Rod Daily: “I’m HIV Positive”

His girlfriend Cameron Bay’s recent seroconversion temporarily shut down the straight porn industry and made national news. Now, gay porn star Rod Daily has come forward with his HIV test results.

Unlike Bay’s results, which were somehow leaked by a third party, Rod Daily just posted his own HIV test results on Twitter.


Daily has also announced his retirement from gay porn.

I’ve never read any published reports of someone being so “well medicated” that they test negative, although you can test negative if there are too few antibodies in your system, which is what apparently happened to Rod Daily.


Note: Comments speculating about the source of Rod Daily’s infection will not be published.


119 thoughts on “Rod Daily: “I’m HIV Positive””

  1. I hate to say it but Karma it’s a bitch and she will slap you on the face real hard for doing shit to other people. A few years back Rod and I exchanged emails about work, and he ended up calling me and HIV spreading piece of shit because I was doing bareback. Even when I confronted him about his best friend Rusty Stevens doing bareback for SX he said it wasn’t the same. He kept sending me nasty email after nasty email even after I asked him to stop. I had to block his email to stop the harassing. Now I see this. Wow! And though he did that to me, I wish him the best. Maybe this will change people’s perspective and stigmatism about the porn industry….

  2. I feel really bad for him but like many celebs porn stars etc he does not even acknowledge the existence of his fans so his personality is indeed negative I was sadly correct in that regard.

    Still though I hope for him peace and healing I dont think everything about AIDS but I do hope the chance for a cure or possible longer life then it used to be is now possible in this day and age.

    Technology has advanced in so many ways hopefully it has also advanced in that regard as well.

  3. Rod posted his test on twitter for the last almost 6 months. He was tested at CET and Talent Testing agency the same place all the strait performers go to. 40-90 percent of people who are infected with HIV show no symptoms at all. The acute stage is not always followed by sickness. It is the stage 3-4 weeks after infection. He was last tested July 10th negative his GF tested July 27th negative. Antibodies take about 3 weeks to show on a rapid test, meaning you have to have been infected at least 3 weeks prior. He took an at home oral test that tested negative but this test only picks up infection with in 3 months of infection. With his negative test results on the 10th and home oral test negative on August 23rd, A western Blot indeterminate result the 24th with a Rapid Test Positive result a week later plus his viral load would make him acute. It has absolutely nothing to do with getting sick or not. We can rule out that he had the virus for a while. My only question is how do 2 acute people infect each other. Anyways he is an great performer with one of best asses in porn! Yum. I wish him and his GF the best. Oh he is hardly homophobic and actually takes a strong stance towards gay rights. He has always said he has no label and does not believe in gay-4-pay that it is only a cop out for people who can’t own their shit and are not comfortable with who they are as men. How is he any less gay then anyone else? Because he likes to fuck pussy as well? He’s fucked over 100 males on film. Is he not getting called a faggot now on twitter has he never been discriminated against because of his lifestyle choice? If the military had not over turned don’t ask don’t tell would he be allowed to serve? And this whole gay for pay fetish shit let it go, it needs to stop. The gay for pay fetish is a slap in the face to the gay community and what we all stand for and that is we were born this way. If we are born this way we cannot be converted from strait to gay, PERIOD!

  4. To be honest it saddened me hearing the news about Rod Daily’s HIV POZ result. But as I read all the twitter feeds and other on line messages I reminded me his not dead, Rod Daily is very much alive. Even though, his HIV Positive we are in the day and age where HIV/AIDS is no longer a death sentence. We may not have a cure for it yet but many have successes to have longer life span if they get help and treatment. There are many well known personalities with HIV/AIDS that are still alive 10, 15, 20+ years after their diagnosis. Rod Daily is strong and will live a much longer life. It’s now his time to take control of his life.

  5. @ Tony,
    Rod Daily did do a scene once with black model Derrick Long. It was a while ago, but Derrick tore his ass up after Rod sucked his dick nice and good.

