California’s Department of Public Health has issued an alert after what appears to be the first recorded on-set transmission of HIV since 2004. Directly after back-to-back gay porn shoots for an unnamed company in Nevada, two previously HIV-negative models tested positive for HIV. (The incident apparently happened in September. See the update below.)
As the Associated Press is reporting, one model who either became infected on set during one bareback shoot or just prior to the shoot, who had tested negative for the virus within the last two weeks, began showing symptoms of a viral infection and subsequently tested positive for HIV, with lab results indicating a recent transmission.
That model had gone on to shoot a second bareback scene, during which he began feeling sick, and another previously HIV-negative model from the second shoot has also subsequently tested positive. Per the Department of Public Health: “In this case, the actor and production company thought he was HIV-negative during filming. Shortly after his negative test, HIV levels in his body rose rapidly to where he could infect other actors through unprotected sex.” They’re saying the second model “probably” contracted the disease from the first model during that second shoot.
You can read the full alert here, which encourages both the consistent use of condoms and the use of PrEP and frequent HIV testing for the industry. It remains unclear whether this case is one of a single on-set transmission, in the case of the second model, or if both models contracted the virus while on set. But if proven true, this means that opponents of mandatory condom laws will no longer be able to argue that no one has been infected on set since 2004.
The Free Speech Coalition, the porn industry trade group that has long advocated on behalf of porn companies not to impose condom laws like the one passed in LA County in 2012, has yet to comment on the matter, but they probably will soon.
This terrible news follows on last summer’s controversy over a bill before the California Legislature, which has since been tabled, that would impose mandatory condom usage on all porn shoots in the state — something that the straight side of the industry especially does not want.
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which backed the statewide law as well as the one that passed in LA, has, of course, already commented. Michael Weinstein says, “It’s happened before, it’s happened now, and it will happen in the future. The big lie the industry has been saying all these years, there are no on-set transmissions, has been proven to be untrue.”
Though the company involved has not been named, we can rule out the gay studios that shoot with condoms in greater Las Vegas (like Raging Stallion/Falcon/Hot House), since this clearly sounds like it was a bareback studio. Multiple LA-based porn outfits, gay and straight, have relocated to Nevada in the last couple of years following the passage of Measure B in LA in order to avoid the condom law. Whichever studio or website is involved will, of course, not want it revealed, but rumors are likely to fly all over Twitter and elsewhere today. So I’ll update you when that starts.
Update: It looks like the incident that triggered the public health alert, which was released yesterday, actually occurred in September, and was this one that was reported on vaguely by the LA Times in October. A halt in production was called at that time by the Free Speech Coalition, who issued this statement today regarding the new news reports.
Yesterday, the California Department of Public Health released information about an incident this past September concerning a performer with HIV working on a non-compliant adult film set in Nevada. This is, however, not a ‘current threat’ as stated in the press release.
At the time of the incident, the Free Speech Coalition immediately cooperated with the Department of Public Health, and called a moratorium to determine if there was any risk of transmission to performers on PASS compliant adult sets. Non-complaint shoots are one of the chief dangers of pushing the adult industry out of state, and outside the established testing protocol.
The shoots in question did not adhere to the PASS testing protocols and were shot outside of the PASS testing database used by adult performers. Not only did this leave those who participated at risk, it made it much harder to track scene partners once the possible infection was discovered.
While the set did use a degree of HIV testing, it fell below the standard set by PASS protocols, including the use of an ELISA HIV tests, rather than the highly sensitive RNA tests required by the industry. The ELISA tests have large window periods that delay how early an infection can be detected, and have not been accepted within the adult industry for over a decade.
Neither did the shoot utilize the PASS database. However, once alerted by the DPH to the incident, the Free Speech Coalition worked swiftly to shut down production within the larger industry and help track any possible exposures in or out of the PASS database. While performers in the PASS database were not affected, participants on the non-compliant shoot may have been exposed.
I find it really hypocritical and ridiculous that in ten years they have three cases of HIV from porn but probably 500,000 from sites like Grindr and Manhunt but nobody goes ballistic and tries to shut down those apps. Gay men can be quite hypocritical and judgemental when it comes to porn most watch but then start the gossip train and start degrading the actors involved. And don’t get me started on gay marriage most that do get married do threeways and have open relationships. It’s rare to find anyone these days not full of shit.
and what str8 married couples never cheat, have 3-ways, or open relationships. LOLOLOLOL
Chad what do straight couples have to do with what I said? NOTHING that is a sep issue stay on topic. My point is that sites like Adam4adam…Manhunt…Grindr and even those gay cruises have caused many to be HIV poz but I don’t see anyone yelling to stop them.
