That Gay Solider Who Came Out To His Dad On You Tube Now Has A Shirtless Workout Video

As inspirational (if not contrived, manipulative, and self-serving) as his “coming out” videos were, it was obviously always leading up to this. It was never about anything more than ending up shirtless, was it? No.

Now, gay solider person (as if he has a name, and as if anyone would remember it if he did), keep taking off more clothes and making more videos for people to jerk to. As you are clearly aware, that is what you are here for. Nothing more. And that’s fine! Because you’re hot.


13 thoughts on “That Gay Solider Who Came Out To His Dad On You Tube Now Has A Shirtless Workout Video”

  1. LOL – WHO cares about this dude? So he is/was a soldier boy and he came out to his dad. I’m ex-Marine and I came out to my dad, no big deal there.

    And what the fuck is with that room already??? I noticed that horror before I even looked at him. And I still haven’t clicked the play icon on the video. And probably won’t.

    But he does have a decent body…

    1. Just because one is gay doesn’t automatically mean you get free praise, which is something a lot of attention whores love to forget. You have to earn it, Tina.

  2. @Lew no offense meant, but how conservative can you be reading a gay porn blog? LOL. “I’m a Larry Craig conservative!’

  3. I’m a conservative vet so my comments may sound corny: Good looking guy, nice physique, all-American sex appeal, manly voice, confident, good screen presence, cool military haircut. His dedication to fitness is a turn-on. Those G-rated shorts have the effect of making a gay guy want to see more, while knowing he needs to be his own man. In my view he’s got talent, sex appeal, and a future in front of a camera. There are probably enough underwear models, and there should be a niche for a PG wholesome gay dude who chooses to keep his pants on when making a video. Especially if he’s on active duty. Let’s thank him for his service, his courage, and wish him the best.

  4. Of course being the shallow person I am, I’m not looking at the guy but rather the hideous room he’s in. are we sure he’s gay? Sponge painting technique on the wall? A fireplace in a concrete floored room next to a radiator with a sad collection of plants? and what with that door? Is this a badly converted garage?
    And looks at the mat he has in front of the door, its way too small.

    1. Well, he is in the military. The military isn’t exactly known for it’s decorating skills, maybe it rubbed off on him. I see a gay porn or at least a jerk off video in his future. Did you see the way he was eye fucking the camera? He desperately needs some guy action, that’s why he is making these videos.

  5. wow zach, you sure are a presumptuous, bitter, fuck. oh and thanks for not posting my comment regarding the perez post. i guess the truth does hurt.

    1. As much as I value free speech, I won’t allow your destructiveness to interfere with other commenters or the topic of a post. The majority of your comments are personal attacks on me, so it’s obvious you have an agenda here against me, not to discuss whatever it is I’m writing about. Expect your comments to continue to be censored if you can’t keep them relevant.

  6. Aw, I thought he was hawking some sort of Jane Fonda-esque exercise tape. (Maybe the Michael Fitt-esque exercise videos will come next? *crosses fingers*)

    This is no different from any other YouTube “celebrity” oversharing every part of their lives (Target hauls, trips to In-N-Out, etc.) on the interwebs.

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