American Apparel Goes Gay Vague


This recently unearthed American Apparel spec ad from 2007 features models Daniel and Pasquale romping around in the brand’s ubiquitous briefs and reminding us of all the times we’ve seen said briefs strewn across our bedroom floors in the morning. This helps us to overcome all the nearly nude pin-up girls we have to suffer through while browsing fashion magazines and driving down Sunset. Here’s to American Apparel keepin’ the boys coming!

American Apparel Goes Gay Vague Read More »


This recently unearthed American Apparel spec ad from 2007 features models Daniel and Pasquale romping around in the brand’s ubiquitous briefs and reminding us of all the times we’ve seen said briefs strewn across our bedroom floors in the morning. This helps us to overcome all the nearly nude pin-up girls we have to suffer through while browsing fashion magazines and driving down Sunset. Here’s to American Apparel keepin’ the boys coming!

Bobby Trendy Rears His Sparkly Head


When Britney Spears was rushed to Cedars-Sinai, Dr. Phil wasn’t the only ambulance-chaser in tow. Indeed, Bobby Trendy, the infamously tragic interior decorator that Anna Nicole Smith once fired (and whose coattails he’s still riding post-mortem), decided to take time out of his steady lipgloss application to hold a candlelight “visual” for the fallen idol outside of the L.A.-area medical center. For those who can’t decode that term, “candlelight visual” evidently refers to the act of holding a candlelight vigil, while physically holding a visual aid, all the while dressed in a belated holiday outfit that may hurt your vision.

All flouncy faggotry aside, Bobby does make a point when he compares Brit-Brit’s plight with the “Anna Nicole saga”. Could this bedazzled z-lister be some type of malapropistic prophet signifying Britney’s end of days?

Click over to for the video.

Bobby Trendy Rears His Sparkly Head Read More »


When Britney Spears was rushed to Cedars-Sinai, Dr. Phil wasn’t the only ambulance-chaser in tow. Indeed, Bobby Trendy, the infamously tragic interior decorator that Anna Nicole Smith once fired (and whose coattails he’s still riding post-mortem), decided to take time out of his steady lipgloss application to hold a candlelight “visual” for the fallen idol outside of the L.A.-area medical center. For those who can’t decode that term, “candlelight visual” evidently refers to the act of holding a candlelight vigil, while physically holding a visual aid, all the while dressed in a belated holiday outfit that may hurt your vision.

All flouncy faggotry aside, Bobby does make a point when he compares Brit-Brit’s plight with the “Anna Nicole saga”. Could this bedazzled z-lister be some type of malapropistic prophet signifying Britney’s end of days?

Click over to for the video.

Drag Star Hedda Lettuce Quits, Rejoins Presidential Race


When she isn’t visiting Britney in the hospital, NY performer Hedda Lettuce has been pounding the pavement on the campaign trail in a valiant bid for the presidency, but this past weekend saw the drag legend almost throwing in the towel after a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses.  In two consecutive blog posts, Lettuce resigned the race in favor of pursuing a list of other goals (“learning how to bake, needlepoint, drug mule, cult leader”) and then courageously rescinded her resignation, saying “I will continue to campaign… until someone puts a gun to my head.”

Drag Star Hedda Lettuce Quits, Rejoins Presidential Race Read More »


When she isn’t visiting Britney in the hospital, NY performer Hedda Lettuce has been pounding the pavement on the campaign trail in a valiant bid for the presidency, but this past weekend saw the drag legend almost throwing in the towel after a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses.  In two consecutive blog posts, Lettuce resigned the race in favor of pursuing a list of other goals (“learning how to bake, needlepoint, drug mule, cult leader”) and then courageously rescinded her resignation, saying “I will continue to campaign… until someone puts a gun to my head.”

