Cocky Boys Mysteries Revealed: Mason And Tommy In, Phenix Out! PLUS: The Return of Bobby Clark!

Well, The Sword is KILLING IT today by bringing you the SCOOPS you simply won’t find anywhere else about multiple HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL and VERY CONFUSING stories. First it was the EXCLUSIVE STORY about Jake Shears’ mistaken identity (see here–**must credit/link to The Sword**), and now The Sword brings you the TRUTH about the rumored retirements of CockyBoys’ exclusives Mason Star, Phenix Saint, and Tommy Defendi. Are all three gay porn stars gone forever??


The Sword has obtained an official statement from CockyBoys’ owner Jake Jaxson regarding Mason’s disappearance, Phenix Saint’s retirement, and Tommy Defendi’s moonlighting. Also, Bobby Clark is unretiring.

CockyBoys owner Jake Jaxson:

At the beginning of year, Mason Star came to us and asked for a break to explore a newly budding relationship, which we supported 100%. To be totally clear, Mason is still under contract with CockyBoys, but we are giving him the time to develop his relationship offline at his request, which is why he shut off his Twitter account. If and when Mason decides to return to the business it will be with CockyBoys.

Phenix Saint has been a CockyBoy exclusive on and off for several years and recently he simply decided to stop performing on camera. He just turned 30 and that was his cutting off point. We fully support him moving on to another career. We are pleased to announce that the last scene he ever filmed was with us. It will be out in May, and his scene partner is none other than former CockyBoy Bobby Clark.

Tommy Defendi is a CockyBoy, as he says, “until his dick falls off.” He is happy being an exclusive at CockyBoys for the foreseeable future and we have no plans of changing that. Tommy was recently in NakedSword’s new DVD, Golden Gate: Tourist Season, just as he recently appeared in a couple scenes with But he’s billed as a CockyBoy exclusive on, so there should be no mistake that he’s still most definitely a CockyBoy exclusive.


Now that you know the TRUTH and can SLEEP AT NIGHT, you can finally be at peace while you masturbate to this new CockyBoys scene with the lifetime exclusive (of my heart) Tommy Defendi and that arrogant yet hot little brat you hate to love and love to want to hatefuck, Max Ryder:


[CockyBoys: Tommy Defendi Fucks Max Ryder]


25 thoughts on “Cocky Boys Mysteries Revealed: Mason And Tommy In, Phenix Out! PLUS: The Return of Bobby Clark!”

  1. wow love you Zach, and you may have given the scoop on Mason’s retirement, but Denz of Men of Porn blog was the first one to give the scoop on Phenix’s retirement.. and it was ALSO the truth ..smh

  2. I miss Mason already and wish he would make just one balls to the wall hot as fuck go out with a bang movie if he is going to go away. That said hope he and Wil can make it work and have a happy healthy relationship because they make one sexy couple. So glad Bobby is going to come back even for a swan song, his twitter pix are fucking hot as hell, he has def not missed a beat. Going to miss Phenix, he was a cb original and has come so far and never looked better.

  3. Mason is so cute. Hope he is happy but hope he makes a few more videos! Great news about Bobby Clark coming back. Should be a hot scene. Max is such a naughty twink! ;)

  4. I’m going to miss Phenix Saint. I hope he’ll be bottoming in his last scene with Bobby Clark, but even if he’s not I’ll still watch it. I’m surprised he’s 30. I would’ve thought a few years younger.

  5. 14 April 2012: Sat: Hello Bobby Clark: You can do anything you want & always make yourself happy first. We old retirees support you 100 percent. You make the command decisions & we will all back you to the hilt!! PLEASE, PLEASE, keep-away from {{{{{barebacking}}}}}, because we cannot afford to lose our beautiful BOBBY CLARK!!!! You have a loyal & faithful fan base, who loves you & only wants you to be successfull in anything you set-out to do. I only need to find 7 more of your dvds & I will complete my collection of your great movies. I believe you still need alittle time to mellow-out, but if you are ready to hit the lights, action, & cameras, drive-on @ full speed ahead!!!! Whenever you are in L.A. Calif. always remember you have an open door @ my home. You can stay as long as you want. You have now been to Europe & have seen first-hand how the Europeans deal with life & are @ ease with their sexuality. Its no big thing over across the pond!! We yanks have to put labels on everyone & it just doesn t work. We are human being first & I believe the Good Lord LOVES ALL OF US!!! I will close & wish you the very best. Your no. one fan here in So. Calif. Very Warm Regards. Daddy Charles.

