Look Who’s Here…

Adam Killian, Jesse Santana, Jessie Colter, and Trey Turner drop by the NakedSword offices for a top secret project. Look at their bodies. Now, imagine those bodies are two feet in front of you. Help me.


More to come…

21 thoughts on “Look Who’s Here…”

  1. Tired of the bullshit

    Waking up with any of them curled next to me would be heaven…..of course after a night of hot sweaty primal sex!!

  2. I will take a porn star with less than a body like that for a hot face. I miss the 90s porn when everyone had a great body and a great face

  3. sexual harassment at a porn company? lol that case would be thrown out instantly. And I don’t hate you Zach, but I am quite jealous of you!

    1. I know I’d be a sexual harassment case waiting to happen if I worked at the NakedSword offices, maybe he has amazing self control.

      Either that or there’s a lot goes on Zach never talks about :)

    1. If he HAD to get a tattoo, why couldn’t he have chosen a more inconspicuous location?! It’s the first thing my eyes go to now. I was literally like, “What the fuck is that? Is it gangrene?”

    2. My question is: What the hell were all of them thinking?? I get the feeling that this hideous tattoo craze is finally nearing its end. Until recently, you couldn’t even get anyone to complain about it. And as for Adam Killian, one work: YUCK!!

        1. agreed as well! stop hating on Adam Killian yes he does not have the perfect face but everyone has their own flaws, and I don’t mind his I think he looks damn sexy with the facial features he already has! @ arisor if you’re that shallow to talk shit about his then you better have a completely flawless and symmetrical face on you, or else you shouldn’t talk shit!

          1. Sorry, guys, but you misunderstood me. I’m not talking about anybody’s face. I agree with you that Adam Killian is very good looking. What upsets me is the body ink, which I find repulsive. And I’m sorry if you don’t agree with that, but it is my honest opinion. (P.S. the photo of Taylor Lautner, which I’m going to claim is me, is in the mail.)

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