Commenters Lose Their Fucking Shit Over Conner Habib’s “Rest Stop Anonymous Bathroom Sex” Confessional

All Conner Habib wanted to do was have some fun and write a little essay for’s recurring “Salon After Dark” column, but the internet is a cold, cruel place full of commenters who hate, uhh, everything.

And these commenters in particular really hate that Conner Habib had the audacity to write a story about the joys of anonymous gay sex with other men at our nation’s prestigious and beautiful highway rest stops. Now, these enraged commenters are LASHING OUT at Conner Habib, porn stars, gays, liberals, and’s journalism ethics in over 150 angry replies. On the one hand, you haven’t “made it” until you’ve written an article that generates over 150 comments, but on the other, has Conner Habib ruined the entire internet?

If you haven’t already read it, here is Conner Habib’s immoral and degrading essay, which includes this disgusting passage:

After a while I began to develop a strange feeling at rest areas, like I was giving myself to someone. Not that I gave my full self, but that the part of myself I did give was complete. There was no pretense, no awkward conversation or dancing around whether or not I should be attracted to somebody. There was no wondering if someone was straight or gay; there was no sexual orientation at all. We were just there, together, as ourselves.


And here are the “best” comments left in response to the piece:

Brooke Phaceless:

This is the lead story on Salon tonight. While the Supreme Court debates dismantling Obama’s clusterfuck of a healthcare “reform”. While America continues to twist the screws on and ramp up war with Iran. And on and on… This is the lead story. A public bathroom sex confidential, written by a porn “star”. Meanwhile, a big fat sidebar in the upper right on the main page wails, “Support Fearless Journalism…” And some people say liberals have no sense of humor.

reader reader:

Is there any reason to believe that Conner’s story is true? That he has had sex 100s of times in rest stops? Or perhaps all of this is what he considers promotion and marketing for his movies? Tracy Clark-Flory, how did you vet Connors story? By the way, I’ve had sex with hundreds of aliens from the planet Kabob. More at my website, and some ebooks you can purchase. Anyway, I’m calling shenanigans, I think Conner Habib is literally a fucking liar.


The author is president of the Highway Rest Stop Sperm and Pathogenic Virus Collection Initiative, a nonprofit that advocates for people with no sense of disgust.


This sounds like an excellant way to get your ass kicked. I walk in on this with my son, I promise you that is what you will get. Do what you please in the privacy of your own bedroom. Take it to public places, suffer the consequences.


While it’s never happened, I personally would consider the sounds or sights of two men having sex in an adjacent stall a flagrant and inexcusable violation of my reasonable expectation to a modicum of privacy while I’m defecating. And the same goes for finding someone at an adjacent urinal stroking their erection. If I was a father and I was there with my son, my ire would increase considerably. I find the self-absorption of the author and others like him to be unimaginable. Occupying a bathroom stall at a busy public restroom to have sex amounts to something like the apex of inconsideration for the needs of others. That includes heterosexual sex, by the way.

Michael In Maine:

Why is Salon running this (dubious) story? Are you trying to compete with Huffington, to see who can be more sensational? Yes, this activity exists, I know, because I’m an older gay man. I’ve never had sex in a public restroom, but what if I had? The point is, this is a story about stereotypical behavior, more useful for “aiding and abetting” the right-wing, in their never-ending persecution of all things gay, than providing any useful information to anyone. Get over it, Salon, and your desire to be “hip” and “urbane”. Just stick to the useful, insightful and edifying.

Friend Of The Court:

Gross. Pathetic. This is just the kind of thing that gives homosexuality a bad name and invites prejudice. It will make mothers wonder whether it is safe to send their boy children into public men’s bathrooms on the highway unescorted, bathrooms that are provided by the state government for the use of the traveling public, not for predatory perverts who are obsessed with other men’s and boy’s penises.

Skylar Thomas:

Thanks for ruining several road trips creep…

Should Conner Habib apologize for offending America’s rest stop visitors, or is it too late for that now?
Will you boycott’s “Salon After Dark”?
What other porn stars would you like to see writing columns for
Have you ever S’d someone’s D in a rest stop bathroom?
Should blogs not publish controversial articles, or should they publish them and just hope that people don’t get too upset?
Have you ever “turned off the comments” on your blog because you were afraid of what people might say?
Are anonymous blog commenters the internet’s only voice of reason?
Has Conner Habib finally gone too far?


39 thoughts on “ Commenters Lose Their Fucking Shit Over Conner Habib’s “Rest Stop Anonymous Bathroom Sex” Confessional”

  1. My only issue with his article is that he doesn’t mention the risks or consequences of such behavior.
    While I realize he is not responsible for other peoples actions (although it would be nice to keep that in mind when promoting a pretty risky practice) it would have made the article a lot see the full picture

  2. From those in the industry, who honestly discuss their experiences: usually, they feel great about themselves because they get the attention they crave.