  6. rod has always been an enjoyable great performer. shame that he is retiring but completely understandable. the world of porn will feel a little more vacant with him gone
    stay healthy and and dont let this bring you down

  7. At least this brings awareness to the fact who can get HIV and that its not just gay people. To often performers will chose condoms when performing in gay scenes but when it comes to performing with women suddenly people assume the only thing you have to worry about is getting pregnant(and judging by some of the creampies and unprotected sex that gay 4 pay models give their girlfriends on twitter tell me that even that isn’t a concern). I think Cliff Jensen said it best in one of his youtube videos where he talks about the use of condoms on set and in your personal life, if you are having sex with multiple people whether its on set or in your personal life(i.e. escorting) regardless of what your last test says or your scene partners test says you should wrap it up. Just because you tested negative 3 days ago doesn’t guarantee that you didn’t pick it up a few nights before or within those 3 days between that test and shoot day cause I doubt they are staying sexually inactive in those few days, their twitters will verify that. To often the porn industry treats HIV like its only a gay disease and that in straight sex its not an issue. Unless you are in a long term MONOGAMUS relationship(that also means not doing porn)you should always approach sex with the thought that I could catch something. It might kill the mood a bit but in the long run its worth it.

    1. He said he wasn’t but time will tell. But really he doesn’t seem to be the type of model most of the Bareback porn companies go for.

  8. Great attitude. I wish him and his gf nothing but good health. Being HIV+ isn’t something to be ashamed of; it doesn’t make you a bad person.

    1. I agree it doesnt yet there are many in this community who feel it is their sole right to condemn and ostracize those who have this disease.

      The saying walk a mile in another persons shoes springs to mind in that regard.

  9. Mr. Enemabag Jones

    I noticed his GF was all over the news getting sympathetic coverage about her status. I wonder if Rod will get the same sympathetic coverage from the adult, and mainstream media?

      1. It is funny how his GF has been getting support but some (not all) str8 performers have been essentially gay/Slut shaming him in advance of him revealing his status. A lot of the gay performers have been really supportive of him.

        1. This validates their belief that g4p/bi performers spread HIV to female performers who spread it to straight male performers.

          This will probably cause a porn shut down while models are tested and Rod will be blamed.

          1. Mr. Enemabag Jones

            The straight industry is already blaming Daily for infecting his GF. The homophobic gaybaiting continues in the straight pron world.

            Both Bay and Daily work for, whose chief executive Peter Acworth says industry standards for testing are rigorous…Despite the double standard for gay and straight performers, Acworth tells SF Gate that Daily most likely spread the disease to Bay.

  10. I find it highly unlikely he got infected recently. I feel like he’s been HIV+ for a while now and didn’t want his girlfriend to get blamed for the whole HIV scare in the straight industry so he lied about being negative and is now being honest about it.

    1. he was neg by pcr (>99% acurate) on august 25 and poz a week later. seeing that it only takes a few days post-exposure to become viral rna positive, he was probably infected within the week.

  11. I keep on saying it and saying it….98% of these porn actors so-called STRAIGHT-Bi-Gay, fuck off camera when they escort if the price it rite- i don’t know why this is such a surprise.
    And as for the STRAIGHT porn industry i’m amaze more are not already infected.
    With alot of folks un-detectable eventually they will be much more to come, you can’t be fucking thousands of people a year an expect your number will NOT be up soon!
    Good luck to him!

    1. It’s much harder to contract and spread HIV for people who only have heterosexual sex, that’s why these bi/gay4pay crossover guys are hated so much by the straight industry.

      1. OneoftheManyChris

        The majority of HIV positive people worldwide are straight women. Anal sex is just as dangerous if it’s a female rear end. Vaginal sex is less dangerous but I’m not sure I’d characterize it as “much” less dangerous. In the US it’s primarily a gay disease because gays have more anal and because of the gay ghettos of the 70’s and 80’s where everyone was a partner of a partner of everyone else. Anyhow none of this applies to the porn industry because they have anal all the time and everyone is a partner of a partner of everyone else.

        1. I know for women it’s just as dangerous. I was referring to the men, as they are the one that carry and spread the disease to women, not vice versa.

          1. hahahahaha what. what backwards hole of ignorance are you crawling out of with this shit. you need to update your knowledge of medical science beyond the crap you heard on the playground 20 years ago.

