Gay porn star and gay porn business man Collin O’Neal has told the Miami New Times that he recently lost his job as a substitute teacher in Florida because of his porn career–a porn career that, O’Neal says, was in the past. Uh, yeah, no. Collin O’Neal never left porn.
Here’s the story that O’Neal (real name Shawn Loftis) gave to the Miami New Times:
[I]n spring 2010, Loftis decided to dump porn to pursue his real passion: teaching. That March, he sold “World of Men” to a Canadian company, he says. And in April, he began substitute teaching in local public schools. He worked at Miami Beach High — where “they just loved me to death,” he says — Nautilus Middle, Edison Middle, and Fienberg-Fisher K-8.
This past January, Loftis was informed he had been suspended. Another employee had told Nautilus principal Allyn Bernstein, she wrote, that Loftis “had his own personal gay website.” When administrators Googled his “industry name,” they found “sexually explicit pictures” of — if our own search is any indication — the math sub engaging in nude acrobatics with buff, furry men.
In April, despite his protests that smut was in his past, the Florida Department of Education revoked Loftis’s teaching certification.
He points out that his porn career was perfectly legal. He suspects he would have been treated differently if he had appeared in straight films. “She exposed herself as a big old homophobe,” Loftis says of Bernstein, who didn’t respond to requests for comment for this story.
The Miami New Times–and now Queerty and Gawker, and by the end of the day, probably The Advocate–is taking O’Neal at his word, of course, because stories about anti-gay public officials + hot naked men porn sex = page views! But had Miami New Times, Queerty, and Gawker even taken a cursory glance at O’Neal’s blog, or his Twitter, or bothered to do even the minimum amount of fact checking (like, say, Googling “Collin O’Neal”), they would have seen that O’Neal led a very public, very active–both personally and professionally–life in the gay porn industry while he was a substitute teacher, not before.
O’Neal may very well have sold World Of Men in March of 2010 to a “Canadian company,” but in August of that year he attended the adult convention “Internext” in Hollywood, Florida, representing World Of Men. And then, in September of 2010, O’Neal was sending out promotional emails from World Of Men, in which he identified himself as the CEO…of World Of Men! Maybe he bought the company back?
Hi Zach!
So here are 2 photos I promised. I have a few more which can be accessed through MyGayCash. Joao has not done porn in 10 years, but looks the same as he did! Let me know what you think? The scene will be up on September 9th.Thanks,
Shawn Loftis
Collin O’Neal Productions, LLC
In fact, even after the spring of 2010 when O’Neal says he left his career in porn to become a teacher, O’Neal continued traveling around the world, tweeting, blogging, and YouTubing his adventures in gay porn as a performer, model recruiter, and the owner of World Of Men:
—November 13th, 2010: Later I need to go over files that my ex business partner gave back to me. Running World of Men all myself.
—December 2nd, 2010: Changing careers soon. 2 scenes left with me in them then no more Collin in front of the camera. World of Men will be about World of Men
—January 6th, 2011: I have a new hot DVD out, it’s called F*ckin’ in Europe. Now available for purchase on I did everything myself!
—February 24th, 2011: Who wants to come protest with me against the Middle School Principal that does not want me to teach because I did porn?
—March 20th, 2011: it’s going to be relaxing, no traveling, invite some guys over for a sexy party on Cam4 to get some birthday money!
—March 31st, 2011: Wanna work for me? check out worldofmen dot com
—April 13th, 2011: Last full day in Mexico City. Off to Puerto Vallarta tomorrow for Semana Santa weekend promos and porn shooting
—July 23rd, 2011: I cut out all of the “incest” from my Exclusive Cuban Twins “Andros Twins” but their interactions may be posted at a later date ;)
On February 15th, 2011, O’Neal uploaded this video in hopes of being featured on The Sword:
And back on April 17th, 2010 (the same month that Collin O’Neal began teaching public school and had allegedly “dumped” porn), Collin O’Neal posted this photo to his blog with the caption, “And then I helped them get off…yum!”
I don’t care whether or not a substitute teacher having Cam4 sex parties and making porn is “right” or “wrong” (though I can see how it might be a distraction in the classroom!). What’s more interesting is how a substitute teacher can deliberately obfuscate the easily verifiable details of his life as a gay porn star, call a school principal a “homophobe” (when there are plenty of real homophobes to deal with), and then get a newspaper and a highly-trafficked website (granted, it’s the Miami New Times and Gawker, but still) to regurgitate his story. A phony story that is supposed to make you, what, feel sorry for Collin O’Neal? Uh, no.