3 friggin cases in ten years is hardly an epidemic compared to the other ways of getting HIV. I find it extremely hypocritical to start all this hoopla over porn. It is absolutely ridiculous and silly.
Chad I don’t know why you even had to bring that other topic into this it has nothing to do with what is being discussed here. and your LOLOLOL at the end shows what a moron you must be.
Your 100% right. I’m HIV poz and got it from a hook up on Grindr. It was a sex party and was just bad luck I got it.
ok SOMEONE out there has to know what studio we are talking about here….come on give it up! who was it ??
Probably CF since their recent releases look like they were brought out of the archive meaning production might have been stopped.
cyclops, I’ve been wondering that same thing. They have brought scenes from Select over to the regular site, also. The thing that struck me the most was the “special” they’re running right now where you can join for $15 a month for life. That is a considerable reduction. Seems like they need some fast cash. Could this mean they’re going under? I certainly hope not because I certainly enjoy the CF.
CF’s latest release is with Taylor (#1) who did a couple of scenes in 2010. It’s with Cain and appears to be from the Costa Rica shoot. (Which was also in ’10) Couldn’t bring up info on Taylor in the actor search.
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times. Bareback sex should only happen in the private sector between consenting adults who understand the risks involved. Social Responsibility dictates porn should only be condom based until the time we no longer have to worry about HIV.
HIV-negative guys are so desperate for money they do bareback porn but people here still believe there’s no such thing as real straight guys doing gay porn
The studio was not following the industry testing standard which uses the latest testing available with the smallest window of time that the person could have been infected but it would not show up on a test yet. It is important to make that distinction because this one studio for whatever reason chose to use an older HIV test called the Elisa which has a larger window for which the person might have been infected but it would not show up yet on that older test method. Was this to cut costs? That seems to the only reason to me otherwise why not go with the industry standard which has worked so far and now that we know this studio was not following that, continues to work.
I read over at Datalounge that another BB gay porn studio is also located in Las Vegas and that is Hot Desert Knights which is similar to the raunchy Treasure Island Media studio and promotes itself as the largest producer of BB films in the world. Whether or not they employ strict protocol testing at HDK is another question on to itself.
Actually, Hot Desert Knights is not in Nevada but is in Palm Springs, California. And yes, they do a lot of bareback video. Just because it’s hot does not mean that it’s in Las Vegas.
Looking at the roster of guys, I highly doubt it.
You can’t always believe the posters on Datalounge many are trolls and haters who post gossip and lies that ends up being proven false. Datalounge is like the gay National Enquirer allot of made up shit but a few actual scoops.
I would bet both models were taking Truvada (PReP). In clinical studies the drug reduced chances of transmission but didn’t eradicate them. Too many people now seem to think that PReP makes them incapable of becoming positive. I worry about the BB porn industry not for those who are positive but for those who think PReP will keep them negative 100%.
Can you please hold off with the speculation and worthless guesses until the FACTS come out (and they will come out soon enough). Unless you’re privy to industry insider info, you are clueless and it can’t help anyone to actually name people based on trashy gossip.
You want anonymous people, with unknown biases, to be reasonable? On a gay porn news site?! :-)
Yeah it sounds like it was the cheap “free clinic” version of the test.
So, I would hazard a guess that the models involved with this are @elihunter88 and @CadenceMarxXx?
Eli was my guess. First person I thought of.
He’s been shooting with kink so I doubt it’s him
Well, look at his Twitter: Where he was in September and for what studio he was shooting so…
Also, porn with condom is like watching “Rupaul’s Drag Race” with the participants wearing no make-up. Just not fun! Just because I watch that show it doesn’t mean I want to do drag..
SO MUCH GENERALIZATION!! I do watch bb porn, but I don’t feel I am in anyway promoting it. I much rather watch and fantasize about it than go out and put my life at risk. It’s all about perspective.
It’s CORBIN FISHER. PERIOD. That’s the danger of hiring leeches I mean it’s KARMA!
The real irony is that Corbin Fisher models are overwhelmingly straight for the most part, so they contracted HIV from other straight guys.
Please send me the link that proves it’s CF. I haven’t seen any definitive proof yet.
yea “Straight”
I don’t think it was Corbin Fisher. The report said the person in question was in two scenes involving sex with several people. CF hasn’t done an orgy scene in forever so I’m thinking that two scenes wouldn’t add up to several people.
Sketchy Sex sounds like a better bet, both in the number of people and the lax testing standards. All just internet speculation at this point though.
Several can mean just more than one, not necessarily an orgy. And they’ve done 3-ways. But you’re right, more likely this is an orgy scene situation.