Drag Queens: “Fuck Hillary, Suck Obama”


Hedda Lettuce may be the only one running for
office, but that hasn’t stopped our favorite cross dressers from weighing in
on their current crop of presidential candidates. After discovering that most
of our favorite porn stars are voting for Hillary
, we thought we’d check in
with the drag queens. Turns out sisterhood ain’t that powerful …

Drag Queens: “Fuck Hillary, Suck Obama” Read More »


Hedda Lettuce may be the only one running for
office, but that hasn’t stopped our favorite cross dressers from weighing in
on their current crop of presidential candidates. After discovering that most
of our favorite porn stars are voting for Hillary
, we thought we’d check in
with the drag queens. Turns out sisterhood ain’t that powerful …

Porno Bingo

WillClarkPornoTHUMB.jpgWednesday, January 9th
9th Avenue Bistro
693 9th Avenue

9PM to 11PM

Will Clark’s Wednesday night Porno Bingo game is always a great opportunity to meet, possibly make out with, and definitely get drunk, with some of your favorite stars of the sticky screen.

Porno Bingo Read More »

WillClarkPornoTHUMB.jpgWednesday, January 9th
9th Avenue Bistro
693 9th Avenue

9PM to 11PM

Will Clark’s Wednesday night Porno Bingo game is always a great opportunity to meet, possibly make out with, and definitely get drunk, with some of your favorite stars of the sticky screen.

‘Radar’ Uncovers Gay Agenda in ‘OUT’

TC-RadarAirCanadaTH.jpg Mainstream advertisers have been courting homosexuals for years, but apparently this is news to the editors of Radar. Like a titillated tween gasping at the not-so-coy references in The Canterbury Tales, or a hard-up college professor detailing the hidden lez in a Willa Cather novel, Radar bravely confronts “subtly coded” gay advertising in mainstream publications. The only problem? Most of these ads ran in Out and the Advocate and the meanings are about as subtle as a Pride parade.

‘Radar’ Uncovers Gay Agenda in ‘OUT’ Read More »

TC-RadarAirCanadaTH.jpg Mainstream advertisers have been courting homosexuals for years, but apparently this is news to the editors of Radar. Like a titillated tween gasping at the not-so-coy references in The Canterbury Tales, or a hard-up college professor detailing the hidden lez in a Willa Cather novel, Radar bravely confronts “subtly coded” gay advertising in mainstream publications. The only problem? Most of these ads ran in Out and the Advocate and the meanings are about as subtle as a Pride parade.

Weekend Event Roundup: January 4-6


Care of The Sword’s tireless editors, we bring you this roundup (by no means complete, or even-handed) of stuff going on for those of the homo persuasion this weekend in the two meccas we currently have bandwidth to cover, San Francisco and New York.  Check back soon to see us cover more gay urban centers near you (sorry, Cheyenne, we may never get to you).

Our heavily editorialized listings after the jump…

Weekend Event Roundup: January 4-6 Read More »


Care of The Sword’s tireless editors, we bring you this roundup (by no means complete, or even-handed) of stuff going on for those of the homo persuasion this weekend in the two meccas we currently have bandwidth to cover, San Francisco and New York.  Check back soon to see us cover more gay urban centers near you (sorry, Cheyenne, we may never get to you).

Our heavily editorialized listings after the jump…

PA Scientists Prove Two-Beer Queer Theory


Demonstrating that those wily freshmen twinks are indeed ahead of than their never-been-kissed nerd brethren, scientists unveiled that the secret to getting straight men into bed is… alcohol. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University in University Park observed that male Drosophila fruit flies engaged in homosexual activity when under the influence of alcohol, and by the third day had succumbed to gang-bang-style “courtship-chains.”  No word on whether they did the elephant walk after the Zeta Phi Beta Three-Day.

In a separate study, drunk female fruit flies spent their evenings cutting themselves and reading Anaïs Nin.

PA Scientists Prove Two-Beer Queer Theory Read More »


Demonstrating that those wily freshmen twinks are indeed ahead of than their never-been-kissed nerd brethren, scientists unveiled that the secret to getting straight men into bed is… alcohol. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University in University Park observed that male Drosophila fruit flies engaged in homosexual activity when under the influence of alcohol, and by the third day had succumbed to gang-bang-style “courtship-chains.”  No word on whether they did the elephant walk after the Zeta Phi Beta Three-Day.

In a separate study, drunk female fruit flies spent their evenings cutting themselves and reading Anaïs Nin.

Has Francois Sagat Gone Mad?


Has Britney Spears’ new album, Blackout, triggered something darker in Francois Sagat? In a twist reminiscent of The Manchurian Candidate, the album’s debut has caused Sagat to debut an increasingly esoteric and oft-terrifying cycle of videos whose explorations of identity borrow as much from Matthew Barney and Ryan Trecartin as they do, um, Titan Media or TRL. With his masks, his ass-less tights and his weird barking dog, it’s like he’s trying to tell us something; but what? In today’s lecture, we posit some answers.

