American Apparel Model Moonlights As Hardcore Gay Porn Model

Identified only as a “horny art student” by hardcore gay porn site, and not named at all on his various pages at American Apparel’s online store, the dark-haired guy seen left and below has had a busy summer modeling ugly clothes and fucking hot guys. Good for him! Times are tough and having a second job is becoming more and more normal; I just hope DickDorm is OK with him being an American Apparel model.

American Apparel’s policy on not hiring ugly people doesn’t say anything about cock size, and that’s a good thing, because, well…see below. (Also, doesn’t pulling a Patrick Bateman with that titty mag put a damper on American Apparel’s “Legalize Gay” campaign?) Anyways, here’s the unnamed model making ends meet, so to speak!








[Thanks to gay hipster operative “Robert” for the tip.]

9 thoughts on “American Apparel Model Moonlights As Hardcore Gay Porn Model”

  1. I don’t see any conflicts in these two jobs although you never know that an employer isn’t looking for an excuse to get rid of someone. I don’t understand that straight porn in the first photo.

  2. Never cared much for “outing” guys who do porn and then are featured somewhere else. There’s a difference between doing something that harms gays and getting exposed as a hypocrite versus just having another (mainstream) career and never having bothered anyone.

    1. Uhh, this isn’t “outing” anyone. It’s making an observation of someone who’s appeared doing two different types of modeling, openly and easily identifiable.

      1. Modeling? He’s got his dick in some guy’s ass and American Apparel is unlikely to use him again. Quit playing stupid and defensive. Another gay site does this all the time – looking for any porn guy that they can try to tie to a fitness mag cover or mainstream modeling or acting jobs and then splash it. “HEY! HEY!!!! LOOK WHAT WE FOUND!”

        1. If you’re going to put your image for public consumption, there’s no reason to assume that no one will see it. People are stupid. Stupid enough to think that other people are too stupid to connect the dots…

          Besides, American Apparel markets themselves for this shite anyway. The kid will probably end up on the cover of their next catalogue. He’s not running for Congress or anything.

          1. I’m thinking back to those 2 very handsome college wrestlers who had done jack-off solo videos for Sean Cody or Corbin Fisher or Fratmen I think. Anyway, it was a “queer” site that had to reveal that they were wrestling stars from a Nebraska college I think I remember – anyway they posted side by sides of local sports stories on the all-star wrestling team and the online porn pics. Literally the headline was “LOOK WHAT WE FOUND!!!” So naturally – no more porn, and no more future at that college where they had scholarships as they get tossed out, and it gets picked up by the mainstream media. We need queers doing this to each other? Funny how a lot of gay porn sites have it in their T.O.S. that you can’t post personal info or real names of porn performers – but let them get hold of a pic of the dude doing something else (like mainstream modeling) and stand back. Like I said, I just find it a turn off. Must every porn performer be so butt-ugly they couldn’t have a second career? We’re heading there. (and I’m not talking an A-list porn performer who someone sees on Kathy Griffin, I’m talking some anonymous kid who did a solo jack-off on Sean Cody and someone sees in a Macy’s ad)

          2. Mike there is a few problems with your story. It was actually a University of Nebraska oriented webblog that revealed what the wrestlers had done, the gay blog in question was one of the first gay blogs to pick up the story. They lost their scholarships because it was a violation of school policy and both had been in trouble before. BTW one of them was handsome, the other had a pig nose.

            Doing what to each other? Do you ever visit sites like People out performers that do porn all the time there (most of them straight). It has ZERO to do with being gay or straight. Mike if you don’t want someone to find out you did porn then DON’T DO PORN.

            In this day and age, I don’t see how anyone expects that they can do porn anonymously and no one every finding out? I agree with Legend, if you put your image out there and agree to have every square inch of your body filmed and photographed for people to look at anonymity goes out the window. If you don’t want people to find out then don’t do it, because they will find out. Jenna Jameson told Oprah that doing porn will follow you around for the rest of your life. Look at the cop in Florida that did the obscure bondage video.

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