billy santoro leaked loaded interview

Our Exclusive Video Interview: Billy Santoro Is “Leaked & Loaded”

“It’s not unsafe to have bareback sex anymore. Studios need to move forward. “Leaked & Loaded” is about what’s missing: real sex the way people really have it.” ~Billy Santoro

In his own words, “Leaked and Loaded” is about a lot more than that. Billy Santoro’s mission is to remove the 4th wall between the performer and fan and show them who they fuck. And how.

“Leaked & Loaded” is just the first step in Billy’s plan to change the porn industry to a more consumer and model focused place.
billy santoro leaked loaded interviewYou might not agree with what he says. But in watching our exclusive video interview with Billy, it’s undeniable there’s a lot of thought and passion behind his words.

Eight questions. Two parts. And more than a few jaw droppers …

The first section uncovers the real origins of the site, where the 4000 clips he has so far came from, what video made his say “OMG”, and his which submission tickled his bone.

In part two, Billy shares the struggles in launching the site, the undiscovered talent he’s uncovered, whose afraid to send him clips, and how “Billy’s Pick-A-Trick” is part of his ambitious plans to architect porn’s future.

To check out some of the clips Billy was talking about, you can visit the “Leaked & Loaded” archives at The Sword
billy santoro leaked loaded interview1) When Gay Porn Stars Bareback After Dark
2) More Loads A Leakin’

billy santoro leaked loaded interview3) Gay Porn Stars’ Home Movies
4) More Leaked Tapes = More Leaked Loads

The Sword would like to thank Billy Santoro for his time and candor.
billy santoro leaked loaded interview
Check out “Leaked & Loaded” for more and tell ’em Billy sentcha!

11 thoughts on “Our Exclusive Video Interview: Billy Santoro Is “Leaked & Loaded””

  1. Well I joined the site but cancelled after paying for a month because the clips are often very short and the video dark or grainy. Plus the descriptions of the clips are not very useful and there is no search function. So the site has a ways to go before it is going to change anything.

  2. bb sex is not safe. the instructions with prep are very clear, wear a condom while using prep. i never ever bb in my life ever, there are so many other nasty things you can catch. i contracted hepatitis about 3 yrs ago, i had the vaccines but either too late or they did not take….did you know that a vaccine could not work the first time?? now i’m on a med for the rest of my life, doc visits every 6 months the rest of my life. the REALLY ironic thing is the med im on is the same one used for prep, all my life i worried about hiv so i used condoms, but end up on an hiv med anyway. its stupid to say any disease is not a big deal. and now after having had a great sex life i’m terrified of having sex again and contracting something else. i havent had sex since my diagnoses 3 yrs ago

    1. Yup. It should also be noted that Truvada does NOT reduce your chances of getting HIV by 99.9999999999999% It’s 94-96% according to the CDC. CDC > Your Trick’s “facts”

  3. In a fantasy land, bareback is safe. So is sitting in a car without your seatbelt. But, when the accident happens and a some nasty VD comes at you, ya better have your seatbelt (metaphor) in place. Rubber up. A dumb move can wreck your life. Antibiotics are less effective than ever. Good luck.

    1. Billy is saying that because he wants to sell videos. But he is doing a disservice to the community of PrEP users by giving the anti pRep crowd more ammunition to say that it is being misused , or is causing guys to start catching and spreading other STD’s that are resistant to treatments. His failure to include relevant facts or at least have an asterisk and then mentioning them, shows that he only cares about $$$.

  4. Its really ignorant to say bareback sex is safe. Yes their drugs to prevent HIV, but there isn’t anything to prevent you from getting herpes, HPV, chlamydia or the many other STIs out there.

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