  12. I’m so confused, Rod Daily is straight? Bi? Gay for pay? Cause that threesome he did with Anthony Romero, and Austin Wilde for Guy in Sweatpants, made him look like he loved gay sex

        1. Mr. Enemabag Jones

          What amazes me is he was able to perform with his GF. Have you seen her? She looks like a Brazilian drag queen. A bad one. Goonie-goo-goo Gus!

      1. i dunno the gay4pay ones usually like to be filmed with girls from time to time, but until this all happened i assumed rod was 150% gay

  13. Hope you got a good day job! Look what the industry did to Mason Wyler…A cure is so close with stem cell research. I saw an article this weekend that test in Auckland New Zealand where a stem cell shot is curing Cronin’s and HIV. I would assume that getting it in U.S.A. is about money $$$$….due to a foreign drug company has the patent. THINK! If Bush would have allowed stem cell research HIV could have been eradicated by now, world wide!

    1. If republican a-holes cared a thing about actual people we would be in a better, richer, healthier world…and by the way…Thanks! Lucas Entertainment and Andrei you fuck/duck face for supporting the illness.

    2. I thought this too, Mack — Rod says it himself right in his ‘retirement’ tweet ….basically ‘what retirement ?’ …it’s not like there’s a 401K …. I too hope he (and his girlfriend have the resources necessary to remain as healthy as possible. It won’t be easy. And I hope the people they worked for and with help to ‘step to the plate’ as well. Certainly the companies involved have made enough money from these two performers work to discreetly help out (if they need it).

  14. I’m unclear if he understands what ‘acute phase’ means. It’s the flu-like illness that occurs just prior to anti-HIV sero-conversion, not a positive test by PCR.

    PCR is very expensive and these days you can test for anti-HIV at home cheaply. However given the potential gravity of the illness and vastly improved outcome in starting treatment prior to sero-conversion, I think it needs to become standard-of-care.

    1. I should have added his last negative PCR was August 25, so it’s highly unlikely that he both was infected and had conversion illness (‘acute phase’) in the space of a week. The process typically takes anywhere from one to six months.

      1. I would like to know where you are getting your information because the information I have texted Jennifer what your information to say the last time that Mr. von daily got tested was August 22 he got a western blot test before that he didn’t at home test. I think it’s interesting that nobody is saying his last test clean test was July 10 he only tested because his girlfriend Cameron Bay tested positive honest one T first shit her last negative test was July 27 she did a total of three scenes between her last test and testing positive for HIV August 21 and in between those times was not able to work or do you have any ticket she got injured on her last set at which rug daily was at as well . She had flulike symptoms starting August 15 and she tested on the 20th I can be said and during that time she has stated that she was still sick with the flu and the doctors are able to diagnose her having a cute HIV symptoms. So if he took a test on let’s sit August 23 to the 25th and his test results came back what the September 3 when he posted them then he had already had been positive sense the 25th survey needs to get the dates right I think because I think that there is something a little off if you know what I’m saying.. Not only that but do you think that he would’ve came out to the public had his girlfriend or whatever didn’t have to come out because of her name being leaked to the press I don’t think so. But that’s just my no that’s about it I wish him luck and hopefully he take it seriously and hopefully he does Lisa’s is going to do and be an advocate and no try to per help prevent this from happening the people

  15. I always liked Rod too but, I’m a bit disturbed by his twits. He seems to imply that early drug intervention will eradicate the virus and this is simply not true.

    There was a case of a newborn who had aggressive early drug intervention and there is now no sign of the virus in her system. But, that was a newborn and one isolated case. It has never happened in an adult.

    I do wish him well but, he needs to be realistic about his medical condition and get proper information that will help him to live a long life.

    1. HE says he is HIV positive, I think by now everyone knows that there is no cure for it aside from that bone marrow transplant case.

      What he means I believe, is that early treatment will help him keep a low viral load and not develop AIDS in the foreseeable future.

  16. Mr. Enemabag Jones

    I love it when hets get HIV. Hopefully this will scare off the straight performers, and we’ll get more hot gay men having safe sex on camera–convincingly.

      1. Mr. Enemabag Jones

        Ugh you are disgusting .

        Let go of your pearls. We all know why he’s HIV+ now, and it wasn’t because of gay porn. I just hope he didn’t infect any men during a production.

        1. Yawns grow up gay men like you are the problem with this community transparent troll. :P

          Here we are constantly being upset and annoyed that gay teens take their lives due to bullying yet morons like you are a continuous part of that problem not solution.

