Here’s All The Stupid Bullshit We’ll Never Have To See Again Now That DOMA and Prop. 8 Are Dead

While the deaths of DOMA and Prop. 8 are amazing enough on their own, the icing on the gay wedding cake is that all this other stupid bullshit gets to die, too.

I’m not sure if I really believe in the institution of marriage (maybe, like Obama, I’m still evolving), but I do believe in everyone having equal access to the same dumb things, so what the Supreme Court did yesterday was great. That said, isn’t it also great that we won’t have to be subjected to all the stupid bullshit designed to protest the now overturned laws?

Adam Bouska’s NOH8 Campaign
This stupid bullshit may have been well-intentioned in the beginning, but when photo shoots started popping up at the White Party and the Kardashians, Weird Al, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Tara Reid, and literally every other C, D, E, and F-list celebrity realized they could co-opt the campaign to promote their reality shows and their perfumes, it was time for this stupid bullshit to die.

People On Facebook Telling Me To Boycott Chick-fil-A
I go on Facebook to play Candy Crush Saga and to hate-read people’s status updates about how amazing their pathetic lives are, not to be inundated with stupid bullshit about how I must boycott fast food chains, Target, The Hyatt, See’s Candies, Gold’s Gym, and The Salvation Army (gross, like I would ever go to The Salvation Army anyway). How am I supposed to keep track? How am I supposed to know when a corporation has made amends? Isn’t every corporation worth boycotting for doing some stupid bullshit? I boycott anyone who tells me about something I need to boycott.

Ryan James Yezak’s “Second Class Citizens”
Ugh. This stupid bullshit documentary already raised $176,000 on Kickstarter, but then the director started charging people $25 to have their pictures taken in a bar with masking tape around their wrists (basically ripping off that other stupid bullshit from Adam Bouska’s “NOH8”) because he said he needed even more money. It’s been over 18 months since this project was funded, and this stupid bullshit is supposedly still in production.

Grindr For Equality
This stupid fucking bullshit was a stupid marketing tactic aimed at the .00000001% of Grindr users who believe they should have the right to marry the whores they meet on Grindr who bareback them. Mercifully, the Grindr Equality blog hasn’t been updated since May 17th, so this stupid bullshit looks to have already died over a month ago. Instead of “equality,” maybe Grindr can now focus on telling its users to wear condoms and stop spreading HIV?
Fuck this stupid bullshit. For every one of these videos I had to watch, I became a little less gay and a little more embarrassed to be alive than I already am. People who make stupid bullshit videos like this hurt their own cause and make me want to fight against their rights. I hope all their gay marriages end in gay divorce.

Of course, the fight for marriage equality still isn’t over in 36 states, so all this stupid bullshit probably isn’t actually completely dead quite yet. Shit.


14 thoughts on “Here’s All The Stupid Bullshit We’ll Never Have To See Again Now That DOMA and Prop. 8 Are Dead”

  1. “How am I supposed to keep track? How am I supposed to know when a corporation has made amends? Isn’t every corporation worth boycotting for doing some stupid bullshit? I boycott anyone who tells me about something I need to boycott.”

    Oh, I don’t know. For starters, by not being so dismissive of Facebook posts that informed you of them in the first place.

    “I go on Facebook to play Candy Crush Saga and to hate-read people’s status updates about how amazing their pathetic lives are,”

    For instance, the life of the loser who wrote “I go on Facebook to play Candy Crush Saga and to hate-read people’s status updates about how amazing their pathetic lives are.”

    Here’s one negative I’m sure people can expect now that DOMA and Prop 8 are dead: more bitter comments from you. With all the love and positivism going around, I’m sure you’re just about ready to bang your head against the wall.

  2. “Maybe Grindr can now focus on telling its users to wear condoms and stop spreading HIV?”

    Big thumbs up to that idea.

  3. That Ryan Yez-Yack bullshit was the worst anything ever. Him and his teeth are what is wrong with America.

  4. Oi vey. Who cares why its done as long as its done in our favor? I love a pseudo-ethical stance like this from such a politically useless trashy site that disguises advertising as blogging. Its really a stunt-like move to bite the hand that feeds and declare yourself to be an imbecile all in one fell swoop.

  5. I’d hate to see your comments had the rulings gone the other way. I thought I was cynical. No wonder porn stars off themselves reading this drivel.

  6. Alas, DOMA is not dead, just the part that forbade federal benefits. The part that allows states to not recognize gay marriages from other states is still very much alive.

    1. It IS still alive – but Because it was decided on equal protection grounds – the language of the SCOTUS decision can (and will) be used in state cases. And that is where everything else will begin to crumble for the remaining haters.

      Here’s a video example. Think of Poor little Snuffy (below) as being the state remnants of DOMA – which some haters still want to give new breath and rebirth to, even after yesterday’s ruling. It didn’t work for poor Snuffy below and it won’t work anymore for the hater-states much longer either.

      Poor Snuffy – Good-bye DOMA. Forever.

    2. I read all of these headlines proclaiming DOMA IS DEAD and then it turns out that the Supreme Court didn’t strike down the clause allowing States that don’t recognize gay marriage to “not honor” the marriages of gay people married elsewhere. And, this is no small little dismissible point.

      When all of this Gay Marriage Bullshit started, FULL FAITH AND CREDIT – was the mantra of the movement.


  7. There’s also HRC and GLAAD with their fancy banquets with its board members acting like aged Southern Belles throwing parties to rub shoulders with the rich and famous. While GLAAD is all about gay visibility anyway it’s HRC who’ll have a hard time finding now a new excuse to keep the steady stream of donations coming.

  8. I always found NOH8 to be bullshit. Everyone that isn’t white or a Caucasian featured Latin or Middle Easterner is a 2nd class citizen within the gay community. Gays are just as discriminatory as other races. Maybe more so.

    1. He has the most annoying voice ever…and that way he speaks, it looks like he wants to provoke people to slap his face!! So he can make a “documenery” about it.

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