Has Francois Sagat Gone Mad? Read More »


Has Britney Spears’ new album, Blackout, triggered something darker in Francois Sagat? In a twist reminiscent of The Manchurian Candidate, the album’s debut has caused Sagat to debut an increasingly esoteric and oft-terrifying cycle of videos whose explorations of identity borrow as much from Matthew Barney and Ryan Trecartin as they do, um, Titan Media or TRL. With his masks, his ass-less tights and his weird barking dog, it’s like he’s trying to tell us something; but what? In today’s lecture, we posit some answers.

New York Unveils New Youth Fad: AIDS!


Anyone who’s tried hooking up on Manhunt or Craigslist in the last decade, has encountered a mystery: How can so many young people bareback without contracting HIV? Thanks to a new report, we now know the answer: they can’t! They get AIDS just like everyone else!

New York Unveils New Youth Fad: AIDS! Read More »


Anyone who’s tried hooking up on Manhunt or Craigslist in the last decade, has encountered a mystery: How can so many young people bareback without contracting HIV? Thanks to a new report, we now know the answer: they can’t! They get AIDS just like everyone else!

Rebel Without Pause: Caleb Carter


It’s a pants off dance off with Southern twink Caleb Carter gyrating in front of a confederate flag to Pittburgh Slim’s “First Date.” We fuck on the first date, too, but we’d forgo the pleasure in order to bask in the glow of Caleb’s cognitive dissonance.

Rebel Without Pause: Caleb Carter Read More »


It’s a pants off dance off with Southern twink Caleb Carter gyrating in front of a confederate flag to Pittburgh Slim’s “First Date.” We fuck on the first date, too, but we’d forgo the pleasure in order to bask in the glow of Caleb’s cognitive dissonance.

Spencer Pratt Refuses Gay Porn Offer


Semi-lebrity Spencer Pratt has refused Michael Lucas’s lecherous advances, telling In Touch magazine that he won’t leave the lucrative world of reality TV “until I am 100.”

While actual details are sketchy and smell vaguely of poppers and fever
dream sweat, Lucas had allegedly propositioned The Hills “star,”
suggesting that he’d be perfect for a gay porn blockbuster.

Spencer Pratt Refuses Gay Porn Offer Read More »


Semi-lebrity Spencer Pratt has refused Michael Lucas’s lecherous advances, telling In Touch magazine that he won’t leave the lucrative world of reality TV “until I am 100.”

While actual details are sketchy and smell vaguely of poppers and fever
dream sweat, Lucas had allegedly propositioned The Hills “star,”
suggesting that he’d be perfect for a gay porn blockbuster.

Can You Match the Porn Star with his Given Name?


For decades we knew our porn stars birth marks better than we knew their birth names. While the post-Paris era has decreased the stigma of sex stardom, we still generally only get to know porn stars real names when they appear in court or on a stretcher.

Can You Match the Porn Star with his Given Name? Read More »


For decades we knew our porn stars birth marks better than we knew their birth names. While the post-Paris era has decreased the stigma of sex stardom, we still generally only get to know porn stars real names when they appear in court or on a stretcher.

Lions and Tigers and Douchebags, Oh Why


When a hedge-fund manager turned up dead in West Palm Beach a few weeks back, we had a hard time getting excited about the possible gay porn connection.
At the supposed center of the male-strom was “Tiger,” a poorly tattooed one-time star with a penchant for posing on eponymous rugs. It was easy to look away. But now that annoying tranny star Kayla Coxx is involved, it seems there’s no avoiding it.

Lions and Tigers and Douchebags, Oh Why Read More »


When a hedge-fund manager turned up dead in West Palm Beach a few weeks back, we had a hard time getting excited about the possible gay porn connection.
At the supposed center of the male-strom was “Tiger,” a poorly tattooed one-time star with a penchant for posing on eponymous rugs. It was easy to look away. But now that annoying tranny star Kayla Coxx is involved, it seems there’s no avoiding it.