There’s a difference between being fired for being a gay porn star and being fired for being a liar.
I have known Collin for several years. He is not the best business man. There are three types who should be in front of the media. One is the good guy. One is the bad guy. And the final one is the whore.
Collin was the type who would act without consciously thinking. If Collin is having a bad day, the first thing he does is run to the media.
Collin has developed one personality. In the adult industry you really should have two personalities. One being in front of the camera gungho in the adult industry. The second is your personal life. Collin collaborated both into his lifestyle. Collin advertised on his own personal facebook, twitter, and myspace. In the evenings Collin would get on Cam4 and harvest tips while having sex.
I do not believe Collin lost his school career solely based on only working in the porn industry. Collin brought a lot of negativity into his world and surrounded his personal, adult porn work, and his professional work all around himself.
Collin is not level headed. He may be a nice guy. The second the wind blows the wrong way Collin becomes a tornado and will destroy anything in his path.
I believe and I am almost sure that I am right, Collin did not hide his adult work in the public schools. Collin said something, did something, or acted harshly which he now regrets.
Had Collin been more stable minded, gave himself the 2 persona’s I stated, and wasn’t a media whore… he wouldn’t be in this situation. With every action there is a consequence. He’s facing the consequences.
The reality is that although I enjoy porn, I do not want porn actors teaching my children. I don’t think that’s hypocritical at all. Given that most actors only have a three or four year career in adult films, there are a lot of professions that adult actors succeed in after they leave the industry. It should come as a surprise to no one that teaching children is not one of them.
This has nothing to do with Michael Lucas (who is almost as vile as Loftis/Collin O’Neal).
It is a sad fact that Mr. Loftis/Collin O’Neal hates Jews and many have called him a gay Nazi.
I do not care if a teacher did/or does porn or has been an escort like Mr. Loftis/Collin O’Neal. I do care if a teacher is a rabid racist or anti-Semite like Mr. Loftis/Collin O’Neal.
Anyone who is a racist anti-Semite, and preaches hate like Mr. Loftis/Collin O’Neal does, should not be teaching children.
This is a simple. If someone does porn then later works with kids,
They should be forthcoming of their previous work, and let their employe
Make a decision from that point. If they hide their past or present,
Then yes, they should be fired. I know if I had a child, I would not want a past
Or present porn stair in charge of them, sub or not. That is coming from the
“If i was a parent” point of view. Whatever the case, the teacher to be most def needs
To be forthcoming of this….That is just common scenes. I am not sure what the case
Is with this story, but that should be a general practice….
This is a prime example of one of this country’s greatest problems – a generation(s) with a boundless sense of entitlement: “I can do anything I want without any consequences.”
Well guess what? You can’t.
If you think you can be actively involved in front of the camera in porn and also be a substitute teacher then you’re a complete moron. Furthermore, If you think it’s your “right” to live your life whatever way you want and not experience any negative consequences from your actions then you are completely detached from reality. If we all chose to live our lives that way it would be complete anarchy.
Ms. Loftis clearly thinks she’s above it all, and like all narcissists, resorts to lying to make the narrative favorable to her.
I am NO fan or apologist for Michael Lucas, however, I have heard from multiple sources who have worked with Loftis the same stories as Michael’s. It’s no secret Loftis loves traveling in the Arab Middle East and my multiple sources have told me he is a rabid anti-Semite to the point of appearing unhinged.
And futhermore, he has bragged on more than one occasion about training with Al-Qaeda. Personally, I don’t believe his Al-Qaeda claims because they’re not going to “train” some American without knowing who he is and we all know those savages aren’t fond of homosexuals, regardless of how much Loftis hates Jews. However, to even suggest something like that should make him a pariah.
Once upon a time (when he wasn’t chubby), I found him sexy but then I started hearing all the stories from friends who worked with him and he lost all his appeal.
Now I just wish he’d go away and stay away.
What I find sad about all this is that even porn stars who are honest in their applications for straight jobs have problems.
They are not the only ones. One of my closest friends directed gay porn and wasn’t even IN the movies but cannot get work in his chosen field as a graphic designer because he was honest and admitted he’d directed gay porn in the past.
How frustrating!
As for Collin/Sean from what I am reading elsewhere, he was not honest in his application for a vocational license or whatever they call it in Florida. That’s what they call teachers in California who don’t have a degree. You are upheld to a certain standard. I notice his blog comment from March:
It’s going to be relaxing, no traveling, invite some guys over for a sexy party on Cam4 to get some birthday money!
