I thought he was just helping him fix his glasses, but it turns out that photo of Dallas Reeves on a gay pride float actually showed the gay porn star helping his friend do a bump of coke on that float. Coke float! Unfortunately, well hung gay bareback porn star Antonio Biaggi does not like coke at all (at least not in public).
He wrote a blog post about it!
I just got back last night and a friend send me a photo of Gay pride fort lauderdale Im sorry but this photo got me angry , I have my 2 best friend that use cocaine all the time even in front of me but we are in the house or in the car or they go to the Bathroom , but to use cocaine in a float in the gay pride that is not ok all the straight people most be thinking how fucked up is all this fagots do we have to show this kind of shit to the world that does not speak well of the rest of us . I dont care like I said if you do it in your house but not in Pride where the world its looking at us and most people wont agree with us that is not ok and the people that organize the parade are guilty about allowing this . Just a few minutes ago my roommate told me that the guy in the photo was a porn actor Dallas reeves , Im so a shame that that peace of shit did that in front of the multitude .does not only speak bad of the gays but of the porn actors . what a fucking ass hole.
Should coke be banned from gay pride parades?
Should gay porn stars be banned from gay pride parades?
Has Dallas Reeves ruined gay porn, gay pride, and recreational drug use for everyone?
Have you ever done coke at a parade?
Is Antonio Biaggi “overreacting”?
Was Antonio Biaggi on coke when he wrote his blog post?
Antonio Biaggi does write with very poor grammar. However, that doesn’t mean he’s illogical, and what he said was sufficient to make a point.
Bareback sex can’t really be compared to doing lines of cocaine in front of families and children at a gay pride parade. I personally like having bareback sex (as does everyone) and i’ve done plenty of lines of cocaine and other drugs. However, I don’t have sex or do drugs in front of families or children. It should be easy to morally differentiate. That seems to be Biaggi’s point.
And for those of you who are using AIDS as a weapon and an insult, that’s tragic. Judgement is far more infectious than HIV, isn’t it? Case in point: this tragic thread :P
Antonio Biaggi should stick to fucking and stop showing us how stupid he is with his poor grammar.
“Should coke be banned from gay pride parades?”
It’s already banned from everything. That’s the law.
Wish I was on that float awsome
The rampant drug and alcohol abuse in the gay community simply astounds me. Doesn’t anyone else think that, for a ‘culture’ obsessed with looks and appearance, smoke anything and everything, drink like fish, and abuse life threatening substances proudly, is just odd?
Its a lube float and a porn star…in a trashy retirement town wtf do you expect??
..and all those grammatical mistakes and bad use of english.
what a loser.
ugh, he’s one to talk
about bad influences,
promoting unsafe sex
aids queen
I think the real shame is his lack of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
People shouldn’t be using narcotics, at all. It’s an awful evil product and I’m surprised they haven’t been charged. Surely public usage is a crime, no?
Oh, btw, I will not take Biaggi’s advice and kill my parents (just in case anyone was wondering). Extreme statements to make when you are losing an argument. We ALL agree the picture and stunt is outragous. But if I had a young gay son, I would rather subject him to the parade float picture than even more destructive behavior of some.
Dont mix apples with oranges here. No one has ever said this picture is a good thing for the gay community. I never read anywhere where anyone said this was a good thing. But Biaggi is throwing stones while living in a glass house. His message of embracing and doing bareback porn for money is much more sickening than this stupid parade picture. I laugh at those that equate my conception with bareback porn. Well my parents did not have HIV, a deadly disease. And they did not spread it either on camera like so many gay bareback performers do. If you think that is good for the gay community, that is sad. There is a whole new and young generation growing up that thinks HIV infection is a right of passage as a gay man. That is so wrong!
He’s overreacting and in doing so is making the issue bigger than it would have been had he spoken out about it and then let it go. And to blame the organizers of the parade that’s ludicrous.
just to all the hatters this is not about Sex its about drugs and it was done in front of kids . and the police its involved now and the gay pride its doing rules for next year .
Yeah, and public sexual behavior isn’t bad or kids to see? AND WHO WOULD TAKE KIDS TO PRIDE!?! What a totally unfamily friendly way to introduce your kids to gay sexuality.