Sex Toy Story: 8 Gifts For the Lonely


Has the vivisection that is holiday shopping robbed you of your holiday spirit? With less than a week until we all hunker down at Mom’s, rifle through the medicine cabinet, bogart a bottle of champagne and wake up dazed in a living nativity somewhere down the street, time is running out to get our loved ones what they really want from us. Of course, a porn site membership will successfully impress your gaggle of gay friends, but for your most special partner, nothing says “Season’s Greetings” like reaming him in the ass with a giant red and white candy-cane vibrator! Alright fruitcakes, we give you (after the jump): Our Holiday Wishlist!

Sex Toy Story: 8 Gifts For the Lonely Read More »


Has the vivisection that is holiday shopping robbed you of your holiday spirit? With less than a week until we all hunker down at Mom’s, rifle through the medicine cabinet, bogart a bottle of champagne and wake up dazed in a living nativity somewhere down the street, time is running out to get our loved ones what they really want from us. Of course, a porn site membership will successfully impress your gaggle of gay friends, but for your most special partner, nothing says “Season’s Greetings” like reaming him in the ass with a giant red and white candy-cane vibrator! Alright fruitcakes, we give you (after the jump): Our Holiday Wishlist!

The Sword Guide to Gay Party Drugs, Installment 2: GHB

GHB.jpg When it was discovered that a Chinese toy company had inadvertently made colored beads that turned into GHB when broken down by the digestive tract, homos everywhere began popping Lite-Brite pegs (nevermind that the culprit, Aqua Dots, were quickly recalled). The Sword, however, felt it was time to set the record straight about one of our least favorite date rape drugs. Our complete field guide after the jump.

The Sword Guide to Gay Party Drugs, Installment 2: GHB Read More »

GHB.jpg When it was discovered that a Chinese toy company had inadvertently made colored beads that turned into GHB when broken down by the digestive tract, homos everywhere began popping Lite-Brite pegs (nevermind that the culprit, Aqua Dots, were quickly recalled). The Sword, however, felt it was time to set the record straight about one of our least favorite date rape drugs. Our complete field guide after the jump.

Love For Sale: Stars Come Clean About Escorting


After all the nog and slog of the holiday season, what we really want for Christmas is a hooker. Not some tarted up masseur offering mutual-touch with release, but an honest-to-god two-hundred-dollar escort.

We asked fifty working porn stars for a moment of their time.  Turns out not everyone is available

Love For Sale: Stars Come Clean About Escorting Read More »


After all the nog and slog of the holiday season, what we really want for Christmas is a hooker. Not some tarted up masseur offering mutual-touch with release, but an honest-to-god two-hundred-dollar escort.

We asked fifty working porn stars for a moment of their time.  Turns out not everyone is available

Another COLT Man Takes Mainstream Turn On TV

Alex Castro, who seems to have appeared under the name Elian Cortez in a COLT photo shoot, is now making prime time television appearances under the name “Militia” on American Gladiators. (Is that still on?  Oh, apparently it’s a revival.)  We can’t seem to find evidence of Elian Cortez working in the gay adult film industry, as Perez Hilton seems to imply and COLT would like to claim-only a calendar photo shoot. But this wouldn’t be the first time a COLT man got some mainstream TV play this year. Gage Weston dropped in on Bravo’s Workout, chatting up lipstick lez gym owner Jackie Warner and flirting with gay trainer Jesse…

Another COLT Man Takes Mainstream Turn On TV Read More »

Alex Castro, who seems to have appeared under the name Elian Cortez in a COLT photo shoot, is now making prime time television appearances under the name “Militia” on American Gladiators. (Is that still on?  Oh, apparently it’s a revival.)  We can’t seem to find evidence of Elian Cortez working in the gay adult film industry, as Perez Hilton seems to imply and COLT would like to claim-only a calendar photo shoot. But this wouldn’t be the first time a COLT man got some mainstream TV play this year. Gage Weston dropped in on Bravo’s Workout, chatting up lipstick lez gym owner Jackie Warner and flirting with gay trainer Jesse…

Cock Caucus

statshot_SexStarsVoting400px.jpgWe at The Sword are always trying to keep up with the political leanings of porn stars.  (Click the image to see a larger view.)

Cock Caucus Read More »

statshot_SexStarsVoting400px.jpgWe at The Sword are always trying to keep up with the political leanings of porn stars.  (Click the image to see a larger view.)