Don’t blog this stuff if you want to be taken seriously in a straight job! And seriously, how broke is this CEO of that he needs to trick to buy himself a birthday cake?
You know what sincerely pisses me off about all of this? The fact that he called out someone as a “homophobe” when there’s too much bullshit and attacks going on in our community as it is that NEVER get warranted or mentioned in any sort of way.
Point blank: the truth always comes to light and he fucked up BIG time. At the end of the day, he lied and the lie came out. Pack up the erasers, dude; it’s over.
Zack youy merely called him out for lying after spotting the inaccuracies in his story that the news paper and other blogs failed to catch. Don’t shoot the messenger as they say.
Colin has an attitude problem and is conceited for sure. Aren’t his 2 minutes of fame over yet????? Please lord, please.
So substitute teachers in the US don’t need a Bachelor Degree? well thats a whole other topic.
But yeah, you can’t go around actively promoting your work in the adult industry while working with children and cry wolf (or homophobia) when you get caught.
Although would be interesting to know who recognized him from the porn industry, or whether he spoke about it to other staff.
No parent would want a teacher or a substitute teacher teaching their kid if he was a porn star that’s the real story here. And it just so happens that the teacher in question is gay and it’s sad but it adds fuel to the fire. It does look as Colin stretched the truth just a bit when he said he was no longer in porn which doesn’t help his cause any. If they are going to fire Kurt Wild from making a fucking subway sandwich who in porn did not think that they would be fired from teaching if they were found out. It seems like unless your a bartender or a personal trainer then you have no excuse from doing porn.
I don’t want Zach to spank me for answering this and hereby furthering this wrong part of the “topic” (or do I?) but for the record, it is not a gay issue. I can recall several other incidents involving WOMEN with a (straight) porn past that were fired from teachers jobs – including some very recent cases (porn star Rikki Anderson earlier in the spring for instance). Not going to discuss whether it is right or wrong to fire teachers/porn stars per Zach’s instructions, but this is yet another reason O’Neal’s cries of homophobias are pathetic.
Just a general question to throw out to the gay porn watching and buying public: how are you superior to those who toil in the industry for your enjoyment? Do you ever stop and think that you might be just a bit hypocritical in your attitudes? It’s kind of like condemning the whore but not the john.
To the person who wanted to know the difference between those who do porn and those who watch. Well, I like slasher movies and I’m not a slasher. I like murder mysteries and I’m not a murderer. I like movies about drug trafficking but I don’t deal drugs. So the point is there is a huge difference between actually doing the porn and enjoying watching the porn. I don’t care if someone does porn or not but they need to be aware of the consequences of their actions – many people (especially employers) are going to take a dim view of the “legal” past in porn and choose not to hire them or to fire them – unfortunate but anyone thinking they will be the exception to the rule stands to be very disappointed. My best fried did porn in the late 70’s and early 80’s – thankfully he says before DVD and mass market, but he was always aware of the possibility of being discovered and was careful about where he applied for work and how much information he provided on an application.
What Fantasy Land do people live in where they think any gay or straight porn star who is outed is going to able to maintain discipline in a classroom? To work as a teacher at all?
Two words for porn stars thinking of a career change: Bartending. School.
I had a friend in the past who did porn who was both outed and then “released” as a paramedic, and a Las Vegas hotel security guard.
As the article clearly says, even the ACLU isn’t your friend. And that’s sad considering the KKK is.
My question is how he can afford to jet off seemingly every week to a different exotic locale. He can’t be making that much from his website (although he probably doesn’t pay his foreign models much if at all). If someone is forced to work as a substitute teacher, they aren’t exactly rolling in dough.
If he films having sex with a local in said exotic local, it is a tax deduction.
Everyone is paying about the same amount of money to models these days. Studios are not ripping models off, they just can not pay more than what they pay. If Collin would be ripping models off, he maybe would still be in business. The reason he is not in business, unfortunately yes he is a bit unstable.
FALSE. Many people have been fucked over by Lucas. All studios do not pay the same amount. You are very incorrect there. But yes Colin is very unstable.
I usually do not post in comment sections, but someone forwarded this article to me and I thought I will say a few words. I don’t know if Collin O’Neal was fired because of porn and I have my doubts about how well-loved he was in the school, but most of the people who worked with him and were in contact with him have said that he acts like someone with bi-polar disorder. He is aggressive, rude, and has no boundaries.
