Frantic flippers. Bad boys. Epic facials. Pervs, perps, and bred for the first time.
[bare·back] /ˈberbak/: slang for ass fucking without a rubber
[play·list] /ˈplāˌlist/: a curated list of digital files to be played to establish a particular mood and facilitate the desired result
When you put that together, it becomes a selected list of options for you to get off to. Which one did it for you?
Have a sexy weekend, guys!
Swapping Session: Dicks & Loads
Landon Vega & Angel Rivera in “Body Heat” at Helix

First Class Top
Jean-Luc Bisset & Mael Gauthier in “Jean-Luc Bisset & Mael Gauthier” at Freshmen

Jacob Peterson Goes Bareback
Jacob Peterson & Zay Hardy in “Sex In The Sister’s Room” at NextDoorStudios

Face Full Of Dynamite
Peter the Perp & Office Dick in “Case No. 1802018.26” at Young Perps

Flipping Fuckers
Michael Roman & Pheonix Fellington in “Plugged-IN Paradise” at Bromo

Then Lock You Doors, Son
Carter Michaels & Papa John in “High School Jock” at FamilyDick

Miller The Driller
Ty Mitchell & Miller Axton in “Ty’s Sexual Tension” at GuysInSweatpants

Vander Lander
ChaosMen Vander & ChaosMen Rydell in “Vander & Rydell RAW” at ChaosMen

Time To Pay The Price, Boy
Lane Axton — aka Lane at Corbin Fisher | Luka Jay at ChaosMen & House Manager One in “My Own Private Cum Rag” at Boys Halfway House

[Continue with Lane & the house managers at Boys Halfway House]
Love, Lust, Or Both?
Ron Negba & Milan Silver in “A Hard Session Of Cock & Hot Cum” at Staxus

Have a great Friday and Happy Fapping always!