Bisexual Porn Star Logan McCree Now Baiting Twitter Followers With ‘Why I Lost My Gay Membership’

Thoroughly inked German porn stud Logan McCree, who mostly disappeared from American porn in the last few years and shacked up with a woman in Scotland, is legitimately bisexual — as he detailed in this interview from 2011.

Back in 2009, when he was a popular Raging Stallion model, McCree was briefly in a monogamous relationship with fellow porn stud Vinnie D’Angelo. Later, he says, he craved the comfort of a woman and then ended up falling in love with a makeup artist.

Lately he appears to be single again, referring to himself and his two dogs as a “pack of three”, touting his health at age 37, and he was recently in an unfortunate car accident from which he survived with minor scrapes and a broken rib.

Perhaps in a bid to gain some Twitter attention (he currently works as a massage therapist, DJ, and actor in the UK, and has this defunct porn site), he’s been detailing the reasons why he “lost his gay membership,” which you can see below. Among them, he’s never been to a Madonna concert (neither have I!), and he likes to lick pussy.


Just to prove he’s still into guys, and leather, he is planning to go to IML this year…


Also, here’s a recent photo. He says he hasn’t been to the gym in three years?!


And here he was about four years ago.


87 thoughts on “Bisexual Porn Star Logan McCree Now Baiting Twitter Followers With ‘Why I Lost My Gay Membership’”

  1. There’s no such thing as music that makes you physically sick unless it’s way too loud.

    It’s probably the drugs, girl.

  2. hallo Philipp
    gratulation für deine entscheidung, welche ich erst heute gelesen habe
    das zu tun was du tun wills und nicht was man(n) erhofft das du tun solltest
    wer wirklich tolerant ist und dich mochte, warum auch immer, wie du bisher warst, wird dich auch noch mögen, egal welche entscheidungen du für dich selbst triffst,mit wem auch immer zusammen oder alleine, ob als film-star oder als feuerwehrmann, ich wünsche dir viel glück im entlegenen teil von GB und hoffe, das es trotzdem im netzt immer mal wider eine nachricht von dir geben wird. gruß aus hessen

  3. Hey Logan,

    You don’t have to justify yourself on here, just because some bitter queens don’t accept the fact that you don’t label yourself, haters will hate, no worse than homophobes imo.

    You’re just too hot to be shared by just men, spread your love & seed for everyone, fucking stud! hottest pornstar ever, & Vegetarian too! sexy dude

  4. Hi Logan. I am Landon. I was happy to find that you replied often to comnents posted here. I liked you when you were in a relationship with Vinnie. It was a beautiful thing to see two guys sharing life and love. Guess how I came upon you? I googled gay porn real life couple. That’s how I got to know you two. Although you are not together anymore, I don’t hate you. Just that felt a bit sad because when you only liked guys, it felt u r in our team, our side like a family you know. Oh well, do what you need to be happy so long no one is hurt in the process. Life is simple but not easy, it’s hard to say something about someone when you are not him. I learnt about that more and more each day. I am not embarrassed to say I too felt your post a bit desperate and for promotion. That’s just how I felt about this one post though. I will not judge you because human are complicated being, no one is perfect. Like I said, I can’t possibly say you are good or bad unless I know you as friend in real life. As long as we know we never intentionally hurt anyone, we are not bad persons. Wish you goos health and happiness, only those two are most important things in life for me. Looking to receive your response. Perhaps even be friends so i can really know you as a person.

  5. Poor logan, i think i should step up and finally give him a scenario and a valid reason why i personally despise bi men, and why they are a huge part of my biggest fetish which hunts me all the time, whats app me whenever u get a chance 781-535-7688 ill be waiting.

  6. Bisexual men are awesome this asshole doesn’t realize people hate him because he’s a homophobic piece of shit also worshiping hetero lifestyle.

  7. Dear Logan,

    I can’t wait for your comeback! And please, can we see ALL of you and see you lick some pussy as well? I would literally buy every movie where you share a scene with a woman!!!