Yes where is the proof that this is corbin fisher??? Show us a link to proof that it is in fact that studio and not another studio, or get on a Malaysian airplane and fuck off.
sxq, I’m sure that by now you know that this guy is a fucking idiot who says whatever his ignorant mouth feels like spewing!!
Well shit creek your chosen name says who you think you are just join sxg and get lost to the Bermuda triangle. LOL that studio is definitely CF, those leeches didnt use protections whenever they were having sex with their bitchy women.
Thanks for that hard hitting assertion. All caps are a sure sign of the cray cray.
James, his logic hold water like a sieve. And, believe me, he’ll have to look up “sieve” in a dictionary. Cray cray is a perfect description!
Isn’t this just a simple case of supply and demand? These studios would not be making BB videos if the fans didn’t buy them. The dollar is the bottom line. I include myself in this, because I do watch them. I do watch them, but I don’t demand them. In fact, when I first started watching my favorite site ten years ago it was a totally condom site. Now it’s totally bareback. I didn’t cancel my membership because of it, so I’m guilty of supporting a condom-free business. That being said, I wouldn’t flee from the site if it went back to condoms.
Yeah right…the headline is a real shock right? 2 bareback gay porn models spread HIV. This happens every day on every bareback gay studio. The only difference is this studio tests their models. So while some are freaking out on this just imagine the carnage on the other side. But still people think this is ok, look the other way, and promote this behavior. Sadly many believe HIV is a right of passage for young gay people today. Gone are the days of promoting safety and proud HIV negative performers, studios, and producers.
So two? Two? Please. Here’s a secret that people outside the industry may not know. Most adult gay male actors who have been in the business for any length of time are HIV+. So many of these men are Pos that they have made it taboo to suggest that the disease is even a problem anymore.
The gay adult industry is going downhill fast. We are all so addicted, that it’s gotten bizarre with bareback. It’s lost all sex appeal. The only way it can get it back is to clean itself up. The guys who are still doing bareback videos are the stupidest and unsexiest people on earth.
Reality check: the studios that are most succesful at this moment are for the most part bb studios. The scenes that are most pirated are bb scenes.
This will be treated as just another incident with the studio concerned set aside from “responsible bareback gay porn studios”.
How the high number of new HIV infections among gay guys will affect the gay comunity in the USA? I fear the worst.
Reality Check. MEN, Naked Sword, and Cockyboys are all successful and highly visual condom only porn studios. I think it’s fair to say that there are many BB companies that are struggling BECAUSE they are only bb and they now just produce look alike cheep porn, like staxus and helix. Then you have TI and Lucas trying to out do each other with intentional infections, blood sport and hiring mass murders for performer. So I guess “successful” is not exactly how I would describe many of the these BB porn companies.
From the condom studios the only one that can keep up with bareback gay porn is If I look at which studios are pirated CockyBoys and Naked Sword hardly ever are in the weekly top 10, is. If I look at the number of comments on the different gay porn blogs when it comes to, Naked Sword and CockyBoys the only studio that gets a decent number of comments is MEN (thanks to Paddy and Johnny). CockyBoys seems to me like an art house film studio that is popular with the critics but has not a great appeal with the viewers.
NakedSword may be doing well, but it’s not because of the scenes it releases. Those scenes alone do not keep the site alone, it is also a VOD site as well, so many, if not most, of the profits from NakedSword come from the VOD side of the site.
It’s like with Randy Blue, they’re making absolutely no profit from their paid membership side of their site. The majority of the profits these days are coming from their webcamming side.
“Most adult gay male actors who have been in the business for any length of time are HIV+”
Link, please.
The Sword itself did a survey a while back, it’s estimated that over 50% of gay adult porn actors are HIV+ whether they do condom scenes or not.
Isn’t that why Falcon moved to vegas so they wouldn’t have to reveal which models were HIV positive… I know they use condoms but with the California law they would still have had to announce to everyone who was positive instead of it being a private manner. Especially since there are positive models out there doing porn but since they wear condoms it’s not as bad.
Bareback sex on camera is the equivalent of snuff films.
Back to using condoms boys, if you have a brain in your head. Shame on all who keep encouraging the models to have BB sex.
Yes, sketchy sex is based in Vegas and shoots BB.
Supposedly the Nevada set used a cheaper HIV test instead of the more accurate and more expensive one.
In some ways, the description of the scenes may point to what studio… non holiday themed orgy?
This is exactly why Michael Lucas has blood on his hands.
I’m no fan of Michael Lucas but in this case I think ML is a follower and not the one who started this bb trend. Ever heard of Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, George Duroy or Paul Morris?
