Good news, but is it worth it?
Adult studio Corbin Fisher was awarded a $1.4 million default judgment today against Corey Debarros of Miami, Fla., who operated, a site that allegedly distributed stolen content.
“We don’t expect that he will ever have $1.4 million,” Corbin Fisher General Counsel Marc Randazza said. “However, these judgments last for at least 20 years. We have been watching Mr. Debarros, and this case has not even slowed his piracy efforts down, let alone stopped them.
“He stopped stealing from Corbin Fisher, but pretty much everyone else in the business is on his list,” he said. “[W]e will make sure that we continue to pursue Mr. Debarros.”
Ha. Remember what Randazza said about Lollipop Twink Jake Lyons after Corbin Fisher won a judgment against him? “We have ways of finding out where [Lyons] is working ahead of time. We have people close to him who keep us informed of what he’s up to.” Well, they never got their million dollars from him, either.
How much is Corbin Fisher paying Marc Randazza (or do they pay him in free memberships?) to chase after sleazeballs who aren’t even worth $14,000, much less $1.4 million? How much does Corbin Fisher pay in court costs? How much does Corbin Fisher pay the person who writes these press releases? While they are 100% right to protect their content, isn’t this more trouble than it’s worth? I’m not a lawyer (I know–hard to believe!), but wouldn’t these judgments be easier to collect if Corbin Fisher sued for smaller amounts? Or, is it easier to score headlines with the word “million”?
Just ONCE, I would like to see a company sue somebody for a Million dollars and a nickel!
yep, the other guy did not show up so they won. This actually happened to Pepsi once, they got served but it got lost in their corporate red tape, did not show up and had a $1billion default judgment against them. Never followed up on what happened in that case, but my understanding is that it can not be overturned, however you can appeal the amount of the award and get that reduced, I am guessing that is what happened in the Pepsi case. But by not showing up they just continue with the case without you, and since no evidence in your favor is presented you lose.
So Corbin Fisher is making a big deal out of a default judgment? Doesn’t that mean the other guy didn’t show up and make a case?
for their legal costs they could just have a hitman on hand. take care of these problems nice and quiet like.
The problem is that “Corbin Fisher” and “nice and quiet” can’t co-exist in the same breath.
From what I hear, these lawsuits are essentially a lottery ticket. Hopefully they hit a jackpot soon…
When I hear “default judgement” my bullshit radar goes off.