    1. He may have been just tired and desiring a change after so many years in porn… and decided to take the 30yo as a good milestone to stop.

      1. I thought everyone in porn (all porn) had expiration dates, just some of them paid closer attention to them than others. I mean, hell, Ron Jeremy has been fucking women on film since, what, 1977? He’s old enough to have grandchildren now, and he’s still banging away and getting paid for it.

        The thing about aging out in gay porn is the way the career trajectory seems to go after a performer is in his mid-thirties. I mean, that naughty little ginger, Erich Lange, who was all the rage in the late eighties, dropped out of sight for a while (mostly working off-camera), then came back, as it seems so many do, in bareback features.

        Eric Evans, he of the apparently very forgiving day job, started out affecting fresh-faced twink even as he entered the business in his late twenties/early thirties, and then, depending on one’s perspective, went around the bend as he approached forty and started working for SX Studios and the like (though I personally had no problems whatsoever with his work in no-budget bear features).

        And then there are the women like Nina Hartley, but we don’t really have to go there.

    1. I am co-signing on this need to have little Max Ryder spanked vigorously.

      These posed stills, by the way, look so gorgeous and lushly lit and pretty. I love it.

  6. I’m always amazed when a pornstar/stripper’s bf/gf ask them to stop doing the thing that made them get noticed in the first place.

    I’m not convinced Bobby Clark’s unretirement will last very long.

    And JFC, Tommy Defendi!

  7. Richard Johnson

    Whenever the time comes for Tommy to retire from porn (hopefully no time soon), his dick will fall off? That’s a The Sword scoop!

  8. I don’t think its really anyones business what porn models are doing with their personal lives. They are human beings! Cockyboys shouldnt have to explain what their models are doing. People come people go.

    1. why? I think the Cockyboys statement is a good one, explaining some things that arose curiosity without revealing too many personal details.

  9. Wtf is the point of calling someone an exclusive and presumably paying him extra as an exclusive IF YOU ARE GOING TO LET HIM FILM WITH OTHERS?

    1. Seems kind of pointless to me as well, the whole point of being an exclusive was that they were associated with one studio only. I remember reading an interview a few years ago (can’t remember who with) that said being locked in like that wasn’t financially attractive so the number of exclusives was dwindling, the models preferred being able to move around.

    2. This.

      Except that it’s a bit reminiscent of the Hollywood Studio System days (you know, pre-mid-sixties), when an artist (actor, writer, designer, director, what have you) signed a contract with a studio and the studio basically assumed responsibility for that artist’s entire career for as long as it benefited the studio financially. The studio system is part of the reason that Anthony Perkins was closeted until he was damn near dead. The studio system wrecked Judy Garland.

      But really, the studio system — then, and in porn now — guaranteed work for the artist, for one thing, because contracts provided for weekly salaries, and the studios had to justify the expenses or cut the suckers loose. One facet of the studio system was loaning out performers to other studios for single projects. The home studio still paid their talent the usual salaries, but charged the borrowing studios a hefty markup for use of the talent.

      But truly, since I don’t think that porn studios do things the same way (in that contract performers are simply guaranteed a certain amount of work over the period of the contracts), it doesn’t necessarily make sense for them to have an otherwise essentially meaningless honorary distinction. Particularly pointless is the title “Lifetime Exclusive,” when a porn star can walk away from such a contract essentially at will (apparently “Lifetime” is not legally binding nor enforceable, because Matthew Rush still isn’t dead).

      1. If I remember correctly, MR’s contract wasn’t a literal “lifetime”, but it was a 5-year minimum contract. Not many porn careers last that long, so I guess in porn years it could be considered a lifetime.

        As far as exclusives not being “exclusives”, my guess is that studios might have an opportunity to use these exclusivs from other studios, but might pay a fee to the studio on top of the actor’s pay. But that’s only a guess

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