If Seth Fornea Is Having Sex With Strangers In Bathrooms on PrEP Why Exactly Can’t He Do A Porn Scene?

Bearish ginger dreamboat Seth Fornea, for whom I might sacrifice a testicle if I could watch him have sex on screen, is hardly trying to preserve a monogamous relationship by avoiding doing a porn scene. So I repeat, WHY HAS HE NOT DONE A FUCK SCENE YET?!

Seth first started modeling for COLT almost two fucking years ago and I’ve made no secret about may impatience over his not doing a duo scene yet. A year ago there were some hints that turned out to be teases that Seth had maybe shot something with boyfriend Jared LeBlanc. But no. All we’ve been given, basically, is one lousy solo that doubles as a COLT underwear ad.

Even though he hasn’t explicitly said so, I always assumed that Seth had avoided doing porn beyond the COLT soft-core jerkoff gig because he was a little bit of a prude, and/or his boyfriend would be weird about it, and/or they were totally monogamous which is why when Seth does dancing gigs at circuit parties, Jared is always there too. But NO! Seth just wrote a blog post that he tweeting about today all about how he got on PrEP all because after he and Jared moved to New York they turned into total sluts!

He reveals that even two years ago, near the start of his and Jared’s relationship, they had an open thing when they were living in Raleigh, North Carolina. But he always used condoms 100% of the time outside the relationship.

Fast forward to May 2014, Jared and I moved to Manhattan….basically the epicenter of the world. Our sexual options were/are endless…surrounded by constant availability of our idea of “dream guys in the bedroom”. If you haven’t lived in NYC this is hard to explain, but its one of the sexiest places on earth beside in my opinion Rio De Janeiro.

So, I found myself in bathroom stalls at parties, a orgies, at hookups edging on the verge of not using condoms all the time. Just letting people stick it in or vice versa…you know just the tip…then became the shaft, then becomes a few pumps…before one of us stops and says wait….we should be using condoms.

About the same time I was faltering on my use of condoms the dialogue of PrEP really hit social media quite hard. It seemed like daily there was a new thread or debate on PrEP vs. Condoms as a means of safe sex…

PrEP sex on its own is safe, PrEP used with condoms is a safety net, PrEP when you are rolling your tits off at a circuit party and don’t know what the hell you did the next day is definitely a piece of sanity. I am speaking about the prevention of HIV transmission here and not the prevention of bacterial infections.

But, he adds, sometimes you’re going to end up at an orgy where somebody might not be on PrEP, and they shouldn’t be shamed for that!!

I am now a very happy #Prepster. Does that mean I am always having bareback sex….NO. Sex is between all the partners involved…not just you. So if you are on PrEP don’t be a “bareback bully”. I can’t tell you the number of times I have been in group situations and there has been at least one person not on PrEP in the group that was almost ashamed to speak up and say “I would prefer you use a condom on me”.


It must be about his mother. He’s afraid his mother will see, even though she can already watch him slutting around a hot tub and sexily toweling off and jerking his dick by a fireplace (see below). I can’t think of any other reason besides mom. In other news, here he is posing with his underwear on, again, for DNA Magazine.

Meanwhile, COLT is busy poaching models from Bel Ami and renaming them, when they have a star of the highest order already in Seth.

The world is a confusing place. The end.

Update: Seth responds.


[COLT: Seth Fornea]


26 thoughts on “If Seth Fornea Is Having Sex With Strangers In Bathrooms on PrEP Why Exactly Can’t He Do A Porn Scene?”

  1. I just saw a video where a black guy is fucking him in a room full of other guys having bareback orgy. And his cock is very small, I guess if a porn actor he can be only a bottom with that size.