Also, he has a history of anti-Semitic tirades. He was fired from Raging Stallion after Roman Ragazzi walked off of the set after being verbally abused by O’Neal for being an Israeli Jew. As Ragazzi told me and many others, O’Neal was anti-Semitic even during the shoot. Additionally, since he knows that I’m Jewish, he has berated me with nasty, anti-Semitic rhetoric. So I can only speculate that it had something to do with the fact that the school principal, Allyn Bernstein, is a Jew and the fact that Collin O’Neal is a very nasty, aggressive person.
I am sorry that it seems that Colin O’Neal’s career, in porn, news reporting and education has sadly come to an end. But I truly believe it has nothing to do with people in the porn industry, journalism or the education system, it has to do with his personality.
Michael Lucas
How does it feel that you have something in common with him? You both rip off performers every chance you get. You’re no better than him. You are both conceited crooks.
Antisemitic is indeed no better than the anti-muslim ugly material Lucas has been writing himself. BOTH are equally repulsive.
Not that I am not willing to believe O’Neal isn’t a pleasant person but really Lucas is really not the right messenger here.
And for some background, let’s not pretend Lucas is “reluctantly” speaking out in comments rather than simply take advantage to take further shots at someone he hates:
I just want to know who does your botox and gave you the cat in the wind tunnel look, so i don’t get near him!
So, it’s okay to be anti-Muslim and go off on hateful public tirades about it yet, Michael Lucas condemns others for being anti-Semitic (with only his word on the subject). “He is aggressive, rude, and has no boundaries” this could describe Michael Lucas as well…if you add in cheap. Michael, don’t you have better things to do like suck Ann Coulter’s cock? GOProud Michael GOProud.
You are such a hypocrite Mr. Lucas. Of course you had to come out of the woodwork and say something is anti-semetic. I mean fuck! I’m surprised you havent sucked off an uncut dick and said to the person, “As a jew, I find this offensive.” You make me sick, Mr. Lucas!
Ahhhh i totally wrote that REALLY wrong. What I meant was Im surprised he hasnt looked down at his own uncut cock and said, “As a jew, I find this offensive.”
yes it should not come a a surprise to o’neal. He hasn’t left his porn career and it’s evident on numerous porn blogs. They’ve posted stories about his studios with the last 6 months.
My reason for posting this story is to point out O’Neal/Loftis’ lies and the media being complicit is publishing his lies due to laziness/stupidity. This has nothing to do with gay porn or whether or not gay porn stars should be teachers. Stay on topic, or your comments won’t be published.
Mmmmm is it OK if it turns me on when you turn into a iron-fisted “teacher”?
Yes, sir, Mr Zach!
Man, Zach let these idiots throw their little sissy fits like they always do when they feel the need to always want to defend someone’s wrong doings. Nobody told him to leave out that bit of info on the application substitute or not. It’s not like he did the do privately and someone out of spite broke into his house, stole his private pics and vids and decided to have a field day with it. I’ve said it before, I don’t uderstand how so many people are quick to get on thse blogs and justify the wrongdoings that these pornstars do like they just discovered what the phrase “consequence for your actions” means. So here’s just a friendly piece of advice, if you don’t want to feel like you getting railroaded by employers or society as a whole, then keep yo extracaricular activities off the f***king internet!!!!!!
As for “revoking” his “teaching certificate”, they apparently took that at face value as well. A simple check here would have shown he never had a teaching certificate- which requires a Bachelor’s degree and a certification test.
So, what? Instead of some guy having his livelyhood destroyed because he can no longer teach Urban / Inner City Kids most people don’t want to know exist, you have a guy who appears to have used some simple minded clowns for his own personal gain. This is bad HOW? Would you feel better if there was a broke unemployed victim in this story?
You are predictably boring as usual. You are the new hauslaib, i.e., clueless.
I’m in South Florida, so I wanted to correct your statement. If he was subbing at Miami Beach High School, he certainly wasn’t working in an inner city school. That high school is a magnet school with an International Baccalaureate program.
I just want to say because a school has a magnet program and and IB program, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t sit in the middle of a ghetto and is filled with students that are really ghetto. Case in point, I went to a highschool and I was in IB, and let me tell you, it was definitely 100% ghetto.
Oh just want to clarify, the school was from Central-South Florida.