    I’m just like you, and I wanted to tell you that reading your comments and interviews, I relate to you so much. Though I haven’t told everybody in my life about my fluid sexuality, I tried “coming out again” a few years ago while I was still at Uni but it just made me confused and upset because all of a sudden, because I had put myself in the “bi” box for everyone’s peace of mind, I realised I don’t fit into any box either and I just like sex. I’m definitely more into men but I love the idea of one day being with a woman and having a child. Then again, the reality is (and I know this truly within myself) that my attraction to men is stronger, and I wouldn’t want to put someone I loved (who would happen to be female) through that.

    I too feel the animosity that comes from gay men when it comes to men who sleep with men…who also wouldnt mind sleeping with a woman. Personally, I wouldn’t want a man who would want women, too, for a relationship (because 1. I’d get jealous like I have before when I’ve been with bi guys knowing that if they happen to meet a woman they like then I can’t compete at all and 2. we’d probably have too many threesomes to really bond as a couple!) but the irony is: HOW MANY GAY GUYS LUST OVER STRAIGHT MEN?!?!

    Anyway, Im babbling. The main reason I wanted to write this message was because I wanted to give you my support as a fan and ask you to do a few scenes with women, too – because I fantasise about seeing you do that a lot!

    All the best Logan! Looking forward to seeing you on my laptop screen again soon! x

    1. Kelly Parmenter

      Frankly I don’t like bisexual man who like to fuck slutty women and another guy together.Everyone is catching STDS and AIDS from having bisexual threesome with each other and that is sick and perverted.Some bisexual man should stick to fucking gay guys only and forget the slutty women altogether.

    2. Kelly Parmenter

      Why would you want to fantasize about this gay porn star doing bisexual porn with a slutty woman and another bisexual man whore?That is sick and perverted of you wanting that?He needs to stick to doing gay porn only and you shouldn’t be bisexual if you are gay for this gay male porn.Doing bisexual porn is a sure fired way to catch STDS and AIDS if the slutty female porn stars and the gay male porn stars are having unprotected sex with each other.Not cool.

  8. Logan, you seem like a fine, intelligent guy. Logan. Ignore the stupid liars and haters.Our sexuality is indeed a spectrum. Wunderbar!! Hello from montreal.

  9. Sorry Logan! But I do not accept your justifications. Your life is heterosexual and when you found a women you will go again of the gay/bi life. I hope you’re happy with your wife and children: your perfect and suitable family!

    1. Pedro
      How can you say my life is heterosexual? I don’t think I could ever be straight, because I m really into men. If I can’t find a wife that is ok with the fact that I am bisexual, I’m gonna have to stay single. I can’t force myself not to like men anymore and I don’t want to. Its part of my life. Are you too narrow minded to understand that there is more out there then gay and straight?

  10. And here are some facts that are a bit incorrect (or things I would like to clarify) in the article itself

    “and shacked up with a woman in Scotland” – not true.
    “…is legitimately bisexual” – I personally don’t like boxes like bisexual
    “…touting his health at age 37” – whats wrong with being happy about living healthy? I dont drink alcohol, don’t smokem don’t do drugs, I’m vegetarian, don’t do steroids, don’t drink coffee or black tea and I don’t fuck bare. And I like to live this way.
    “…he currently works as a massage therapist, DJ, and actor in the UK” – I don’t work as a DJ or actor in the UK
    “…Just to prove he’s still into guys, and leather, he is planning to go to IML this year…” – actually I’m going to IML, because it’s an amazing event and I really miss it.
    “…Also, here’s a recent photo. He says he hasn’t been to the gym in three years?!” – the next gym is 2 hours away from where i live and I just bought myself a homegym this week. between the 2 photos are 4 years and 10 kg bodyweight.