          I dont await your clever retorts the fact that you are a troll writing nasty comments solely to get a negative reaction speaks highly for YOUR psyche . :P

    1. I think you might get your wish to some extent. I’m sure every G4P model who has ever worked with Rod has to feel some trepidation about risking doing another porn shoot.

      I expect to see some of the current G4P stars we’re used to seeing over and over again disappear. They’ll get replaced by new ones of course but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Johnny Rapid, Chris Bines, James Huntsman, James Jameson, Buddy King, Sebestian Young, etc to all decide it’s time to retire in the near future.

      Shit just got real for poor Rod.

  17. Ive liked him since his studio 2000 days and with the exception of nds a lot of his stuff was pretty good. Wish the best for him and his retirement.

  18. I hope he gets better he also seems homophobic very homophobic and unfortunately this experience probably made that mindset worse then it already was previously.

    I hope he gets better either way and also enlightens himself as to the fact that HIV and AIDS are not a primarily GAY disease it can happen to anyone at any time gay or straight.

    1. Wrong wrong wrong im so sorry for that last comment ive just noticed over the years that many of the straight performers have said homophobic things so sadly that notion is put in some of our minds where we automatically have that kind of mistrust or does he look at me as a human being or as less then that mentality. Sighs.

      Ive been reading this twitter and this man is really strong and POSITIVE about all of this and thats really great to see inspiring actually.

      My sincerest apologies for this error in judgement we cant put everyone into one little box just because some people who happen to be straight have an issue with us and our sexuality or identities as human beings in this world.

      1. Mr. Enemabag Jones

        Maybe it depends on whether it’s straight cock, or gay cock. Straight cock–totally butch. Gay cock? So gay!

  19. Sorry if this is sounds a bit naïve, but could somebody in the United States be denied treatment because they are HIV positive if they do not have insurance or can pay for it ?
    Here in the UK if you are diagnosed as HIV positive, then when/if the time comes for you to take medication, it is provided on the National Health Service. Yes I know we pay National Insurance contributions through our taxation system. Yes I know the jokes about our dental treatment [we get Family Guy and The Simpsons here] and waiting times for treatments and operations can be a not so funny joke, but still you would not be left to pay the cost yourself or would not be denied treatment. It’s not perfect by any means, and you could quadruple the NHS budget and it still would not be enough and other European countries operate similar and better systems to ours, but how does the poor/middle classes cope in the United States with medical bills ?

        1. I dont like him he comes across as way too cocky but I still hope he gets better.

          The problem is these peoples egos are so inflated nowadays especially from stars to porn stars they just do not care one thing about their fans even though they CLAIM they do. Smh.

    1. We have health coverage in the US is just not “free”. Its still run on a cost model, and its still dependant on the consumers ability to pay. He will get treatment. There are a number of programs that subsidize the cost of HIV med. Plus US health insurance providers can no longer deny coverage for preexisting conditions. Its possible if he already has health coverage then his medications will be covered. $2000 a month is a lot to come up with for a drug you need to take for the rest of your life.

    2. Keith Richards had quite a bit to say about UK dentistry in his memoir.

      Given the potentially huge cost of HIV morbidity and mortality, it’s definitely in the public interest to provide HAART meds at low or no costs. However pharmaceutical companies would probably really stick it to the government. Brazil had the right idea: people are dying. Screw the patents and make your own!

    3. OneoftheManyChris

      If his income is below 133% poverty level (133% of $11,490) he will spend down his assets and be eligible for Medicaid. Most people who do this need to work illegally for cash so that they can actually live or they live with family who support them in exchange for housework and babysitting.

      If he can get a professional job at a large company he would be able to get insurance paid by the employer. However the insurance at places like McDonalds won’t cover anything like this and if he got work at a small friendly company their insurance provider would jack up the rates once they realized someone at the company was costing them $30,000 a year.

      Another option is to get married. It doesn’t have to be a woman he actually cares for, just a friend with decent insurance of her own through a large company. If he is in California he could even marry a man.

      If he gets sick enough he can get himself declared disabled (easier said than done) and then he would eligible for social security benefits and Medicare.

