Weird Blog Possibly Written By Teenagers Calls For Diesel Washington To Be Shot Dead

Someone sent me this link to a site called “Trophy Blog,” and I guess it is a “fan blog” that talks about gay porn? And the bloggers look like they are tweens? The site claims to have “ten editors” and “24 hour news” and “reviews,” and here is one such review in which they wish for Diesel Washington’s death.

It’s a review of a Diesel/Jessie Colter scene on…or is it? They claim to be “happy” that they aren’t actually writing a review, but if this isn’t a review, what is it? What is even going on? Where are the parents of the Trophy Blog bloggers?! Should I correct the grammar in this piece of writing? No. Let me just copy and paste it “as is”:

I know this may come as a shock, but I find Diesel attractive. I mean, I’ve never really been into black guys but he and that dude Eddie from Randyblue are cuties. Anyways, Jessie has a boyfriend and if I was his boyfriend I would feel a bit lame watching this. Diesel may have gave a better fucking that Jessie’s dude did in his other scene. But from the looks of Jessies face, taking the dick was all to easy, he kind laid there a bit lazy. (So happy we are not reviewing this scene) If we were the score would not be pretty, the video was just horrid. Diesel looks better in the pictures I guess, he not that sexy to begin with just. . . . . ok. If you had not got laid in a month or 3 months and he was your only option, that’s the kind of attractive Diesel is. We were under the impression he had gone the way of Matthew Rush, guess not. I would not be said if he would go the way of old yeller. . . just saying. The scene was filled with weird breathing and moaning and sounds of something die’n or getting ran over by a car every second. Just awful.
The fuck?


Should the Trophy Blog bloggers go to cyber jail for making terrorist dog death wishes against Diesel Washington?
Is Trophy Blog the new Huffington Post Gay Voices?
Should Diesel be “fucking pissed” that child bloggers are attacking him, or should he just be grateful that someone is blogging about him at all?
Should Trophy Blog “tone down” the vitriol in their editorial voice or is it “refreshing”?
Will this (Scene)(Gallery)(Editorial) “destroy” Diesel Washington’s career?
Was the “Old Yeller” reference a highly literary and astute metaphor because it was used in a review for a scene on “Bad Puppy,” or was it “just a coincidence”?
Has Trophy Blog changed the face of blogs forever, or has Trophy Blog marked the beginning of the end of all blogging?
Are you #TeamTrophyBlog or #TeamDiesel?
What other blogs are “insane”/”fucking retarded”?
Which two of the “ten editors” are these???

14 thoughts on “Weird Blog Possibly Written By Teenagers Calls For Diesel Washington To Be Shot Dead”

  1. I just watched the scene and it was hot. And I’m not that particularly fond of Diesel but he gave Jessie Colter a good and proper rough fucking that had Jessie begging for more. I nutted a couple of times!

  2. After the Cody Cummings Praise editorial, there was nothing worth reading from this person. and he made a contradiction in there at the beginning. basically, I wouldn’t even consider anything he says worth paying attention to

  3. Was the “Old Yeller” reference a highly literary and astute metaphor because it was used in a review for a scene on “Bad Puppy,” or was it “just a coincidence”?

    The line of the week.

  4. I checked this blog out after following a link on Queer Me Now, to an “editorial” where he praised Cody Cummings, I knew after that besides the poor writing nothing else was worth noting.

    This Xavier Matthews kid, is the same guy who was supposedly Dawson Riley’s manager/pity fucker/promoter/person he praticed manipulating. He has a habit of promoting the hell out of white boys, playing at being ghetto, like Dawson, James Huntsman, Sebastian Young, and Dean Coxx, until they disappoint him by not fucking him, then he bashes them….see the “editorial” on James Huntsman who he was promoting just a week before as a great guy.

    Also if they have 10 editors, then why is it so poorly written, and grammatically incorrect.

    He just needs to go back to practicing his “Beyonce” drag numbers before Diesel stands on his scrawny neck.

    1. I don’t consider Dean Coxx to act like a black guy, or Dawson (I’m guessing you’re talking about Dawson from CorbinFisher, if not nevermind). Not sure what you’re basing your claim on.

      And this is a perfect example of when the internet is bad. Gives a voice to the most uneducated dumbass creatures out there.

      1. I didn’t say they act “like a black guy”. I said ghetto. If it makes you feel better false urban swagger. As in that fake “I’m a bad ass that was raised on the streets”, when they went to high schools with names not PS numbers and only street they were raised on was Sesame. It has nothing to do with race it has to do with being fake.

        No not the CF Dawson. The former Randy Blue Dawson who pissed off half the industry. This Dawson

    2. Yeah, okay so not true.

      1. We as a team decides who gets promoted and the female you see in the video above has a final say in that as she is our “Specialist”.

      2. There are no longer 10 of us, there are 5 the five that will be present in another video shortly.

      3. We also promoted Derek Atlas for a full month and he does not act black or hood.

      4. Before Dominique took over YES I did decide to promote Dawson Riley simply because I was dating him at the time. NO I WAS NOT HIS MANAGER.

      5. I do not wished to get “Fucked” by any of the above men except for when I was with Dawson and that wish was fulfilled. Maybe Dean, but I’ve never actually met the guy.

      6. The site does have a bit of a grammar issue or had but we are not in an English class so anyone who reads can expect to see “……” or us using slag terminology.

      7. LASTLY, to be an ass technically I “Xavier Mathews” am the only “Teen” as I am 19. The other four Bloggers Marc, Court, Brenda, Dominique are 20 an older. Even are techie Glenn.

      Thanks and keep reading. I can assure you are traffic is worth our bull shit.

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