  11. Hey guy
    A lot of people here have a lot of opinions about me, based on limited informations.

    Here are some informations to try to set things right or at least show my perspective. I try to put them in chronological order:

    – I was always attracted to men and i guess I always will be.
    – I tried a few relationships with guys, but it didn’t feel right to me
    – I was in a relationship with Vinnie D’Angelo and it was not just a friendship. He is a great guy and he deserves all the best. Because being in a relationship with a man doesn’t feel right for me (and this is nothing homophobic at all, its just the way I feel)I couldn’t give him as much love and attention as he gave me and as he deserved.
    – To answer the question what happened to Vinnie: As far as I know he lives a happy live away from porn and I think thats great. I wish him all the best, he’s a good guy.
    – I strated seeing women AFTER I broke up with Vinnie. The reason, I “tried” women again, was simply, because even though I’m attracted to men there was something missing. I started a relationship with with an amazing, wonderful woman, who accepted the fact that I like men as well and who was ok with me doing porn.
    – At this time I gave an interview and also takled about the fact that I was having a relationship with a women now. To be honest, when I gave that interview, I was not aware that ANYBODY could really be offended by it. I don’t judge people for their sexuality and I don’t understand why others do.
    – what fallowed was a shitstorm of predjudice, attacks, roumors and gossip. That I am Gay 4 Pay, straight, surpressed gay, Ex-gay and so on. All of that is utter nonsense. Every persons sexuality changes over the years. some people start to get into SM or fisting, others have less sex and concentrate more on cuddeling, some people make experiences with transgenders. We live and love slightly different every day. Thats life. Evolving. I don’t want to be stuck in a box just to please other people. Is the gay community so narrow minded that they couldn’t support my “coming-out”. (of course there were always people supporting me, also in the gay community)
    – My answer was to shoot the video Logan McCree – sraight or gay or what!? to make fun of the intolerant, radical hostile views of some people
    -A little something about my career: When I started porn, Chris Ward, boss of Raging Stallion told me that a porn career lasts approx 3 years. After that you are old news. And thats true. I worked for RS for three years and then a friend of mine ask me if he could start a porn website with and for me. Thats how started. I wanted to shoot scenes with guys i really liked and I wanted to do scenes without script, without pressure and with a lot of fun. just real sex, as relaxed as possible. sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. all in all i think we shot some great scenes, i am proud of. Then I moved to scotland and started building a house. I couldn’t build a house and shoot porn at the same time and i thought it would be easier to find a girl if I was’t working as a porn actor any more. Now, 2 years later my house is finished and it doesn’t look as if I would find somebody anytime soon unfortunatelly so I might as well do a couple of porn scenes again. (besides, I can stop porn again anytime i want to).
    – The idea to do porn again came from doing cam4 shows (that by the way, quite a few people do enjoy). As one of you guys here mentioned my old boss Chris Ward from Raging Stallion was watching one of my shows. I was very happy to see that he was watching, because we really really like each other. He is a great man and I would call him a friend. After the show he asked me if I wanted to do some fetish scenes for RS and I agreed. And not because of the money, because, belive it or not, there is not a lot of money in the porn industry any more. The reason I want to do the scenes is for fun and to see some old friends again.
    – Twitter account. I created a twitter account simply because people kept telling me that there are some fake accounts out ther, people pretending to be me. Thats why I created a twitter and an Instegram account. To give fans the chance to contact me.
    – Some guys started to attack me again for being Ex-Gay, that I should die, piss off and so on. Thats why I started the “I lost my Gay_Membership hitlist. It is a joke, just like the “Straight or gay or what!?” video. I never liked boxes like gay, bi, straight. I was kicked out of the “community” by some people, just because I’m not the person they want me to be. And Instead of attacking them, I make fun of the situation and also try to explain myself to them. But as always, comments are being taken out of context and used to prove their point.
    – Of course I use stereotypical “reasons” why i lost my gay membership, otherwise the joke wouldn’t work, would it? I am quite aware that not every gay man is a clichee. In fact most arent. But at the same time it is true that it isn’t easy to be in the gay scene and different. Gay punks (and i am not talking about fetish punks), goths, metalheads and so on have a hard time in the so-called community. Not to mention trans people. They don’t find acceptence in any community but their own. We should all respect each other and not just people that are and think like us.
    – I absolutely support gay marriage!!! and i never said I didn’t
    – It is true that I can’t really support same sex adoption, but I’m not fighting against it. I think a kid should ideally grow up with a mother and a father. I think its good to have both influences. That being said, I know that same sex couples can be great parents and a some straight people shouldn’t have kids. But if you gave me the choice if i wanted to grow up with a mother and father, two moms, two dads, a single mother or a single father, i would chose the mother and father. But the most important thing is not the gender, its how much they love the kids.

