Ryan Rose Has Gotten Bigger, Thicker

Some new behind-the-scenes shot from a new graffiti-themed Hot House feature have just come out showing Ryan Rose looking a fair bit more muscley than even a few months ago.

This isn’t just me, right?

Let’s compare, from the start of his Falcon contract in 2013 to now.





The neck is getting bigger, and his arms and quads are noticeably bigger, right?

Anyway, I like a lean man, so, let’s not crazy, Ryan.

26 thoughts on “Ryan Rose Has Gotten Bigger, Thicker”

  1. Ryan is getting that “steroid” body and it will take a big toll on him; bye, bye balls, and poor skin, among other negative side effects. Ryan don’t push your luck, please.

  2. I can’t say for certain if he’s on steroids or not, but he should be the last person to use them considering steroids also can make you hot-tempered. He’s already got a nasty and quick to anger attitude so if he is using it’s only a matter of time before he beats someone else up.

    1. Yassss baabbies are everything. When u top it’s nice to see those pecs jiggling when you push hard. And when you bottom in missionary position it’s always a treat treat to see them ripple.

  3. My own opinion is he is looking good, but please Ryan don’t go overboard on the muscles, oh and please bottom more often

  4. Dude looks a little too much like Cody motherfucking Cummings for my comfort zone.

    And hey, what happened to the Bel Ami blogger lawsuit article?

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