Looks like David Furnish isn’t doing enough to keep his man interested, as Elton John had to hire an array of models to “entertain” them in St. Tropez last week. And one of them (on the far right) is none other than Bel Ami’s Dolph Lambert. A source tells me that “Elton throws parties with Bel Ami and was recently in Bratislava,” where he was likely introduced to Dolph at Bel Ami’s headquarters. Elton John may have a fat, white ass, but at least he has good taste in porn stars. Although, you’d think that with all the hot guys he gets to pay to fuck, he’d be less of a cunt? [image via]
George Duroy AKA Lanning Janusov is a scumbag. A friend of mine at Belami knows him very well. He told me that George is only attracted to straight boys – which is why 97% of Belami models are straight. He auditions each one of them. He regularly has 3 of them in his bed to suck his cock. And he’s also into being pissed on and is a masochist.
So is Dolph Lambert supposed to be an upgrade from Eddie Bloom, that dude who was in Elton’s entourage back in the seventies?
Thats Jan-Michael Gambill on the far left
YUCK! I’m gay but I really hate the homo mafia and their fawning press.
All this is a big to do about nothing how many time has str8-celebrities been caught fooling around with hookers and you guys don’t bat a eye lash.But if some one gay do it you fools want to criticize the hell out of them you fools are such hypocritics leave Elton-J alone and let him have his fun he won’t live forever.And either will all of you and myself included cut out the double standard? If I had a dime for every time a str8-celebre did this I’ve been very [ Rich and Famous ] selling their stories to the tabliods at the check-out counter in the groceries store.I think some of are jealous that your not getting a piece of the action that Sir-Elton is getting and beside how many times has str8-boy Charlie-Sheen has been with hookers and female pornstars and no one has kick him off of Tv he’s still making big money as a Tv-star and he;s not exactly setting a good example for str8-peoples enough said?
Manuel Rio’s Profile (Belami)
“Manuel Rios is one of George Duroy’s favorite models. His very first day at the Bel Ami offices coincided with a swanky party that Elton John, who was in Bratislava for a concert performance, threw for our beautiful models. (George laughs, “I think Elton came here just to be able to throw this party!”)Manuel was also invited, even though he was very new. “This really impressed him, as you can imagine,” George recalls.”
Thank you, TY, for providing a point of reference regarding the Elton/BelAmi connection. Perhaps I should ‘read’ more at the BelAmi site and be less ‘distracted’ by bright shiny ‘faces’ and other things.
I am waiting (though if I hold my breath any longer I may turn ‘blue’) for WOW to point me to the source of his information that Dolph’s domacile is appointed with Elton’s taste/gifts of ‘stuff’ (furniture, that is, as WOW clarifies). Or maybe we are to assume that WOW has visited Dolph’s home himself?
I missed an opportunity to meet Dolph last summer in Prague (much to my chagrin later). The BelAmi models and employees I did meet were very cordial and highly profesional. By the longevity of his association with BelAmi, I would anticipate Dolph to possess a similar integrity.
As Jesse Santana famously wrote (before he was named Mr International Escort via Rentboy by his fans and clients), people should not assume porn stars are hookers. Not unless, as Pretty Woman teaches us, they own their status by saying who and when.
Dolph Lambert is adorable. Big uncut cock and huge bubble butt. My favorite Bel Ami guy. Do you think Elton John has had sex with him?
I HOPE not!
Its funny they like like the march in ‘The Right Stuff’ all equally separated in space. I think Sir Elton just likes to have hot and popular people around him.
I found
Tweets by DolphLambertHe said:
“I AM straight in real life ..”
I think he was gay, deception :(
That is NOT him. That is some sad reject who would like some attention and is pretending to be Dolph Lambert on twitter. The only picture he’s EVER allegedly tweeted is form Bel Ami’s tumble account? mm’kay
I know Reichen is probably in there somewhere. Seems he can never pass up a good hole, no matter how old, withered or twisted open.
I’m really suprised that Bel Ami would allow this!?
Maybe Dolph has ended his active career as gay porn model for BelAmi and is now free to do what he wants? Don’t worry, BA probably has loads of scenes with Dolph on the shelf as it likes to film well in advance of publication.
‘If…’ this ‘vacation’ for Dolph Lambert is a more than a ‘for time only’ engagement then, according to George Duroy’s published comments and company actions, this would not be permitted.
Duroy has said he chooses boys who can avoid the lure of affluent gays (such as Elton) whom they might come into contact with. And when he errs in his evaluation of their ability to resist the temptation to escort, he fires them as he did to the highly lucrative twins Milo and Elijah Peters.
Elton John is difficult and super cunty. He’s ancient, chubby, has worn a ghastly wig forever and a pacemaker for more than 13 years. His recent musical output consists of creaky songs about cartoons and dead people.
But here’s the rub – unlike many of us, he’s undeniably talented, uncloseted and gives assloads of money to help people with AIDS. He sang Tiny Dancer. He could take his money and retire like David Bowie but he’s opted to traipse about town with Dolph Lambert and rub it in all our faces. Give him his props. God save the Queen!
Isn’t that Jan Michael Gambill (the tennis player) on the far left. Has he ever come out?