    I mean, if guys came up to you and tell you that you are hot and they wanted to fuck you… it would act as an ego boost. To be desired and wanted feels good for anyone.

    Getting them to make a pass is easy as a sex worker, because they can objectify you… However, getting that person to stay the following morning is another thing. And at least once, you’d want the person to be around in the morning. Emotions or “love” cannot be avoided to the consternation of those workers.

    Christ, just look at the blogs of them… it speaks volumes on this.

  3. Good for Conner! You go, bro! As for the whiners about “gay men will never gain acceptance,” screw them. We don’t fuckin NEED their acceptance. We’re doing quite well on our own and if you don’t like it, don’t have sex in rest stops and/or don’t read articles about it.

  4. Should Conner Habib apologize for offending America’s rest stop visitors, or is it too late for that now?

    No one cares if he lives or dies, so what would an apology accomplish… nothing….just like this article.

    Will you boycott’s “Salon After Dark”?

    Salon is slowly dying. Its a shell of its former self. Antics are abound for the site to try and regain audience.

    What other porn stars would you like to see writing columns for

    Why do porn stars have to write? What do they have to contribute to the conversation. They don’t have anything worthwhile or meaningful to say–mostly because they discuss the time they had sex. How about talking about the time you fell in love and someone broke your heart? How about the struggles of finding jobs in a recession? Did your family find out about your job? What are your fears about getting recognized by them?

    Have you ever S’d someone’s D in a rest stop bathroom?

    I usually take my poop and pee breaks before going on the road. I don’t think I have ever taken a shit in restrooms–they are disgusting to begin with.

    Should blogs not publish controversial articles, or should they publish them and just hope that people don’t get too upset?

    Blogs should post material that is worth merit and has something important to say. This article doesn’t, its about a guy trying to lose an identity by having anonymous encounters. Gee, that is very unique!!!

    Have you ever “turned off the comments” on your blog because you were afraid of what people might say?

    No. Bloggers as well as porn performers shouldn’t censor; you stand behind free speech, as your profession proports— it should be honored for any comments online that aren’t nice.

    Are anonymous blog commenters the internet’s only voice of reason?

    Any person who doesn’t like material or points made should have the opportunity to dissent and disagree… except in this article there isn’t anything to disagree or debate with. Its just a generic piece of work, that only is a personal account of random hookups; this offers no insight into this writers mind, or emotions. Just that he is looking for sex with strangers and likes sex because it serves as a disconnect with the real world and other human beings. OK! Great.. nicely done.

    Has Conner Habib finally gone too far?

    Conner Habib hasn’t gone too far… his work is derivative and plain. Why don’t you go back twenty years to when sex was revolutionary, and this article would have made sense. It doesn’t now, because the revolution ended… and no one won. THE END.

  5. Connor: I didn’t read your actual article. Too lazy. However, regardless of whether or not you’re a good writer, if you want to convey a message, think about the long term consequences of your writing and your career choices. Do you want to trap yourself in a bubble or do you really want to say something that will some day transgress beyond the extremely insular world of gay porn? Will this story bring more law enforcement into public bathrooms and possibly ruin the lives of some people? A lot of men have had their lives ruined by being caught in public and then having to register permanently on the Sex Offender Registry list. Even if you’re story is true and you had some fun, aren’t there some “secrets” that should be maintained behind the pink wall? No need to let the conservative straights know everything about the sexual habits of some members or our community.

  6. your article–was this a revelation? did readers leave with a different impression? no.

    I sort of stopped reading the posts and comments after realizing this is just about being a spectacle, or being the center of attention.

    I don’t indulge in this crap, and I won’t co-sign someone else’s.

    you couldn’t of gotten this job on merit alone, but just on the fact you are a “porn star.” I guess having the words on the page will bring more visits.

  7. Conner should be arrested and placed in Jail, if I ever see gay men having sex in public will immediately call the cops

  8. I thought gay men were supposed to have a liberal attitude towards sex. Judging from some of these comments, gay men can be just as uptight and judgemental and any hetero.

    Men cruise for sex with other men in public places. Deal with it.

  9. Conner has just done something that many people think about and have done over and over. It’s risky and your taking a chance and could get caught but hot none the less.

  10. His article is careless and narcissistic. Rather than speculate that men go to rest stops to have sex because they want to leave their identities behind perhaps the men in rest stops need to realize they are level 2 sex addicts and continuing to act out in pubic can lead them into level 3 sex addiction which ultimately will land them in jail.

    1. Finally a few sane responses! As one who had a friend beaten to an inch of his life in a rest area(the place was closed over 20 years ago) I agree with Danny and Winterhell. Whether any person who read Connor’s article agrees it was well written or not, it belongs on a website more suited to that type of subject.