    all the best to all of you

  12. umdoistresdasilva

    Just googled him quickly. I can’t understand how he could be surprised that people think that he is a self-loathing homosexual.
    1) He idolises straight guys; down to earth, modest, sober, muscular (but not superficial), masculine, *real* mens ( and his official website)
    2) Wants a woman to have a family with, because a same sex couple would be bad to children, that needs “a fatherfigure and a motherfigure” (
    3) And now he makes a list of all things that makes him different from the rest of “the gays”: we are all superficial, artificial and dissimulated, hysterically feminine, self indulging drug addicts. He, of course, is above all that.

    Nobody is hating him because he is bi (like he suggest in his ridiculous “al gayda” video). He is disgusting because of constant and open heterosexism. In every opportunity, he does nothing but put down gay culture.

    1. – The “Al-gayda” video and all the gay-membership tweets are just reactions to attacks from the gay community for not being 100% gay.
      – I am definitly NOT the only guy who constantly “falls in love” with straight guys!!!
      – Huge parts of the gay community idealize and fetishize staight men and behaviour!: Leather, Sportsgear, Suits, Hairy, Muscles
      – I don’t want to have a woman just to have a child, but because I feel good in a relationship with a woman.
      – I make the gay membership- list, because gay guys kicked me out of the community!

    1. Hey Chris, ich habe letzte woche eine feuerperformance auf einer party in paris gemacht. Ich war der EINZIGE im gesamten backstage bereich, der keine drogen genommen hat und ich denke das gleich eist auf die meisten partygäste zu übertragen. wenn ich zum arbeiten auf veranstaltungen bin bin muss ich permanent mit leuten auf drogen oder betrunkenen klar kommen. Es tut mir leid, wenn meine abstinenz wie prahlen wirkt, aber es ist besonders im umfeld der porno industrie und der schwulen party szene eine grosse seltenheit.

  13. He seems determined to be a heterosexual, good luck to you babe, hopefully you won’t be haunted by dick ghost when you’re painting that white picket fence!

    1. You are so right about the ass tats John…every time I’ve seen them, only one thing sprang to mind..Thundercats Ho!

  14. He started in porn at a time when most straight guys were pushed to say they were bisexual… Anyone who saw him with Vinnie Deangelo could tell they were only friends. Just saying…

    1. Vinnie and I were not just friends.
      In the three years that i did porn in america I only met one actor who was mainly straight (later on had a relationship with a guy) and one who was really bisexual. all the other actors i worked with were really gay as far as i know. Its a completely different story in eastern european porn. a lot of these guys are straight

  15. If the gay litmus test is worshiping Madonna or Gaga, then I lost my membership, but I’m still gay. His gimmick was the tattoos but the novelty eventually wore off … and doesn’t every grifter list his occupation as DJ, personal trainer or ‘actor’? He left out ‘rap producer.’

    1. Hahaha, you’re right. :-) Well I’m definitly not a personal trainer and I used to be a DJ long before i did porn. And I don’t play tecno, house, electro or pop. I play Postcore, Progrock, Weirdofolk, Postrock, Alternative, Indie and Noiserock. So its something quite different. And i think I would be the worst Rap Producer in the world :-)

  16. When he was in the Visitor and Ink Storm he was so hot he could melt butter. His look def was new and he had the body and cock. Over time his scenes started to be same old same old and then he announced that he was into women after or was it during his relationship with Vinnie.
    Either way every time he speaks he seems more desperate than the time before. His 15 minutes are def up and over.