WOW! Please catch me up! I thought I had been paying attention and reading the ‘in the know’ sources but evidently I’ve been missing out on the “relationship” of Elton John with Dolph Lambert.
Since 2008 I’ve followed Dolph’s career with BelAmi; however, I joined BelAmiOnline only in the last two years so some earlier posts of Johan’s Journal etc are not now avilable it seems.
Is BAO and/or Johan’s Journal the source of your info about Elton’s “relationship” with Dolph going WAY BACK and that most of the stuff (furniture) in Dolph’s house coming from the kindness of Elton?
Thanks for your comment. I definitely agree! Thanks also for direction for my future reading on Dolph Lambert.
I don’y mind the hiring a gay porn prostitution whore thing at all. I just don’t think it is appropriate to carry their baby in that red bag.
Are some of yous even serious..eltons “relationship” with dolph goes..WAY BACK..most of the stuff(furniture) in Dolphs house are courtesy of Eltons kindness….i cant believe people think they are some how fucking…..guy is a husband and a father and amazingly talented, show some respect for the family..its not that easy to be gay and yet have a family you know, even much worse when your a celebrity.
Ps the guy beside furnish has a resemblance to tom daley……
WOW, I love that you know that much of the ‘stuff’ (furniture) at Dolph’s house were gifts from Elton and that he and Dolph go WAY BACK … where can I find out details? Where did you learn these things? Maybe you can provide one other thing that’s been vexing me please. Who is the cute twink who is walking to the right of Dolph in the photo of the St. Tropez afternoon shopping spree?
May be the new version is called “Don’t go without breaking my ass” :)
LOL, Good One!
Rumour has it that Elton John will record a new version of “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” with Dolph!
For me he lost all the appeal as an artist a long time ago. He was great in the 70’s than he started to faid away and now he seens to be like a soft core copy of Liberace. Poor ” Dame ” Elton John…
It’s sad but now his personal life is more relevant than his music. He becames a kind of ” mass clown ” with his fat, his wig, his aged figure, his odd behavior ( Do you remenber last week’s photos? )
He is a father. No one would like to see his father surrounded by so many ” young friends “…
The same could be said about that bitch Madonna.
Please – like every one of you wouldn’t hire as many Bel Ami models as you could if you were rich and famous.
No, I wouldn’t bother with porn stars… I’d go after unemployed actors and models, they are bigger sluts when it comes to advancing their careers! :D
I’d skip Bel Ami models as most I’ve seen are uncut, I would spend my money on Corbin Fisher guys instead.
You rule out a guy just because he is uncut?
Da fuq?
He should be Madonna’s model/escort and call Elton a cunt for fun!
Not to be a mean bitch, but if Dolph has to entertain Elton John he deserves every penny he gets.
Reminds me of that nasty rumor (or fact?) that Austrian Right Wing Joerg Haider hired BelAmi’s Tim Hamilton on a regular basis before Joerg had his deadly car accident.
If you’re a true A-List Gay (in the closet or out) you sure can have any porn guy you want. Even the Sean Cody models that don’t escort for common johns.
Agreed, you can contact Sean Cody or Corbin Fisher and these “pimps” will put you in contact with these guys (rest assured they are getting their slice of the pie for arranging this connection)…this is all a part of the same system that straight men have enjoyed over the years so now it is the gays turn….
You sure do sound like a “mean bitch”.
wait a few months, then Dolph will write a tell-all about it.
I highly doubt he will write anything…unlike Calvin Klein’s boy toy…but good for him…if he can get someone to pay him for spilling the beans while keeping his clothes on…more power to him…this is the way of the world…
Mark Wahlberg has publicly said he attended MANY pool parties with A-list gays before he made it big…Mark had a policy of look but do not touch
look but do not touch? yeah sure…
I always think of the Andy Samberg skit on SNL.
“Hey, Donkey, what’s goin’ on… you’re a donkey, I like that! I produce Entourage!”
These bel ami models must be accustomed to meet the rich and famous in Europe.
Why does Elton– and a lot of other gay guys– think they can have it both ways.. one minute he’s lugging that baby around like a model of probity and the next he’s cavorting with hookers. if gay guys want full acceptance including marriage we need to behave like the best of society not the worst.
A part of me agrees with you…however many gays with money feel that they are beyond any scrutiny and it boils downs to you being a “hater” which is just sad and pathetic that this is the level of discourse the “gay community” has elevated itself to…if you want to hire a porn”star”/escort/model…a little discretion is appreciated and expected…but this is just to flaunt the spoils of their riches…
Elton John is a bad mother? I’m shocked!
So when people like charlie sheen, norman radis, drake, et all…, do it it’s acceptable because they are str8?
Funny how you know who all these porn stars are- so when you watch these so called hookers perform on video does that make you their john or trick as all the performers are paid with your dollars you big ol’ hypocrite
..you couldn’t pay me enough to hang around that nasty old cunt. Let along fuck him. Hopefully Elton bought Dolph for David Furnish.
well duh…of course a porn”star”/model/escort is going to be in their midst…that goes without saying…this is how these porn”star”/model/escort make additional money…especially coming from the Bel-Ami roster…