You can’t state one instance is bad and the other is good.
Again, Pride is stupid, and isn’t exactly about focusing the gay community in activism. They are just there for the sex and a good time. Like any other human being. The partying behaviors are unremarkable and could be done any day of the week!!! So why have pride in the first place?
“His bare backing will hurt gay youth more”//what a load of crap..if today’s youth look to porn to guide there sexual behavior in pvt//they are doomed to begin with….and i’m sure all you hoes taking the moral high ground on bare backing in porn have your dicks flaccid while watching the scenes…not to mention what most of you do in your ever day lives….Lmfao
I guess your dad has his dick flaccid to because Im sure he does bareback to and he buys BB straight movies to Im very sure of that , Any way I still make money .
Dallas Reeves should have made it porn related and given the dancing twink the coke Stevie Nicks style-blowing it up his ass.
Oh btw
This picture is funny for another reason. All the guys are in bikinis waving flags except this guy in clothes and would seem out of place. Was this his job every few blocks during the parade? That is what we should be talking about. Very very sad.
No bareback performer should be attacking anyone for their personal conduct. I loved Biaggi before the bareback jump but his glamorization of bareback will hurt more gay youth than this float picture.
BTW, how do we know it was coke? We all know meth (aka Tina) is snorted much more these days at gay parties than coke.
welll kill me because I do bareback but you should kill you parent to because they do bareback to and thats why you live
i am not surprised. i am more shocked that dallas is wearing all black in that heat.
who are the rest of the models – intervention boys of days gone by?
coke for pride yay!
He has no moral high ground to complain about anything anyone else does.
Apparently Antonio was rock hard when he wrote these comments that would explain the lack of oxygen going to his brain to make his words valid, coherent and reasonable.
ja ja ja ?
His English may be broken, but his logic (in this instance) is not. Your post, like so many others on this and other threads, engages in a popular logic flaw — confusing the credibility and/or worthiness of the messenger for the validity of the message. Or perhaps it reflects something else: when you don’t like the argument but can’t muster a reasonable counterpoint, go after the messenger instead of the message.
Lets see you write something in Spanish Zach and Dave
Decime que queres que te escriba y te lo escribo..
Se te olvidó el uso de la tilde. Además, este señor siempre ha dicho que no sabe mucho inglés. Una gran parte de la población en Puerto Rico no habla inglés. No seas fantoche.
Mi punto es que el tipo está dándonos cátedra de que es lo que está correcto o no. ¿Les parece que esta persona es la mas adecuada para darme consejos de sexo seguro o de tomar sustancias prohibidas? Y si me va a dar cátedra en inglés por lo menos que de una corrección ortográfica en Word o cualquier software que utilice para escribir tanta pendejada. Y no sigo porque el blog en es inglés y no quiero ser irrespetuoso con los demás lectores. Escribí suficientes palabras con tilde para tu gusto?
Your point is now clear. I find it valid and non-presumptuous, unlike your original posting. If you apply consistency to this mode, misunderstandings will be avoided.
Mira Dave pues tus padres no deben de dar consejo porque tu vives por que ellos tambien tienen sexo bareback . y yo nunca e usado drogas asi que si puedo criticar .este suceso ocurio frente a varios ninos
Fucking bareback is a personal choice. Doing coke is a personal choice. So he should just mind his own business. As if only gay people do coke…please. And can someone please give a guy a Webster’s? He puts me in shame as a latino, people might think we don’t know the difference between “peace” and “piece”. Just like “you’re” and “your”.
And I guess I wasn’t the only one who didn’t understand that picture at the first glance.
LOL… Screwing BB and snorting coke are personal choices… HOWEVER, one is illegal in the US… The other is only criminal & possibly civil if a horrible virus is transmitted… Their similarities are both potentially deadly… plus, the potential harm to others & their property due to someone being under the influence is often underestimated…
Says something about personal choice in these two instances.
My point is this person shouldn’t be critizicing these guys for what they’re doing. Of course one is illegal and the other if not done properly can lead to diseases, I won’t argue that.