When will porn stars learn? In today’s internet age, you cannot have a professional job and do porn (gay or straight). You cant be a public school teacher, police officer, etc if you are currently doing porn or did porn in the past. It will always catch up to you. This is something to think about if anyone wants a real and professional job after porn. I do agree with one comment about Collin. He craves gay media attention. Why would you run to some tabloid to out yourself of being fired? The list is quite long how Collin always finds a way to try to get some attention. I think there is a personality disorder. Once the porn bucks dry up, what can you do for a job? I guess go back to porn? Wait, he never left. Oh he can always bash the awards he thinks he should have won again.
But this is not right and needs to change , if a person is qualified to do a job she should be hired regardless of her past ( especially in the Case of Colin , he hasn’t done anything criminal !! )
Apparently you can’t read, since this has nothing to do with his past. It’s about his present, and it’s about lying…not gay porn.
Let’s face it Zach you are biased against him , that’s why you didn’t feature his video in Egypt and only get it out of your attic now!! For some reason you hated him and were just waiting for an occasion to bash him.
My point is : if he is qualified for the job , he has no reason to be fired . I’m not familiar with American law but this is his life , teachers have the right to enjoy themselves too . Where I live this would be discrimination and the employer would be sued .
Actually, you fool, I did feature that video back in February.
I hope you enjoyed leaving comments on this thread, because you’ve just left your last one.
You didn’t read. He was NOT a teacher. He was a SUB. His employment as a Sub is entirely dependent on the wishes of the districts adminstrators. The only contract he had was based on his false or incomplete information. If he had EARNED a teaching degree and had shown that he was competent at the teaching then I might see your point. However, a sub is really just a background checked temp following a licensed teacher’s lesson plan. He LIED on his application, or he never would have been approved. I assure you there is no shortage of subs and they can afford to not use the ones that are untrustworthy.
Yeah…Uhm You can’t be “fired” as a “substitute” teacher in Florida. Unless there is a specific contract in that county- which seems unlikely- substitutes sign a contract that says they will abide by district policy but they are not district employees. They are essentially “temps” . Meaning they work at the discretion of the Superintendent and individual school administrators. As a substitute, he is not guaranteed work or any type of benefits. That is why substitute teachers are generally either retired teachers seeking to supplement their incomes or future teachers seeking to gain classroom experience.
Now comes the tricky part. In order for you to work for any school district you MUST pass a drug test and a background check. A background check where you are fingerprinted, list any alternative names you have used, and provide a WORK HISTORY. If he had ACTUALLY been honest in the application process – listing himself as an adult entertainer- then they never would have allowed him in a classroom. Therefore when it actually came out, even if the administrator was a homophobe, she was legally obligated to terminate his employment for supplying fraudulent information.
I love my pornstars, but come on Collin, you aren’t some 19 college student who jerked off for money to go on Spring Break. Taking a job where you knew your past would be unacceptable and then crying discrimination when it bites you on the ass is an insult to the 100’s of gay teachers who have to worked hard to gain acceptance while being honest.
Zach is such a crook , always bashing people who fight to make a honest living!! Very sad.
If he did a good job as a teacher he should not have been fired , end of .
Great reporting Zach… I thought something sounded fishy when I first read this story on another blog.
Maybe he’s stretching the truth here, but seems a bit extreme to be fired just for doing porn. He’s just a substitute teacher after all……they’re just babysitters. Not like he was filming at the school or anything.
He is, and always has been, a lying publicity whore.
“the math sub engaging in nude acrobatics with buff, furry men.”
I love that line.
He WAS fired for his porn activity – and honestly while I am generally supportive of porn stars who resent their porn past getting them fired which is generally not OK, teaching is one of the few jobs in which I do understand why the two might be incompatible – but he SHOULD have been fired for being a liar as well. Thanks for staying on top of that kind of BS Zach! There is nothing that makes me angrier than people using calls of homophobia (or racism) to get away from their own failures and mistakes. It is not always homophobia people. Sometimes people genuinely dislike *you*.
And on a more general note, don’t porn stars think of this when they decide to have sex on camera? I mean, it is one thing for a 19yo to jerk off for Sean Cody for a few bucks and then regret it – too bad, so sad, but at least I get it – but someone who launches in a full-blown porn career HAS to know that closes off quite a few careers for him in the future – or even be an issue in his future love life long after he will be done. What the hell did O’Neal think would happen? What does any guy who hops into porn think is going to happen?
I feel like I would have done better at math in school if he was my teacher… damn