LOL! Why you only blaming Lucas? Stop being silly!
Hater ML has nothing to do with this. CF is the studio.
Yea I’m sure duckface has blood on his hands, but not because of this. AFAIK that studio doesn’t film in Nevada. They film mostly in NY or in Europe. Also, many sources have shown, including from her own mouth, that the studio rarely does any testing, and duckface herself said the way she does scenes is she pairs up models of the same HIV status. So (+) guys work with (+) guys, and (-) guys film with (-) guys, or so we thought. Fernando Torres recently released a screen capture of txt messages between him and duckface. Duckface was trying to sneakily pair Fernando up with HIV+ models, when Fernando himself was negative.
But Michelle Lucas, who could have been a force, or at least an individual, in helping to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS – chose himself over the community and the greater humanity. Michael Lucas has blood on his hands – whether he’s in New York, Las Vegas or California.
On a side note: It looks like I’m banned from Queer Me Now for pointing this out. And I did not even call Michael Lucas a “duckface” , I just said that ML’s behaviour was irresponsible. You would almost think that the guy from QMN is on Lucas payroll …
Wow really, he banned you for saying that??? I swear I’ve said FAR worse about duckface on QMN than that, and still am able to post lol. Perhaps it was the way you said it. The guy is Asian and English is his 2nd language, so he may have assumed the way you wrote was offensive when it really wasn’t. Hell, I don’t even call her by her porn name, I call her duckface on there all the time and everyone knows exactly who I’m talking about lol
well he’s a stupid jealous and dollar hungry Asian bitch. Didnt see his face yet though.
There are rumors the studio in question is the one behind Sketchy Sex…which would make total sense.
I predict bareback porn/sex will be the death of porn or even homosexuality in the long haul. Sex is great but use a condom. Why is it so hard to use a condom? Because condoms are waste of time. You feel better without condoms. It is quicker if you don’t wear condoms. It is more exciting if you do bareback. All these are excuses and it is your choice but this image has become tarnished because we make choices that harm us. We say it is our choices and our bodies. What a selfish attitude because at the end of the day, who pays for all this harm caused?
You think it is ok to be HIV positive? Do you want be HIV positive? We can all talk about viral load being undetectable and so forth but you take medication and your body is fighting constantly with the virus along with other viruses and bacteria you get.
Sex is awesome. Use a condom and be safe.
Add me to that. Progress in disease management should be celebrated. Reckless and irresponsible gay men needing to get their selfish nut off in the face of ignorance of what once was – could very possibly, once again, bring an arise of what once was – to the fore-front again – but this time in spades.
Too many gay men have always behaved recklessly, selflessly and irresponsibly in the moment and hunt of getting laid.
This in not the time to continue this behavior. NO MATTER WHAT MICHAEL LUCAS MIGHT TELL YOU.
“Too many gay men have always behaved recklessly, selflessly and irresponsibly in the moment and hunt of getting laid.”
Oh, stop with the “too many gay men” crap. Sure there are those of us looking to bust, but that’s a human condition. Not something monopolized by gays.
‘Death of homosexuality?’ Not as long as Madonna’s still croaking out dance hits or West Elm’s still selling Moroccan poufs.
also i feel sooo bad for these models, something tells me they are young guys in the prime of their lives who trusted this company…now they face a life time of testing, doctors visits, meds that you hope wont give any side effects, relationship issues because they are now positive, and a list of assorted issues related to their status…….gee i hope the movie was good…
all the testing in the world is not going to help unless you test then quarantine the models for 4-6 weeks. i can test neg today and three days from now pass hiv on if i went and had bb sex in those 3 days….all this testing with out locking the models up prior to shooting is useless…
Corbin Fisher shoots in Vegas, do they not?
CF does shoot in Vegas!
I must commend you on the great reporting on this, it was well-written.
So who is in Nevada??? Sean Cody is still in San Diego, and I believe that ChaosMen is still in Texas. Could it be Corbin Fisher? I never knew his exact location. Or Jake Cruise? I don’t know if he’s finally made the move to Nevada or not. Or the American side of Butch Dixon?
I know CF is in Nevada, and I think Guys in Sweatpants may be there, also.
Sketchy Sex, anyone? They film their porn in run down hovels in Las Vegas. Can’t imagine that they test anyone.
Sketchy Sex do test their models a week in advance (according to a model that worked for them) but I highly doubt that it uses the more expensive tests available.
I wonder if the woman who came at the door in a Sketchy Sex scene asked if they needed some Truvada …
Don’t want this to start happening!! So very discouraging for us all!! My favorite site is based in Vegas, so I’m interested in knowing which company it is.