Read the blog its was done in front of kids . there was many kids in the parade
You forgot to ask
And what about Naomi?
(For you youngsters that’s an Electric Company “Love of Chair ” reference.
Coke? I thought everyone was snorting bathsalts this year? I can’t keep up with kids:/
The face-eating-zombie float would have been something to see.
Can we just talk about his capitalization usage? The grammar is consistently messy, but why capitalize words like Pride and Bathroom?
I think you are expecting a lot if you expect someone like that to have any sort of education whatsoever.
John, please elaborate on what you mean when you say, “someone like that.”
some one like me , you meen some one with 2 business and 3 collage degrees ok sure
I had no idea that Antonio is into collage.
What makes you think it’s coke and not a magic bullet full of Special K or circuit darling Tina making a special appearance! The real travesty here is not the spoon full of illicit substance but that Gawd awful shirt that screams “Ima Douchebag” and those red-dot Walmart Special’s he call jeans! Oh and will someone please send bareback gay porn star Antonio Biaggi a link to hooked on phonics???
So Antonio is only mad because it was done in public at Pride. “Oh my, what will the straights think now?” I guess it’s okay that he fucks bareback for cash too. Just as long as it’s not on a parade float. Anywho, still love you Antonio. Now sit your ass down somewhere. Preferably on my dick.
well I dont have sex in front of kids this two guy use drugs in front of kids and . if Bareback is bad tell your mother and father because thats why you are in this world , and what I do I pay taxes and its legal
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones ..?
Isn’t he the one barebacking bottoms on sordid sites for the whole world to see ?
Yup thought so . STFU whore.
you’re a real stupid idiot for trying to compare the two…imbecil!
He is an idiot indeed…i bet he has his dik out watching those bareback scenes..hypocritical fags..
If anyone should STFU it would be you jack-ass
you mean like the guys who do bareback porn in Sean Cody, corbin Fisher, Megasite Big Daddy.com? and the list goes on………………………
don’t even start with that one
Typical, irrational, catty response, ad hominem response. Whether Antonio is a “role model” or sends terrible messages about gay people due to his barebacking on camera, he’s raised a point with considerable merit (in my view). His point is no less valid because he engages in other “bad” behavior (nor would it be undermined if he engaged in the same bad behavior, because hypocrisy undermines him but not his point).
That said, his ranting is counterproductive because it serves to publicize the very conduct he says gives us a bad reputation.
Im not a bottom and me doing porn has nothing to do with this and if Bareback its bad then your father and mother most be really bad because we are all here because they didnt use concom ups
OK First I so genuinely did not realize that’s why Zach posted the picture. God I am hopelessly naive.
Second what does this have to do with Gay Pride? People should not be doing coke PERIOD. And not doing coke IN PUBLIC.
It is some stupidity topped on idiocy.
I am so naive too. hahaha didn’t catch it at the beginning either!
It was done in front of Kids thats why it bothers me .
That mentality promotes a double standard – e.g., be the kinda Gay Boy we kin lurn ta like. If you don’t want people doing coke in public just say that there is no need to create a special code of conduct for Gay people.
the probloem it was that was in front of kids
The kids? Screw the kids. It has nothing to do with them, and I hate it when people use “waddabout the chiiiildren” as a red herring for the real issues. The real problem is that this picture, along with those two losers caught having sex on a balcony in Dominica last month, perfectly supports the perception that some people have about what is wrong with gay culture. To make it worse, we have a bareback porn actor chiming in. Fantastic… what a lovely cast of losers! The entire culture is fucked up in so many ways, that we should re-name Gay Pride something else. Perhaps “National Gay Embarrassment Day” might be more appropriate. Some low rent gay men will support all of this trashiness out of solidarity. But smarter gay men, the REAL men who are fighting for gay rights by example and not these stupid losers on floats wearing rainbow thongs, will continue to be the ones that have to pick up the slack.
Thank you for saying this,I now more clearly understand why Iam 45 and still alone. Gay men have become trashy, I like it better in the 80s when we had to actually try to be men and gay men stuck together and tried to be respectful of themselves and others. I will always be alone.