY never looked better.
    Actually if he sports this look he might actually have a bigger career!
    The beard SO works on him .
    As far as the clothing ….WHO THE FUCK CARES!?
    I’ve worn more leather in and out of films then just about anyone…and I’m here to tell you. The only people
    that would stress over the tee shirts are the men that CAN’T WEAR THEM!
    The photos are BEAUTIFUL!
    Sign me up

  5. I appreciate your comment and I agree in retrospect that I was too harsh to a for-the-gays-by-the-gays company. In the future I’ll save my fighting words for GLAAD.

  6. Thanks for the props on the photos, guys. But, wow, them’s some harsh fighting words. You were right about a couple things tho: The Ajaxx fellas are nothing but super sweet incredibly nice men trying to earn an honest living. (They had nothing to do with the styling of this shoot–you can blame me for that.) And yes, Aden is hot as fuck. AND a very nice guy.

    I guess what’s hard to swallow with this post is here are a couple of gay men who created a gay-owned and operated company–who hired a gay photographer and gay model to sell their wares to the gay community … and you’re slamming them. Harshly. I love me some freedom of speech. And I’m all for the right to express ones’ opinion. But in this day and age, don’t we as gay people–who literally just got the door slammed in our equal-rights-desiring faces– have bigger enemies to battle? Shouldn’t we save our fighting words for them?

    Just a thought.

  7. i actually had a hard time noticing the clothing at all since he looks so amazing in these photos. Why buy a cheap t-shirt when you could hire a photographer that can make you look amazing in anything…. or nothing. Thumbs up to the photographer… this is the hottest i’ve ever seen Aiden. As for the clothing? Wet seal called… they want their t-shirts back.

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