    1. – It was After my relationship with Vinnie
      – of course my 15 minutes are over. they were over 4 years ago and I’m ok with that :-)
      – I’m never desperate, even if I’m going through hard times. I’m a pretty tough guy. Sometimes, when a lot of crap happenes at once I’m getting bit tired of it, but never desperate.
      But you could call creating a profile on desperate…. In that case I would ask you if all thes millions of people that have dating profiles are desperate? No, they just try new ways of meeting sombody

  17. I always thought he was such a hot piece of ass. Still do. And he was always an amazing performer in my opinion. Really loved his work on The Visitor, especially that solo toy scene.

    But I find it funny that he’s complaining about a gay membership he never wanted in the first place. If you are bisexual that’s ok I get it and I’m sure a few people do as well, but it’s not necessary to post this excessive shit. And he’ll have a hard time finding a woman who will accept him with all those tattoos, on top of his bisexuality where he’ll want to have a fling with a guy whenever he wants. He has a much better shot at finding a gay guy who will put up with those tattoos and let him fuck around with a woman here and there.

    BTW, I haven’t done 5 of those 9 things either, doesn’t mean I’m less or more gay than everyone else. Not every gay is a carbon copy of stereotypes, despite what the media and Andrew Christian whores depict us as.

    1. “Andrew Christian meth-coke-weed whores”…let’s just put it out there….and the man himself is pretty much a douchey stereotype too–just catch his interview on “Hey Qween”

    2. I only posted this as a joke because some people told me that i was not welcome in the community any more and that i should piss off. I could post as many stereotypical reasons why i am gay :
      – I’m a hairdresser
      – I’m a make up artist
      – I’m a Tori Amos fan
      – I’ve got cds by: Madonna, Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler and even a Keylie Minogue greatest hits
      – I’m a trained dancer
      – I love penisses
      – I walk rather good in high heels (last time i checked)

  18. NO !!!!

    He lost and has no right to a gay membership when he made homophobic comments like gay couples should never have kids. Who the FUCK cares about gay fashion, or gay porn or Lady Gaga. If he seriously thinks that the majority of gay folks are hung up on superficial things like he listed, then he needs to broaden his mind and NOT judge the ENTIRE gay community based on his membership in the gay porn world.

    The guy is a JOKE !!!

    1. Hey Josh, did you actually read all my comments? I was being sarcastic because I was attacked. Do you also attack la cage aux folles, priscilla – queen of the desert, torch song trilogy, head on and other gay themed movies for using gay stereotypes? Thats what stereotypes are there for, to make fun of them. Get a sense of humour

  19. I had always liked him until I saw a posting he made on one of his twitter/instagram accounts saying that it was wrong for children to be adopted by gay or lesbian couples. Logan said that a child has to have a mother and a father. That is just pure prejudice in saying that a same sex couple couldn’t be as good parents as a mixed couple. Rubbish.

    1. Thats not completely true. I think its BETTER for children to have a loving mother and a father. Just to have diversity. I think influences from both genders are imoprtant and I’m not sure single parents or same-sex couples can provide that. And i KNOW that same sex parents can be loving and wonderful parents. Just because I’m not in favour of same sex adoption doesnt mean that i am per se against it

  20. I saw him on webcam a couple weeks ago. Seemed like he’s not in the best place. I noticed he lit up when someone he knew from the porn industry came in the chat room though. I think it was the Director from HotHouse. His whole demeanor changed when that person came in the room and spoke to him. He became full of life and was so happy.

  21. Assuming he keeps his word about new material coming in March, then his website technically isn’t defunct.

    As for the whole “gay membership” thing, he’s pretty much trying to provoke fans who referred to him as being “ex-gay” after he set up a profile seeking a female. From what I see, there’s a strong hypocrisy in those who say his form of humor is offensive because I haven’t seen anyone call out the people who started this by trying to categorize him and place labels on who he is. I feel like I’m looking at a parallel between this and the time Arpad Miklos did a scene with a woman and was attacked by fans (including that irrelevant asshole Tre Xavier) which quite possibly played a role in his suicide. Here’s my stance on it. If I’m investing my energy into someone else’s love life, that’s time I could be focused on my own.

