Hide your wife and hide your kids (seriously, hide your wife), because as of this afternoon, 12-time convicted felon Sebastian Young is out of jail and a free man! Hooray!(??)
Following a bond hearing earlier this week, the sexy bad boy was released today and is now awaiting trial on felony battery charges stemming from his October arrest. Given Sebastian’s recent threats against The Sword, I am not planning on leaving the house anytime soon. (Not that I leave the house anyway.) Which gay porn studio will be stupid enough to hire him now that he’s (temporarily) not behind bars?
Meanwhile, Sebastian Young’s wife, Erin (whom Young is accused of assaulting), celebrated her husband’s release on Twitter…
…and found someone she could really relate to.
Stay tuned for news on Young’s trial as it comes in. At this point, I predict the charges will be reduced, it not dropped completely.
Your justice system at work fellas.
i like him. could use some Origins, but i like him.
His wife Erin is a real loser for staying with this granny-beater. She must have such low self-esteem or just be in love with the cock, to stay with this guy.
Listen honey, it’s time to wake up and buy a vibrator, this convicted felon is not worth you spreading your pussy over!
I would actually like to see Sebastian in straight porn because, it gets better, right?
Has he ever fucked a woman on camera? Anyone know?
Has he ever fucked a woman?
He fucked uber twink Sean Knight a few times, does that count?
released just in time to celebrate the Christmas season by robbing a liquor store!
LOL at you being scared because he threatened you guys and then post shit like this.
LOL at you defending such a loser.
No,Red, that was Bob commenting, I am Rob.!I defended that loser. Man, I hate being called Bob. =) Makes me sound middle aged and frumpy.=(
ummm, you are middle aged and frumpy.
Uhhhh. Ummmm. Errrr. Ahhhh. Ewwww. EI-EI-O Like One Direction vajazzles are half-off at Claire’s. Wash your pussy first…or don’t…whatever…who cares? Words are hard. I’m so, like, fucking your Dad and stuff. Hope he pounds! I’ll be, like, your new Mom.
He is such a loser. Who in their right mind gets arrested 12 times? He was clearly dropped on his head many. many times
Lol @ Rob..”less well endowed gay man”…if you think this criminal/loser is endowed i shudder to see your Vienna Sausage..
I think Sebastian’s got a great body and dick. I’d do anything to have that except work out.
Hey, it may not be big but then again I am not a gay porn star. Sometimes I speak to my penis and say “come out, come out wherever you are”! LOL. Sometimes it listens,sometimes it doesn’t, but that’s life =)
lol Rob. Are you for real? lol
Yes, I am 100 percent real!I just like to combine humor with serious advice to people like Sebastian.Or maybe I just need to get a life and a boyfriend and stop commenting on gay porn gossip blogs at 2 a.m.#sad =)
I am glad he is out of jail.
That being said, Sebastian,If you ever read this, please take this advice, which comes from a somewhat older and less well endowed gay man(that would be me). Jim Carrey, who once played a Lawyer in the 1990’s film Liar Liar said, to one of his clients when he could not lie, “STOP BREAKING THE LAW”!He also called him a dumbass, but I don’t think you are.
I know it’s easier said than done, but you are making life so much more difficult, not to mention expensive, for you, your wife, and your children!!PLEASE THINK ABOUT THEM!
Please get some help, perhaps anger management , or some sort of counseling.
All the best handsome stud!!!
Rob. =)
…and , please, be a good father and never let people put a pic of your girl in a porn blog as occured on ” Queer Porn Nation “. Respect the little one.
Well said Rob!
Thank you GreekGeek.It’s nice to know that I have at least one fan. LOL. If I wasn’t somewhat older (40) and had a small penis(have not measured it in awhile), I would set up my own twitter page with some nude pics of me,(barf) and of course some more good advice. =)Ok, back to bed for this middle aged queen!
How he’s not serving a lengthy prison sentence, I do not know :/
Run, Zach, RUN !!!!
Unless he starts bottoming, I’m done. Hot can only carry you so far when it’s known you like to beat on women. And even that I could look past if he was a good performer but he’s not. And how hilarious that his wife is a fan of Rihanna and her beat-me-into-your-heart album. Just, no!
I think hot felons should serve their sentence as sex slaves and not waste their hottness in jail for some ugly straight men.
Take it away,
Cue 46 secs…
That Fast!! HaHa