Someone Has Created A YouTube Tribute Video To Cody Cummings

It’s entitled “Cody Cummings Goodbye,” and it’s in honor of his recently announced retirement.

There is truly nothing else I can possibly say about this video.

13 thoughts on “Someone Has Created A YouTube Tribute Video To Cody Cummings”

  1. RootieTootieFreshNFruity

    Did Cody Cummings ever fuck a guy or get fucked? Or blow anyone? I’m confused. The most I could find is that he touched a penis once with his hand and foot. Did he ever do anything else? Besides GET blown?

  2. Who would make something like this? I’m unemployed and I wouldn’t take the time out of my day to make that video.

  3. The video is terrible, but at the very least please take the time to at least go to the youtube site directly and give him a thumbs down!

  4. Well those are 4 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.

    I was actually going to write some shit on the comments page, but I see he Kevin/Cody himself has already responded, and I don’t want to waste my time starting some argument that could go for years lol

    Clearly a woman was behind this video, seeing as how there are so many video clips in there of Cody with all the women he’s worked with. Knowing the attention whore that Cody is I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually owned that account himself and paid himself the tribute.

    1. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually owned that account himself and paid himself the tribute.”

      +100,000,000,000 X infinity

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