New Year’s Eve Event Roundup


Care of The Sword’s editors, we bring you this roundup, by no means complete (or even-handed) of gay stuff going on this December 31st in San Francisco and New York-the two metropolises we currently have the bandwidth to cover.

After the jump, a few ideas for ringing in another New Year in more fun (and possibly regrettable) ways.

New Year’s Eve Event Roundup Read More »


Care of The Sword’s editors, we bring you this roundup, by no means complete (or even-handed) of gay stuff going on this December 31st in San Francisco and New York-the two metropolises we currently have the bandwidth to cover.

After the jump, a few ideas for ringing in another New Year in more fun (and possibly regrettable) ways.

Peter Berlin: Ugliness, Short Hair Cause War


That Boy star Peter Berlin captivated
audiences for years with his iconic Dutch Boy cut and too-tight jeans, and now
claims that beauty like his might help bring about world peace. In an interview
in this month’s issue of GayVN magazine,
explains the cause behind the terrible phenomenon that begat Darfur and Iraq:

“The world
is ruled by ugly people. Look at your Congress. The natural thing is for men to
express their sexuality, to enjoy it. Those fat men in suits and short hair who
rule the world, no wonder they fight wars. Such schizophrenia! Men still have
no self-respect, no self-love. If you do not respect or love yourself, you
cannot respect or love anyone else. Therefore, war. Rather than showing a dick,
they take up a gun. I have so much I would like to say. Perhaps this interview
will convince someone out there that I am not just a stupid blond.”

Peter Berlin: Ugliness, Short Hair Cause War Read More »


That Boy star Peter Berlin captivated
audiences for years with his iconic Dutch Boy cut and too-tight jeans, and now
claims that beauty like his might help bring about world peace. In an interview
in this month’s issue of GayVN magazine,
explains the cause behind the terrible phenomenon that begat Darfur and Iraq:

“The world
is ruled by ugly people. Look at your Congress. The natural thing is for men to
express their sexuality, to enjoy it. Those fat men in suits and short hair who
rule the world, no wonder they fight wars. Such schizophrenia! Men still have
no self-respect, no self-love. If you do not respect or love yourself, you
cannot respect or love anyone else. Therefore, war. Rather than showing a dick,
they take up a gun. I have so much I would like to say. Perhaps this interview
will convince someone out there that I am not just a stupid blond.”

Project Runway Guy Determined to Stay Relevant for Five More Minutes


Erstwhile Project Runway contestant Jack Mackenroth seems like a real doll, and one with a head not only for PR, but PR as well. Whilst awaiting the airing of his appearance on and subsequent staph-infection-related departure from the show, Mackenroth not only posed for some nude-y “art” photographs that got “leaked” to the internet, shot a cameo in the Sex and the City movie and started dating fellow reality fag Dale Levitski, but he also uploaded a charming video spoof of himself lip syncing to Irene Cara’s 1983 classic “What a Feeling” while fagging out on the D train and
getting a bucket of water thrown on him (clip after the jump).

Project Runway Guy Determined to Stay Relevant for Five More Minutes Read More »


Erstwhile Project Runway contestant Jack Mackenroth seems like a real doll, and one with a head not only for PR, but PR as well. Whilst awaiting the airing of his appearance on and subsequent staph-infection-related departure from the show, Mackenroth not only posed for some nude-y “art” photographs that got “leaked” to the internet, shot a cameo in the Sex and the City movie and started dating fellow reality fag Dale Levitski, but he also uploaded a charming video spoof of himself lip syncing to Irene Cara’s 1983 classic “What a Feeling” while fagging out on the D train and
getting a bucket of water thrown on him (clip after the jump).

Boxcover of the Week: Fag Wagon (Pumphouse Media)


Finally we’ve found a porn that taps into the gay experience of the Pacific Northwest. Do you even know what a “pumphouse” is? We do, and we had one in our backyard. It’s a weird little shack that’s used to pump water when you’re so secluded from civilization that your household operates on well water. How perfect that the studio named after the spider-den rabbit hutch of our 4H youth has produced FAG WAGON! Remember the time we all took that trip up to Portland in our friend’s parents’ van and got wasted in Eureka, and you met that fag from that band and totally gave him a blowjob in said van, which was parked in the driveway of the punk house where they played? Remember when you took him back with you and made out to Pinback CDs in the backseat but then he started to annoy you so you ditched him in Ukiah?

