Who would you rather?
Romance or Rod?
Rod or Romance?
Who would you rather?
On the left, it’s Rod. On the right, it’s Romance. Romance or Rod? Rod or Romance? Both? Neither?
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I don’t have anything for Rod. I’d give Romance some as long as he got rid of that gold grill. I hate that shit! FYI: Romance is by no means a “newcomer” to porn. He’s been with Breed It Raw for quite a few years.
Romance REALLY fucked himself up!! He looks sick ( bound to happen when you do bareback porn) I remember him from DawgpoundUSA days and early breeditraw.He was more muscular,less tats,no gold teeth and no fucked up nose job.Damn even still his butt is still juicy.
I had to check him out at DawgpoundUSA I had a membership for a couple of months and can’t remember seeing him on there.
Holy hell what the fuck did he do to himself??? He was definitely way hotter and he didn’t ever remind me of being such ghetto trash as he looks like in his pics now! That dude was hot and he was one of my favorites on that site! Sad to see him let himself go like this.
Ah, missed opportunity. It would be nice to see a goodlooking black guy on this site every once in a blue moon — such a comparison would actually have been fun — but this is a gay website, and gay is the KKK of sexual orientation so of course we get boring vaguely racist non-humour. *sigh*
This is… just sad humor at it’s saddest.
Both guys are cute to the right demographics. So there’s no point in choosing.
Hard to imagine anyone going for Romance, but you’re probably right…and it’s not a fair comparison.
They are both disgusting looking.
That would be funny if either guy looked like Flavor Flaaav.
Definitely Rod! Romance looks like a gang banger, not my type.
Gotta go with Rod. I’m sure Romance is a perfectly nice fellow, but those teeth scare me.
Rod looks a little like Duncan Black which is no bad thing, so I’ll have to go with him.
I agree dunnadam Rod looks like every twink out there. But I have to side with the twink on this one.
I despise that gangster hoodrat look, no matter what the race the guy is. I can’t be around a guy who butchers the English language every time he opens his mouth. And eww that mouth!
…Romance? …really?
The problem is Rod looks like every other twink of the month.
Romance will take you on a wild ride. He’ll take your ass, then he’ll take your wallet. Love it. BAMF.
I finally understand why Ambien is so ineffective for you.