Harry Louis and Marc Jacobs At A Diet Coke Party

Marc Jacobs and Harry Louis have been together for over a year now, proving that a fashion designer turned diet soft drink spokesman and a gay porn star turned chocolatier really can make it work. Here’s Beetlejuice Marc and Harry attending a Diet Coke launch party this week in Germany. [via Just Jared]


16 thoughts on “Harry Louis and Marc Jacobs At A Diet Coke Party”

  1. Is it imperative to have bad taste if you are rich and famous? I ask because it seems most of these “celebrities” lose their sense of style and go god awful tacky & gawdy when they hit it big. Marc looks like a prisoner wearing pajamas and Harry looks like he raided Little Richards closet… Good Golly Miss Molly!

  2. I thought Harry Louis was better than that..

    Apparently he didn’t see the light and run from the old creepster.

    1. Marc Jacobs is a multi millionaire, and one of the most successful fashion designers in the world. He heads his own label,as well as the being the creative director of Louis Vuiiton, which is one of the most iconic luxury brands on the planet. Harry Louis has a big dick, and fucks people for a living. Marc Jacobs has brought him into a world he would never have had access too in his wildest dreams. He’s done pretty well for himself. Marc is the one who could do a lot better than an ex porn hooker.

  3. This is obviously a “happy compromise” that works for them both. It proves that Harry can be quite the motivated individual when it come to having to sleep with just one client (whew! what a relief!)..and boy can he can really go that extra mile when it comes to his future and the devasting prospect of having to go back to sleeping with old guys for a few hunded bucks. It also demonstrates that Marc has good taste in fuckmeat, btw.

    Each is giving the other something profound, though it reads as hooker and john to the rest of us I think.

  4. open relationship? He means ‘relationship”‘ when hired………Jacobs can’t have a long-lasting-faithful-relationships and i wonder if harry can either, now that he fucked it up, sort of……

  5. I thought Harry Louis was a hooker. Now that I see these pictures, I stand corrected. He’s clearly a pimp.

  6. I believe they broke up for a short time just before Christmas. Harry was declaring himself “single” on Twitter and Facebook. Then it went to “In an open relationship”. They look pretty solid now, so good for them. Harry’s so cute, and Marc looks pretty hot for a guy that’s almost 50.

  7. You put a pork-pie hat on Harry and he’ll look like a movie star from the 20’s. Or a big gold chain and like a pimp from Atlanta.

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