Ahoy mates. Is your summer fairing well? I sure hope so. I hope all your endeavors are as smooth sailing as I tend to make porno-making sound, in some of my recent posts.
I have mentioned in the past that it’s not always so smooth, and in fact at times it downright sucks. Perhaps I’ll enlighten those who are interested with some facts about what it takes to make a porn scene run smoothly, based not only on my personal experience but also on what some friends in the business have shared as well.
Let me start by saying that for the most part I have been extremely fortunate to work with professional staff, scene partners, and directors… for the most part. I’ve also worked with some egomaniacs, dark souls, and folks really lacking in the intelligence department. I’d rather not name anybody, because I don’t want news getting around that Adam Ramzi writes bad things about people he works with. I prefer to name drop when I have good things to say about people in the industry. So I’ll get more into the hows and whys rather than the whos.
I’ve also gotten some help from the likes of Dirk Caber, Boomer Banks, Killian James, Brian Bonds, Josh West, Bennett Anthony, and Colt Rivers, all of whom were kind enough to share with me some of their ideas on what can really add to or take away from the experience of making porn. The most common answer? CHEMISTRY.
I know this seems like an obvious one, but it goes a little deeper than just whether there is chemistry between the scene partners or not. So often the guys who work together in scenes are guys who have never met each other before. Sometimes they’re encouraged to get to know each other beforehand, and this can go any which way as I’ve detailed in prior posts about scenes with Tommy Defendi, Joe Parker, and Seven Dixon. Those were all examples of chemistry, each very different from the other.
This came fresh off the heels of my first scene with Christian Wilde, which went so well that we were finished in like three hours — which is really quite a feat in the world of studio porn. So I realized, after trying to at least establish camaraderie with this guy thinking “we’re in this together” and getting very little back, I decided I was just going to use this guy. He had a nice hole, and I was going to destroy it. I did it for me. So, imagine my surprise when the director of the scene (our fourth together at that point) approached me during a break and said, “Honey, this is your best work yet.”
Being surprised that this scene over any of the ones mentioned above was getting better work out of me, I told one of the grips what the director said. The grip said, “Sometimes when the chemistry isn’t there, the performance really shows up.” This would explain a lot of things in the future. But from then on, I decided I was going to try and maintain chemistry and STILL give an excellent performance in future scenes. I’m not sure if I’ve always been successful, but that scene served as a marker for me, if anything. A reminder.
Boomer and Brian both mentioned hygiene, as well. I haven’t had the worst luck with this yet, though I am pretty certain that in a recent scene I ate bad butt, which led to a weekend spent on the toilet. You know that’s a thing, right? Apparently it’s a thing. You eat bad butt, you get a 48-hour stomach virus. Try not to swallow when you bury half your face in a stranger’s asshole. Lesson learned.
Killian gave me advice that it’s good to reach out beforehand to your scene partner to find out a bit about what may or may not work to keep said partner turned on throughout filming. For example, for me the nipple thing is like… extremely important. Crazy amounts important. Without my nipples, I’d be nothing. Well, I’m sure that’s not true, but I am very grateful to be as hard-wired as I am, because if a man knows what to do with my nipples, I will be exactly the sexual sex piggy that is needed of me on set.
As you will see in The Biggest Catch (which premiered today on NakedSword), Killian and I were able to connect not only as people, or as professionals, but also having the nipple thing in common was a fantastic treat. The professional aspect of this scene, however, was one that I will use as a barometer for other scenes in the future. Killian knew his angles, how to find his light, when to use dirty talk, and how to use his body.
I am stoked to see this scene, not only because I am always curious to see how a scene turns out depending on the circumstances of the shoot, but also because I want to test the theory of how a scene turns out if the circumstances of the shoot are particularly positive. Check out the trailer for this movie, come see us at the Lookout in San Francisco this Friday for the premiere, and stay tuned for Part 2 of this essay, where my porn-bros and I share some more on sucky shoots.
I for one, enjoy learning the “ins and outs” of gay porn. Not as glamorous as it seems in some cases. I thank Adam for his honesty. He has become one of my favorite models to watch! I am never disappointed!
I was someone who critiqued your writing style when you first started, Mr Ramzi. Can I just say you’ve improved leaps and bounds – the rhythm and flow is excellent. Well done!
my favorite line: “But from then on, I decided I was going to try and maintain chemistry and STILL give an excellent performance in future scenes.”
Perfectly said! Chemistry AND an insane sex performance is the best combo ever!
I love shooting you Adam Ramzi, and have totally enjoyed watching your performances get better and better. You are a joy to shoot and truly a beautiful person.
Keep it up baby… eat that ass!
love & admiration…
mr. Pam
Wait so did Adam just say Joe Parker was actually not that great to work with?
STOP! Just Stop it with this guy sword, honestly please!!!!!
It is very simple for you to avoid, just do not click on the link.