    1. Thank you so much for setting things straight! I didn’t know that Arpad was dealing with similar things and I really hope it didn’t play a role in what happened to him.

      1. No one really knows for sure what happened to Arpad. There are just theories. But seeing as how his suicide note mentioned “haters,” my mind goes back to when he did that straight scene and the controversy which followed. Arpad appeared to be getting less jobs as he got older and for all we know, he probably agreed to do that scene because he needed the money. In no way am I claiming to have the facts. This is only my opinion based on what I’ve seen. I’m going to take a guess and say depression was the leading factor. And I’m sure getting older and not being able to transition into employment outside of porn and the hatred he was receiving couldn’t have helped matters. He didn’t deserve that. You know he still gets hate even though last week was the 2 year anniversary of his death?

        1. I didn’t hear anything about the circumstances of his death. I only met him once personally and it didn’t feel appropriate to ask our old boss for any details. Working in porn AND living in porn is a dangerous thing. Its easy to loose touch with reality and Porn becomes your reality.
          My real life was always so far away from porn that I was never at risk, bit I know people that really struggeled with getting older, not getting booked any more and getting negative feedback from people.
          I am sure more and more people (especially celebrities) suffer under online hate and some of them commit suicide. And I do think that these people have blood on their hands. It’s ok to express an opinion polite and respectful, but to diss people, to wish them death is unacceptable

  22. Not really a fan of his, but glad to see there are other guys out there that can’t stand Madonna or that “ga ga” thing…it seems like some gay dudes will fall for anything and call it entertainment.

  23. In his personal site he claims to be obsessed with straight men. I guess Justin is right, he doesn’t see himself living a ”gay” lifestyle. Why would a bi/gay man be obsessed with something they can’t have? It is more than obvious Logan is mistaking masculine guys (which the gay community happens to have) with straight ones. It’s funny that on twitter he posted he created a profile on a dating site to ”find the right girl” lol

    1. I wish you were right. I like masculine guys, thats true. Unfortunatelly a lot (not all) of “masculing” gay guys wear masculinity as a costume. It’s a fetish like leather or rubber. But there are some truly masculine gay guys, thats true and I’m usually attracted to them

  24. He was always a extreme personality — better known for ink, than performance. Gay or not, he was best known for a shocking look. However, once you have seen it once or 10 times, there is only so far you can go.

    Very limiting in the industry, even in the fetish arena, and hard to sell. Had he created a storyline/persona, it might have worked better.

    Tweeting about losing the “gay card” using long-ago tolerated stereotypical and offensive comments is hardly a way to curry favor, or care. Not NOW.

    He lasted in gay porn about as long as expected. I can think of nicer, better past performers who deserve notice.

    Just my take.

  25. Well, a couple of weeks age I saw him making a webcam show from his tub at cam4. I kind of felt sorry for him; I think he still there trying to make some money.

    1. I saw a bit of that cm4 show with McCree as well. McCree looked pretty tragic to me, not saying or doing much of anything. So I watched for only a few seconds before moving on. Whatever his sexual orientation, he can’t seem to move on from his porn career. The tatts are starting to look tragic on his body. Like any fashion statement, they only look good (if at all) on young, taught bodies.

      1. You judge a 90 minute cam4 show from watching a few seconds? well done :-)
        My tattoos were never a fashion statement, I don’t care about fashion and to be honest, I don’t care about tattoos either. My tattoos represent parts of my belief and i like that fact that they grow older with me. But you seem to prove the fact that some people are very superficial and only care about young, muscular people. Wake up! ther is more to a human then his body and his age. I love older men!!!

    2. Sure, I’m trying to make some money, but you don’t have to feel sorry for me. I’m doing fine and I actually enjoy doing cam4 shows. Its a nice way to share some “sexuality” with guys. Its more fun then just jerking off

    1. How about getting your facts straight. He never said he was against same-sex marriage and parenting. I hate when people twist shit to make others see things from their point of view.