      Finally if he has enough money he can buy private state-subsized “insurance of last resort.” It’s around $10,000 a year and probably won’t cover all the needs of someone with HIV.

      1. Thanks guys. Quite an eye opener for me. I try to follow and understand US politics as much as possible [never did work out how the Republican Party denied Ron Paul a platform at the National Convention, after securing delegates to the Convention and not through the headline grabbing straw polls], but your answers do seem to answer my fears.
        Again I presume what has been dubbed Obamacare would go some way to alleviating the cost of medical treatment, and if so, then I hope that it is implemented fully and expediently, for the sake of all US citizens.
        I suppose that makes me have Socialist tendencies.
        I wish Rod Daily all the best and hope he stays well.

  20. Everyone thought Mason Wyler’s HIV would end his career too. But then he came back to barebacking with “pride.” I don’t understand what is this HIV stigma people keep whining about in the gay world? What HIV stigma when every gay dating site, blog and porn is bombarding us with Truvada miracle pills, “raw” “breeding” “gifting sex parties”? The HIV epidemic post 90s is exactly due to HIV becoming less of a stigma now. People advertise it as “not a death sentence” “1 pill once a day” and you can bareback “safely.” Current trend with bareback porn popularity and college aged gays becoming HIV positive at alarming rates, 50% of young gay men today will be on Truvada by age 50.

    The fact Rod is surprised that one week he had no antibodies and next week they miraculously showed up on a test, shows how ignorant many people are about how HIV tests work. This is the core problem with creating a culture of bareback liberation that relies on “tests” and Truvada pills to stay HIV negative. An 80 cent latex rubber device could have prevented this “blessed news” on twitter.

    1. Mason Wyler’s comeback was short lived, which is sad given that he was a good performer. I’ve been a fan of Bareback porn for a while, but I’m starting to get a little uncomfortable with the whole trend. I think the phenomenon of ammeters porn tube sites, along with the idea that HIV is no longer a death sentence, has contributed to the explosion of Barebacking among young Gay and Bisexual men and the subsequent rise in infection rates. I grew up in the 90s and sex was basically “Don’t have sex without a condom” which is a great message. But I wonder if it led to “condom fatique when we moved into adulthood. I respect your statement but I think we need to be careful because stigmatizing Gay and Bisexual men who are HIV+ doesn’t help anyone either.

    2. The window for a positive RNA PCR is less than a week, as opposed to Anti-HIV, which can take as much as six months post-infection before the test is positive. Chances are he was infected only a week prior to his positive test.

    3. I think it is greatly unfair to Rod Daily to associate him with “a culture of bareback liberation”. As far as I know he has in his work for gay studios always done condom scenes. Furthermore, we don’t know how Daily got infected.

      HIV carries still a big stigma. You only have to read some blogs of HIV+ guys to realize this.

      1. Mr. Enemabag Jones

        Furthermore, we don’t know how Daily got infected.

        Yes, I think we do know. And it wasn’t on a gay porn set.

  21. I wonder if some of you, actually think before you post. Some of the statements are irrelevant! Nevertheless, I’m glad he was up-front and I hope shit changes in the porn industry – even though it probably will not.

  22. man. i used to jack ooff harddd to him also. I mean–i don’t know. Ive always said i would stick it to him if i ever had the chance. But seeing as how I would never pay for it and after all he is straight…And we know the deal now. wow

    1. My "Special Time" (brought to you by Purell)

      I love that comment.

      He is terrible with his ass in scenes Kevin so don’t be too disappointed. He gives nothing short of robotic realness when he’s getting fucked by even the biggest and best cocks in porn (like Tim Kruger).

      To be fair to him, his car-vac mouth is definitely the star of every gay scene he’s in. If you like getting head, there may be redemption and an escort fee earned just yet for the man who gets rod daily.

  23. Sad to hear this news, however, I never saw Rod Daily in a gay porn movie having sex with a black model. Once he was interviewed and the questioned came up and he stated, he’s never done a scene with a black model. I don’t think he share the same view as Marc Dylan. I truly wish this man well because he will not be the last gay porn model to test positive for having HIV.

      1. Thanks Billith. I found it on GayForIt. I never knew the black models name is Robert Axel. He’s sexy and he reminds me of Matthew Rush because they both big muscular black and bi-racial men.