  2. Dear Seth,

    You have proposed an idea that everyone forms their own reality. It’s quite libertarian when it comes to individual action and consequence. To each his own? But unfortunately human life and existence isn’t isolated. We are inextricably connected to the earth, other humans, nature and animals. You say you don’t believe in God. Thats your choice. But psychology is based on science. There are healthy norms in human behavior. Having a lifestyle where regularly acting on something because you derive pleasure is hedonism. Pleasure must be tempered with human conscience and the knowledge that every action has a reaction. I’m sorry but it seems to me you are promoting a lifestyle that stipulates if it feels good do it. You have a brilliant mind. Surely you cannot be so arrogant to think your choices in life have no consequences. As a undetectable hiv positive individual I know that the AIDS epidemic in the 80s primary came about do to the party scene that you seem to be deeply involved with. Recreational drugs do harm your immune response. They lower your inhibitions. They can lead to opportune infections which require antibiotics. Taking antibiotics repeated can impair your immune response. Point being, tweeking and having multiple sex partner does in fact increase your chances of bacterial and viral infections.

    I am all about shameless sex. But I also believe sex can be damaging if not controlled. It can alter a persons brain chemistry and become such a mood altering behavior it can become a sexual addiction. Which can lead to a lose of intimacy and self control. I hate how people in open relationships want to present themselves as more evolved. More true to human nature. Looking back our primal nature was crude and instinctual. You eat my food I hit. Grrrrr. We have evolved to become emotional beings. Intimacy and connection are not religious constructs. They are how we have evolved. An interesting study I read recently showed that 87% of open relationships end. 92% of them stated it was due to lack of intimacy. That statistic is very high.

    I am sorry to disagree. I don’t believe you are acting like an evolved enlightened individual. I think you are acting like a hedonistic juvenile how allows urges and impulses to drive your choices and behaviors. But that is my opinion.

    Also, you are an attractive man. But you should read how partying, alcohol and drugs age a person. You may be at the pinnacle now. But seeing how the gay scene thrives on tight, fresh, new. You may not remain there long. And when you are 60 years old. You’ll want that deep companionship and intimacy. I hope your choices now help you have that down the road.

    1. phoenician_rex

      I agree with you. I don’t think he cares though. But time cannot be stopped. Wondering what will be of him when he is sixty? Hmmm

    2. DCGUY,

      Thank you for your thoughts! Your reply was the only well thought out one on this forum and to be honest I agree with most things you have said.

      I would like to ask if you read my original blog entry and not the pieces and parts that were presented in this article by the sword. The Sword spun my blog entry as “if seth is having random sex why isn’t he doing porn” which has no correlation at all.

      If you read the entire blog entry on my blog its more of an honest story of why I decided to be on PrEP. Not because I am having constant bareback sex, but because I felt in times that I may not make the wisest decisions it would be a very elegant safety net to have on my side. I actually encourage my peers to be on PrEP if they are in similar situations.

      As far as the hedonistic juvenile behavior, I would estimate far from it. Sure I may party quite hard at times….but a majority of my time is spent collaborating with very creative individuals to further my own brand and the design of my own life. I always like to say do what you love as long as its not hurting anyone else. If i regularly acted on my every desire it would be 95% of the time be to eat french fries. Can I do that….no. And I certainly didn’t promote that. I promoted a person being honest with where they are act with their sexual behavior and if it is risky to consider PrEP.

      I also touched on not being a “bareback bully” in my blog entry to encourage my peers who are on PrEP not to bully others in to bareback sex. A clinic in NYC read my blog and is even going to start using the term “bareback bully” in their PrEP education for users.

      I would encourage you to read my blog entry not the way it was taken out of context to further a industry goal of me doing porn.

      Again, Thank you for the very original and intelligent thoughts.

  3. phoenician_rex

    So why is it so important what this person says or do? Why does it affect you so much? Is your character so weak? He is just entertainment, and has a shelf life. Take it as is. Nothing more, nothing less.

  4. Seth (hi!) also gave an interview (to Dewitt with he was still at Manhunt daily? not 100% sure but I think so) when he explained at length why we won’t most probably see hardcore scenes of him.
    I was one of those people that were a bit annoyed at Seth that I considered kind of a tease with no substance, but if he doesn’t feel like, he doesn’t feel like, and his argumentation was eloquent enough. I understand.