  26. I hope he’s being sarcastic into his responses as to why he “lost his gay membership.” But at the same time what he is saying is that because he doesn’t feel he fits a bunch of gay stereotypes that is the reason he is “not gay.” Which is ridiculous, there are gay men out there who don’t fit the mold of a stereotype. I live in San Francisco, I have seen all types of gay men, some in which are even more butch than Logan McCree is.

    1. It’s called baiting your audience. He’s looking for a strong reply from people and yes, he was certainly being facetious with a hint of truth. Bisexuals know from the onset besides transsexuals they are the black sheep of the LGBTQ community. Good on you mate. If I was going to IMO I might apply for that flat mate position just to get a taste of your arse.

      1. he said when he was young he was interested in men then once at 18 yo he had fucked girl and stopped it, he keeped having sex with men till 32 yo and around that time he identified himself as gay man. after retired and stopped working for raging stalion he dated and fucked woman and he proclaimed he is not gay anymore.

        1. He seems to be a nice guy, but like most, not all, bisexual men he can’t stay monogamous in any of his relationships. Like he himself states in his interviews and replies on twitter no one he stays with will ever have him 100% for themselves. Not everyone is ready to be with a partner who will sleep with different people whenever they feel like it. The guy is a mess lol…

        2. I’m not “gay” anymore, because I don’t belive in these boxes anymore. I like men just as much as before I opened myself to women again. maybe even more. But thats the problem with the boxes. as soon as I am interested in a woman, Im per definition not gay anymore, no matter how much i love guys. In my opinion people can be all of that at the same time. when i’m having sex with a guy, im gay, when i have sex with a girl, I#m straight, when i have sex with a couple i can be bi. But i dont think anybody is ever 100% of something. just get rid of the boxes

      2. Here comes chad hunt once again to defend stupid things porn stars say. He doesn’t have an audience he is no longer a performer. He also made homophobic remarks about same sex parents. Not to mention that he couldn’t get it up for a woman the first time he tried is questionable to say the least. He also shit on his last boyfriend vinnie dangelo and their relationshi vinnie was a truly nice guy who didn’t see anything coming when logan had his meltdown. Pick your battles wisely something Laverne cox learned the hard way when she defended a trans inmate without knowing what her crime was.

        1. Dear Estelle
          please take your own advice, before you attack Chad. Do you have all the information you need to judge me?
          – Is it homophobic to have a different opinion to a certain topic? Isn’t it stupid to say “yes” to everything before talking about the pros and cons? I am not a homophobe, I just don’t support everything that is popular and liberal.
          – I couldn’t get an erection at first when i had sex with a woman the first time after over 10 years because i was nerveous as fuck. Estelle, if you are a woman, you don’t even know how it is to have an erection, if you are a man or trans, you should know that a penis is not a machine.
          – Vinnie is a great guy, but we had our problems. What happened between Vinnie and me is absolutely nobodys business. It sounds like you know him personally so you only know his side of the story.

      3. Thank you for speaking wisdom as always (no snark, sarcasm, or shade implied). I love your comments and thank you for sharing from the perspective of a former porn star (which the rest of us can’t understand). I love hearing from you even in comments like this because you show that men in the Adult industry can leave and be wise and show us as fans that it isn’t all about the body, the mind is just as important and hot.

      1. Logan you are a stud man. You always will be. Don’t let the haters get you down. Keep doing you. Who are we to judge. Half the people saying all this negative shit on here act like they are perfect and have never done any negative or upsetting their entire life.

        And although i may not agree with your stance on gay people raising kids. I do believe that it is your life an nobody else’s. People on here would be mad as fuck is others were telling them how to live their lives. So fuck them. I will say I thought you and Vinnie were an adorable couple. And was sad when i found out you two were no longer together. You could really tell in your sex scenes together that it was nothing but love, Do wish I could have seen some hot bdsm scenes with you guys together :) but oh well.

        I hope that one day I’ll be able to share that same love you guys had for each other with another man myself.

        Live your life man. Life is to short to be trying to live your life how others want you to live it.

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