Boxcover of the Week: Fag Wagon (Pumphouse Media) Read More »


Finally we’ve found a porn that taps into the gay experience of the Pacific Northwest. Do you even know what a “pumphouse” is? We do, and we had one in our backyard. It’s a weird little shack that’s used to pump water when you’re so secluded from civilization that your household operates on well water. How perfect that the studio named after the spider-den rabbit hutch of our 4H youth has produced FAG WAGON! Remember the time we all took that trip up to Portland in our friend’s parents’ van and got wasted in Eureka, and you met that fag from that band and totally gave him a blowjob in said van, which was parked in the driveway of the punk house where they played? Remember when you took him back with you and made out to Pinback CDs in the backseat but then he started to annoy you so you ditched him in Ukiah?

Weekend Event Roundup: December 14-16


Care of The Sword’s tireless editors, we bring you this roundup (by no means complete, or even-handed) of stuff going on for those of the homo persuasion this weekend in the two meccas we currently have bandwidth to cover, San Francisco and New York.  Check back soon to see us cover more gay urban centers near you (sorry, Cheyenne, we may never get to you).

Our heavily editorialized listings after the jump…

Weekend Event Roundup: December 14-16 Read More »


Care of The Sword’s tireless editors, we bring you this roundup (by no means complete, or even-handed) of stuff going on for those of the homo persuasion this weekend in the two meccas we currently have bandwidth to cover, San Francisco and New York.  Check back soon to see us cover more gay urban centers near you (sorry, Cheyenne, we may never get to you).

Our heavily editorialized listings after the jump…

CBS Interviews Montgomery About Church Schism


If you’ve got a question about religion, ask the man who produced Heaven to Hell.  When CBS News covered the decision of The Diocese of San Joaquin in California’s Central Valley to break away from the larger Episcopal Church for its ordination of women and support of gays (calling it “morally and spiritually bankrupt), they asked Falcon Studios prexy Todd Montgomery to set the record straight. “Jesus wasn’t exclusive,” Montgomery told the unsuspecting film crew outside San Francisco’s tony Grace Cathedral. Not a Falcon exclusive, maybe, but we suspect Dark Alley would have signed him.

CBS Interviews Montgomery About Church Schism Read More »


If you’ve got a question about religion, ask the man who produced Heaven to Hell.  When CBS News covered the decision of The Diocese of San Joaquin in California’s Central Valley to break away from the larger Episcopal Church for its ordination of women and support of gays (calling it “morally and spiritually bankrupt), they asked Falcon Studios prexy Todd Montgomery to set the record straight. “Jesus wasn’t exclusive,” Montgomery told the unsuspecting film crew outside San Francisco’s tony Grace Cathedral. Not a Falcon exclusive, maybe, but we suspect Dark Alley would have signed him.

B-Roll Brilliance: Snow Balling (Gentlemen’s Video)

This vintage clip from Snowballing (Gentlemen’s Video) features a trio of 70s hunks cruising one another on a mountainside, spliced with a skiing montage, to the Beach Boys’ “I Get Around.” Though not included here, they later retreat to a lodge and fuck to David Bowie!  We wish we were making this up.

B-Roll Brilliance: Snow Balling (Gentlemen’s Video) Read More »

This vintage clip from Snowballing (Gentlemen’s Video) features a trio of 70s hunks cruising one another on a mountainside, spliced with a skiing montage, to the Beach Boys’ “I Get Around.” Though not included here, they later retreat to a lodge and fuck to David Bowie!  We wish we were making this up.

The 12 Gays of Christmas Videos


Holiday YouTube videos have replaced Christmas
cookies as a seasonal MUST over these past couple of years.  For fags like us, YouTube isn’t just another
sensory replacement for food (just ask our dealers!), but also a chance to
catch some of the most bizarre and under-appreciated queer cinema ever made. We’ve
known that gays and yuletide cheer are an incompatible match ever since we came
out during Christmas of freshman year and our crazy Aunt Rachel threw her turkey leg at us, screaming “fuck” a lot-so you can imagine the tongue-in- cheekiness we have in store for you with our 12 Gays of Christmas Video Collection.