  24. Well, it’s a good thing I hired him off of Rentboy before this happened although I’d hire him again to help him pay for his meds and use a condom of course.

  25. It’s not a death sentence anymore and he has found out very early. With regular tests he will live as long as any other people do. There are people who have lived with HIV for almost 30 years now and are still alive.

      1. No, I am educated (compared to other people on here… eh, I mean compared to you). I can even name many celebrities who have been living with HIV for nearly 30 years and who are still alive. A fact that I am sure you did not even know. Like many other facts. Newsflash: The world is not flat!

        1. Not a death sentence in the sense that it was in the 80’s, but it still is a death sentence. The costs of meds is astronomical and those meds have side effects that can make life difficult. Those celebrities have access to the best medical care money can buy. I hope he stays healthy for another 60 years but lets not sugarcoat HIV. There are a host of other things that you can die of or become chronically ill from now because of HIV and the med regimen.

          1. That may be true for people living in the US where there is no health care plan. I do not live there. Most other countries have health insurances that pay for the meds.

          2. I don’t know a single HIV+ person who is paying for their meds, due either to insurance (they pay hardly anything), free clinics (they pay nothing), or studies (they actually get paid to take the meds). Just sayin’.

    1. Andy HIV may not be the death sentence it was prior to the advent of HAART in the mid-90s, but if you have HIV chances are your life will be significantly shorter, and you will die of some complication related to either the infection or the chemo. Those drugs can be rough on the kidneys and liver, especially if you’re co-morbid with Hep-C, like so many poz people are.

      1. chemo??? are we talking about HIV or cancer???

        Not all drugs are the same though. If you are close to the last stages of HIV before it developing into AIDS the drugs are definitely much heavier and potent than the ones Rod Daily would start doing now. And there’s a lot more to it than just taking drugs, it’s changing your diet and exercising regularly, which the latter shows he still keeps up with.

        The good thing is it was detected early, so it’s much easier to handle for him. I can only wish him well at this point and hope that from here on out he uses protection so that he won’t infect others, or so he won’t catch another strain of the virus.

      2. Leaving aside that we are already a nation of pill poppers and ALL drugs effect the body — it’s nice to see the pinch-faced church lady coming out in everyone, lecturing about what’s moral behavior and right choices. Your own life may be full of misery – but all life is not miserable.

        Life….living….getting out of bed in the morning, undertakes risk. Reading though all of Rod Daily’s tweets, I was encouraged to find his look on life and the world should help him confront and solve problems, and live a victim or burden to society, which people seem to insist he should become.

        If you are so patronizing towards sexually active people, why do you watch porn?

    1. James, I hope he has healthcare because healthcare is expensive and millions of Americans are uninsured. Some Republicans in Congress want to overturn ObamaCare.

      1. No argument from me. But not sure this is the time for a debate about the politics of US healthcare.

        I will say this is another example why I think sex workers need a union of some sort.

        But that too is for another time. Let’s hope Rod takes care of himself and the industry that employed him doesn’t forget.

        1. Actually, Rod was very vocal about his support for republican candidates.
          So, yeah him benefitting from the Affordable Healthcare Act, is valid.

        2. I totally disagree with the notion that a “‘Union’ of some sort for ‘Sex Workers'” is going to do exactly what? What are the Standards of the Industry? How are performers being compensated on the “back end” profits?

  26. He has the right attitude and kudos to him for being up-front about it! The “acute” part, wellll….is that actually provable by testing somehow? and did he post that somewhere? …and wouldn’t it be very difficult for his wife/gf (not sure which she is?) to give it to him via vaginal or even anal sex? I’m just asking and am not really sure. I just have always used rubbers. Period. No penny tax.

    1. Yes, he tweeted that it was acute. And they can definitely tell if the virus was transmitted recently as there’s an arc to the infection. And, yes, it can be passed to the topping partner whether vaginally or anally. You’re right to be skeptical as it does happen less. But topping is not protection from HIV. Kudos to you for wearing condoms all the time. Keep it up.

  27. Lets hope his being open about his status will lead to a good discussion about the stigma that still surrounds being HIV+. I like him as a performer and am sorry to see him leave the industry under these circumstances.

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