    2. There is no such thing as sex addiction. Some people let their sexual urges overwhelm them. That’s not addiction. Sex addiction is a hoax manufactured by the ever-hungrier twelve-step industrial complex.

  11. LMAO, what a bunch of sanctimonius pompous asses! When and where I realized my sexual orientation there were no bars, no internet, no social gatherings for gay men. The ONLY places to meet were public restrooms, reststops, public parks etc. And while I stopped going to those places many years ago(not because I think it’s wrong, because I don’t), when I did, most of the men I met were either married, in the closet, had gf’s, and other issues that kept them from going to more “acceptable” locations to meet. Several of whom were evangelical, apostolic, baptist and other christian faiths, who spewed homophobic hate in public. Even pastors, preachers and priests that stood up on Sunday morning preaching the “evils” of homosexuality!

    Many now have scheduling issues, relationships(that includes married “hetero” men or with GF’s) and don’t have time to use other means of making contacts for sex.

    Men, and some women, will continue meeting in public places for anonymous sex as they have for centuries.

    And while many of us want long term monogamous, a significant number do not. And that includes heterosexuals.

    So get off your friggin’ high horse and quit judging people because they don’t meet your “ideal” expectations!

  12. First of all I love Conner, I think he’s great I enjoy his writting and hope the nasty comments don’t hinder him from sharing with us in the future. Second, I came out in a rest park and met my first boyfriend there, we were together three years which is a hundred gay years for someone who had his first sexual experience. I had no idea where bars were or any other way to meet people but had heard about the park from when I was young.

  13. This performer went way off in his petulance. It is amazing how he attempted to justify dumb behavior and turn it into an intellectual dissertation. A valiant attempt with no conspicuous success. He flopped. Those are public spaces aimed to serve the purpose of public hygiene. Even though cruising does happen, why would you try to justify that? Why would you force such spectacle onto others who are using said space for its intended purpose? A public apology from him is irrelevant, as most apologies nowadays are. He knew what he was doing. One has to be aware of the audience you are targeting. The “article” would be best in this blog than in which is, it appears, to a more general audience.

  14. I’ve read the article, and it’s just tacky. Having sex in the loo! Not very classy, and think about the hygiene issues!!! Yum

  15. he is just telling the truth, whats wrong with being honest??is this article irony or are u just very prude? ( im french)

  16. Oh, for crying out loud. As if the US were the only place on earth where men have sex in public bathrooms. We should be asking other questions. The fact that it happens literally EVERYWHERE and that the most hooked are “straight” men with wedding rings raises the question of what is this thing about men having sex with men. And why bother to divide men into “straight” and “gay” when deep down – if public rest rooms everywhere are anything to go by – men are as a class of person deeply into other men’s bodies.

  17. Christopher Daniels

    Conner is my new fave porn star and Id love to work with him one day! Im sick of people getting offended by this shit. News flash douchebags… The majority of the men frequenting reststops are not sexually depraved homosexuals. It’s straight men ( at least the ones I blow at reststops). If you want to solve this problem we should be enforcing wives to be giving head regularly so guys wouldn’t be trolling around stinky bathrooms looking for head but if this were enforced I wouldnt be able to suck as much cock as I do and that would make me sad:( this is just like people accusing gay men for all being pedophiles when the real problem is straight men. Straight people ruin everything !!!

    1. Those “straight” men being blown in restrooms are the same ones who will vote against gay rights, claim homosexuality is against God’s will, and likely bullied the boys found themselves attracted to in high shool. So the question becomes why the fuck do gay men want to reward this kind of hypocrisy with no strings attached sex?

      If more gay men would step outside themselves, and control their momentary desires- ironically the thing they are often accussed of- and stop giving these closeted men who promote a hateful agenda an outlet then they would have to address their true natures.

      I know alot of gay men, of a certain age, found that public restrooms were the only place to find gay sex but this isn’t the 70′,80’s, or even the 90’s.

      It isn’t the act I find offensive, and it isn’t about personal choice, it is about actions providing a way for the guy on the other side of the glory hole to have gay sex but live as a homophobe.

      1. For someone that walks around the Castro and won’t even return a smile, it’s no wonder you have intimacy issues that have to be resolved at a rest stop. The stick, its up your butt.

      2. hey conner its your ole’ buddy from “the valley” so um which stop was this buy your place on 78 i guess?

      3. and yet you fuck ‘straight’ guys and glorify them in your articles and videos.

        you can just eat me… with this chickenshit response to Alex.

    1. As long as we continue what shady shit? Have you ever been to Motorcycle Weekend in Laconia New Hampshire, and the nasty Harley-hags lifting their sagging tits on the back of all the bikes? And let’s not forget all the shady “shit” that goes on at Spring Break in Fla. and Mexico or wherever. Didn’t Natalie Holloway get killed on a
      chaperoned “class trip” to Aruba.

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