The 12 Gays of Christmas Videos Read More »


Holiday YouTube videos have replaced Christmas
cookies as a seasonal MUST over these past couple of years.  For fags like us, YouTube isn’t just another
sensory replacement for food (just ask our dealers!), but also a chance to
catch some of the most bizarre and under-appreciated queer cinema ever made. We’ve
known that gays and yuletide cheer are an incompatible match ever since we came
out during Christmas of freshman year and our crazy Aunt Rachel threw her turkey leg at us, screaming “fuck” a lot-so you can imagine the tongue-in- cheekiness we have in store for you with our 12 Gays of Christmas Video Collection.

Ricky Martin Outed (Sort of) By His Skin Doctor


Let’s say you’re a poorly closeted celebrity who
hasn’t seen a lot of press since 2003. 
You go to the trouble of seeking a skin care professional in Denmark because
Beyoncé said he was the bomb and you’ve been told that the Danes are very

Ricky Martin Outed (Sort of) By His Skin Doctor Read More »


Let’s say you’re a poorly closeted celebrity who
hasn’t seen a lot of press since 2003. 
You go to the trouble of seeking a skin care professional in Denmark because
Beyoncé said he was the bomb and you’ve been told that the Danes are very

Can You Match The Porn Star with Their MySpace Music?


Porn stars are inscrutable beasts. The more we think we get to know them, the more they astound us with the fact that, beneath their stunning visages and muscled exteriors, musically they’re fags just like us.

Can You Match The Porn Star with Their MySpace Music? Read More »


Porn stars are inscrutable beasts. The more we think we get to know them, the more they astound us with the fact that, beneath their stunning visages and muscled exteriors, musically they’re fags just like us.

Ben and Ethan: The Way They Were

IN-BenAndEthanTHUMB.jpg People said it wouldn’t last–and it didn’t. One YouTube-video filled year later, Ginch Gonch spokestwunks Benjamin Bradley and Ethan Reynolds are no more. So while the rest of the world is celebrating the impending nuptials of Roman Heart and Benjamin Bradley (together again, just like Pam and Tommy!), we thought we’d take this time to ponder the romance that was too hot not to cool down. We can only hope that Benjamin brings his enthusiasm for banal video diaries with him in this new romantic venture. Godspeed, camera-loving faglets!

Ben and Ethan: The Way They Were Read More »

IN-BenAndEthanTHUMB.jpg People said it wouldn’t last–and it didn’t. One YouTube-video filled year later, Ginch Gonch spokestwunks Benjamin Bradley and Ethan Reynolds are no more. So while the rest of the world is celebrating the impending nuptials of Roman Heart and Benjamin Bradley (together again, just like Pam and Tommy!), we thought we’d take this time to ponder the romance that was too hot not to cool down. We can only hope that Benjamin brings his enthusiasm for banal video diaries with him in this new romantic venture. Godspeed, camera-loving faglets!

Toyota Threatens Studio Over “Lexus”


The Toyota
Motor Corp is suing bareback porn company Eboys Studios over a (Swiss?) star’s use of
the trademarked name of luxury car brand Lexus. Eboys has not-so-cleverly
responded that said star based the name on the Greek god Lexus who,
inconveniently for them
does not exist.  Oddly, and apropos of nothing, according to Jonathan Mahler’s The Lexus Story, one of the inspirations…

Toyota Threatens Studio Over “Lexus” Read More »


The Toyota
Motor Corp is suing bareback porn company Eboys Studios over a (Swiss?) star’s use of
the trademarked name of luxury car brand Lexus. Eboys has not-so-cleverly
responded that said star based the name on the Greek god Lexus who,
inconveniently for them
does not exist.  Oddly, and apropos of nothing, according to Jonathan Mahler’s The Lexus Story, one of the inspirations…

Bareback Lawsuits and a Heart-Warming Engagement

For news you can use (and abuse yourself to), RSVP to our weekly Gossip
Gangbang! From mild to wild,
we’re not into bullshit. We’re versatile, we’ve got major loads to spill down
your throat, and all with no strings attached!  If interested, please join the club:

On the latest Tim and
Roma Show
, the two “Best Personality” nominees (thanks for giving them big heads, Cybersocket!) wax political over how barebacking
titles seem to be gaining popularity and how the trend parallels increased HIV
rates among gay men. Too bad the episode didn’t air before the filming of British Bareback Vacation, because one
of the co-stars contracted HIV on the set and is now thinking of suing the
film’s producers in
order to prevent other young men from suffering the same fate.
. Hasn’t anyone told him that being popular is

Bareback Lawsuits and a Heart-Warming Engagement Read More »

For news you can use (and abuse yourself to), RSVP to our weekly Gossip
Gangbang! From mild to wild,
we’re not into bullshit. We’re versatile, we’ve got major loads to spill down
your throat, and all with no strings attached!  If interested, please join the club:

On the latest Tim and
Roma Show
, the two “Best Personality” nominees (thanks for giving them big heads, Cybersocket!) wax political over how barebacking
titles seem to be gaining popularity and how the trend parallels increased HIV
rates among gay men. Too bad the episode didn’t air before the filming of British Bareback Vacation, because one
of the co-stars contracted HIV on the set and is now thinking of suing the
film’s producers in
order to prevent other young men from suffering the same fate.
. Hasn’t anyone told him that being popular is

74 Years Ago Today, We Regained the Right to Get Shitfaced and Make Out


74 years ago today, Utah finally cowed to the
rest of the whiskey-loving Lower 48 and grudgingly ratified the 21st Amendment, bringing to
an end America’s long nightmare of bathtub gin and flapper fashion.  Nostalgia for speakeasy culture has given way
to a fetishistic modern cocktail movement exemplified in bars like New York‘s Milk & Honey and San Francisco‘s Bourbon & Branch.  But on this historic day, we prefer to note
that the repeal of Prohibition and a few other developments since 1934 have
made possible the million-and-one homemade YouTube videos made by piles of
pierced twinks, drinking Bud Light out of the can, pulling down their pants for
the camera, shouting “OMG I’m SO DRUNK!” and making out with each
other for sport.

74 Years Ago Today, We Regained the Right to Get Shitfaced and Make Out Read More »


74 years ago today, Utah finally cowed to the
rest of the whiskey-loving Lower 48 and grudgingly ratified the 21st Amendment, bringing to
an end America’s long nightmare of bathtub gin and flapper fashion.  Nostalgia for speakeasy culture has given way
to a fetishistic modern cocktail movement exemplified in bars like New York‘s Milk & Honey and San Francisco‘s Bourbon & Branch.  But on this historic day, we prefer to note
that the repeal of Prohibition and a few other developments since 1934 have
made possible the million-and-one homemade YouTube videos made by piles of
pierced twinks, drinking Bud Light out of the can, pulling down their pants for
the camera, shouting “OMG I’m SO DRUNK!” and making out with each
other for sport.

National Press Club Premieres Blue Movie


gentlemen’s clubs are gonna be empty tonight, ‘cause the National Press Club’s
hosting a real smoker this afternoon.  The gays
marched on Washington
in 1993. Louis Farrakhan led the Million Man March in 1995. Now, Americans for
Truth About Homosexuality are “speaking truth to power” by presenting the
videotaped depravity of San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair in an exciting multimedia format entitled “Tolerance Gone Wild” at the National Press Club…

National Press Club Premieres Blue Movie Read More »


gentlemen’s clubs are gonna be empty tonight, ‘cause the National Press Club’s
hosting a real smoker this afternoon.  The gays
marched on Washington
in 1993. Louis Farrakhan led the Million Man March in 1995. Now, Americans for
Truth About Homosexuality are “speaking truth to power” by presenting the
videotaped depravity of San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair in an exciting multimedia format entitled “Tolerance Gone Wild” at the National Press Club…



The Cock
29 2nd Avenue
New York


Drag mess legend Linda Simpson hosts this weekly party with DJs Telfar and Michael Magnan and a revolving cast of downtown’s most fashionable fags and their friends. Wake up on Thursday with fresh regrets! $5 at the door.

Slurp Read More »


The Cock
29 2nd Avenue
New York


Drag mess legend Linda Simpson hosts this weekly party with DJs Telfar and Michael Magnan and a revolving cast of downtown’s most fashionable fags and their friends. Wake up on Thursday with fresh regrets! $5 at the door.

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