  5. You know, I do enjoy reading all these comments. The main one I want to respond to is Alias74. Hi, I created my blog to be honest. It’s real life…not some fake front about what actually happens in gay life. Yes it may not be the truth for you based on your own path, but for me I chose to experiment and try new things…I don’t live in a bubble. And I choose to offer my own views on current topics in an honest way. I don’t believe in monogamy, I think its unnatural for humans and a nurtured idea by society (my own opinion). I am also an atheist and believe in science and not science fiction.

    A great read for you about my view on monogamy would be these two blog entries. My views on this is not a secret nor has it been for quite sometime….so the latest entry about PrEP its not the great reveal that Jared and I are in a honest relationship were we can talk about ANYTHING..I’ve said that before.



    Your view isn’t narrow…it’s your view. But it doesn’t make another gay couple any less because they explore the physical side to life more. It also is proposterous to say that “a storm is brewing” as to somehow imply that punishment is to happy for natural human hormonal behavior. Its simply living honestly and acting on desires and not suppressing them for no apparent reason.

    1. Nice. I agree.

      We all should live how we want to live — especially now that we can, increasingly. Monogamy in my relationship now gives me comfort, stability, satisfaction, a particular form of social profile, and other positive aspects that outweigh the costs (which are non-negligible) for me at this time of my life. Also, I’m getting older and sexual conquest is not something I need to prove to myself or anyone else anymore. But I have been in other places at other times in my life where I, too, wanted to explore the physical side of life more and monogamy was inappropriate.

      In other words, I do not believe that monogamy is more ethical or moral than non-monogamy. Both have their charms and benefits and we should be able to choose either based upon our own desires. Straight, gay, asexual, whatever — live your own life.

  6. But he still hasn’t had sex on camera why?? COLT needs to fork over some actual money for a scene and have Buck Santiago and Sean Lawrence pound Seth good.

  7. Well this is a new development. In my mind, Seth was always kinda taking the high road…being out and proud, talking about his relationship, doing legit modelling, speaking his well-read opinion on issues. And now THIS?

    I guess what I’m saying is: I am a little disappointed that I put Seth on a pedestal as this great Ginger god with a wonderful, joie de vivre outlook on life and now discover that he’s a sad, gay stereotype – “partnered” but only until opportunities for new dick come up, the implication that he either uses drugs himself or has sex with those who PNP, and, although very candid, appears to have little to know self control (you either put the fucking condom on or you don’t – everyone makes CHOICES).

    I agree with johnn above…perfect storm brewing.

    Then again shame on me for a) propping up porn stars, fitness models like celebrities as I am wont to do and b) being a married homo in a committed, non-open monogamous relationship. Shame on me for my narrow view on gay life.

    1. Everytime I Am reading a gay porn blog/s, it makes me happy to know that there still a few who believed in monogamous partnership. I have respect to those people. I wasnt against about the threesome and open but they seemed fake love for me.

    2. Well said. Never watched this guy and not interested in his blogs or opinions. Like every porn model, his value decreases by day as his limited shelf life marches to its inevitable expiration. The more you read about porn models and their rationalisation of their behaviour, the more artificial it becomes as a representation of life. As you go through life, and you become less of a slave to hormones, you begin to realise that the important memories are not related to the number of fucks you’ve had.

  8. he’ll end up poz before long…”rolling your tits off..?” “can’t remember the next day..?” perfect storm brewing..

  9. I believe moms and dads of many porn stars watch and enjoy their sons’ videos even if in secret. If my son were making videos, I would not want him to be ashamed of his work as long as it did not denigrate anyone else.

  10. Dutch Courage

    It would make more sense for Mr Fornea to show us his latest test results than talk about PrEP.

  11. The Other Devin

    I’m so fucking sick of him. EITHER SHOOT HARDCORE PORN OR GO THE FUCK AWAY, Seth!

    And he’s right about PrEP.

  12. Joseph Singer

    You need to leave Seth Fornea alone. If he wants to have a sex scene on tape he will do it. Leave him the fuck alone. Just because you would get off to it is no reason. Butt out.

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